

  • Thanks for this and good luck for the future. Like others i do like a tan and feel i 'look' better with one but one of my shoulders has permenant freckles on it from sun damage. It really brought the message home to me. Now when i holiday i alwasy make sure im using a high factor sunscreen and staying in the shade during…
    in Sun Damage Comment by lgwhizz March 2012
  • Is a biggest loser week longer?? I have heard about them being dehydrated and going to lengths, esp toward the final. Also its clear to see what being hydrated does to their bodies when one wins a free pass for that week, drinks water, looses very little then the next week has a mega loss due to water weight and of course…
  • jadeone Fantasia!! A la idol fame. x
  • Happy Birthday Rachel!!!!! Hope work whizzes by and you have a great evening! xxx
  • Lipstick Road - Lol Had a goldfish i won at a fayre and its lips looked red like lipstick, hence the name!
  • Hmmmm......sometimes i feel about a 7, sometimes i feel about a 4. Want more 7 days though! :sad:
  • Hey, Ive no excuses guys coz lets face it its not exactly taking heaps of time out of your day, but let the battle in my head win and have been lazy this weekend and not done it. I have walked though but that is not good enough. Promise to try and get back on it. Food wise not been great either!!!! So all in all im a bit…
  • Gaaaa, im loosing my mojo!!!!!!!! Might try moving on a level tom to see if it spurs me on a bit.......
  • Bump. Got my fingers, toes and everything else crossed for you! Cant wait to hear what happened! x
  • Can i also just ask, do we put in our new measurements in spreadsheet e.g. what our arm etc measures, or do we put what we have lost e.g. 1/2" etc???
  • Its done......kind of! I am so tired and lathargic that i did it but didnt put in hardly any effort like yesterday. I have to admit i have also not eaten great today and found myself reaching for the chocolate to get me through my shift at work. Feel a bit rubbish buys! I too am so bored, Jillian is doing my head in and i…
  • OOOhhhhhhhh!!!!! Mine must weigh LOADS!!! Sporting a 34 GG/H here on a 5'4" frame! Yowsers! Who knew, im not actually fat, it was just all boob!!!!!! Ha ha ha, i wish! Also read online something about a bowl of water, kitchen scales and displaced water..........ended up practically flooding the kitchen when i put my…
  • Hi folks!! I am quite proud of myself today! I worked at 10 hour shift and when i came in was tired and starving......BUT.......i went and did the shred staight away. Now sitting with full belly and feeling good that even though i really didnt want to, i came in and did it. You know i would of NEVER done it if it werent…
  • Helllllooooooo!!!!!! I too was not as sore today - still bit of pain there but not as much, but did feel my body a bit lethargic today, but im not sure if thats coz its the first day back at work after a 2 week holiday - and its monday!!!!! But the workout is done, im feeling good and its set me up for making good food…
  • My dear gran gives what I call a stroke and a slap. She says something nice like "oh hen, your dress is lovely, such a nice shape...." this is the stroke (as in affectionately giving your face a stroke) but follows it up with something like "if only you were a wee bit thinner." and theres the slap! I love her very much but…
  • Well done peeps for posting pics. it is hard to put your body out there.....but we are totally here for each other. Have to admit im laughing at my photos as that my sports bra from AGES ago and is about 4 sizes too small! Also, my pics are all over the place, round the wrong way, big, och well!
  • MY *kitten* AND LEGS HURT SO BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT ITS GONNA BE SO WORTH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (i hope!)
  • Same as above really! tried it but only for a dew days as that was all i could handle. Not only did orangey/yellow oil stuff come out of your bum when you go to the toilet, but there is spotting in your pants and also when you flush the loo the oil diesnt all go away, just floats there...........BARF. Sorry to be so crude…
  • Ok, so i went for a wee walk before i did the dvd to try and warm me up a bit and loosen the old body off. I defo found today harder coz i was sore from yesterday. Still cant do a press up to save myself and didnt manage every single rep of every single exercise. BUT.....even after all that i did do better i think, put a…
  • HA! Emma B i loved this one!!!!!
  • Hee hee, I quite like that its us ladies with our one guy - that makes you special Craig! I can already feel my body a bit sore (mailny in my butt!) but looking forward to feeling fitter and stronger. x
  • FINALLY!!!!!! Go there in the end...sort of! x p.s. please excuse mess in background, its housework day! Lol
  • ok - i dont know how to upload pics! Went to tiny pic, copy and pasted the thing that said it would go to message boards and dont think it worked?!?!
  • Right, i think ive put all my info in the spreadsheet and think its saved. Let me know if any problems.
  • Just done my day 1! This morning didnt start well with an arguement with my OH. But think it spurred me on to do the exercise so i was quite focused. I find the push ups and wee jumpyrope things the hardest. Have to do push ups in girly position and even after she said it i noticed my *kitten* was right up in the air! Oh…
  • Yep, sounds fine! Im a bit scared, think im going to struggle with this but will use you girls to help keep me going! Laura x
  • Hi, Im Laura. Ive been really lazy and used to be a fit girl! The weight has piled on and im going to be a bridesmaid in October. Going for first dress fitting in Feb so need to have achieved something by then or i wont feel good about myself at all. I have the 30 DS and never made it past about 4 days, but have never…
  • Not Glasgow but i live in Alloa and come originally from Dunblane. Any Scots (or anyone really) that want to add me please do - its nice to talk to people in your neck of the woods! xxxxxx