
  • Soadrokr
    Soadrokr Posts: 34 Member
    well I've been trying and trying to get my boyfriend to do more exercise, maybe he'd be more willing to do this type of weight lifting...
  • I've never heard knockers being refered to as tata's before! I love it! I am using that word from now on! Tata's...:laugh:
  • xginanax
    xginanax Posts: 333 Member
    So does this also mean that guys can also get someone to hold their testicles? HAHA
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    So let me get this straight... Only women should get a weight reduction for boobs? What about those guys with Man Boobs? Oh, wait, never mind.

    I weighed my moobs actually, and they're nowhere near small, and didn't weigh much. Which is why I was surprised by how much women's weigh. I guess all that mammary is a lot denser than my loose skin and fat.
    Does this mean that the old adage "fat weighs more than muscle" is true? Oh wait a minute, it's the other way around. :tongue: Well, at least I get to deduct my whole 8 oz from my weight measurement (yup, that includes both).
  • I gt weighed at my local chemist! I can imagine the looks I would get while getting my boobs out to weigh them!! hahahahaha!!
  • nebbz
    nebbz Posts: 18
    I had my husband hold my boobs up (he didn't complain) while I weighed myself to see what the difference was.

    Apparently I have only 6 pounds of tata.

    i am doing this tonight!
  • My 34 B-'s probably only weight a couple pounds!! :smile:

    Thanks for the morning laugh!!:laugh:
  • aqua_zumba_fan
    aqua_zumba_fan Posts: 383 Member
    As a 36B I don't think it'd make a massive difference ;)
  • 1234terri
    1234terri Posts: 217 Member
    They actually do this at Daytona's annual Bike Week, gals...:-)
  • 1234terri
    1234terri Posts: 217 Member
    ....and I love how this is posted in the "support" section. ;)
  • charlotte66
    charlotte66 Posts: 248 Member
    Awesome idea, unfortunately whenever I lose weight my boobs and face are the first to go.... :(

    snap!! my boobs used to be a D now they are a B :( also my face the cheek bones really come in and my nice plump cheeks go so i look like im sucking a lemon haha!

    *flops a boob on the kitchen scale* :laugh:
  • im a certified boob holder for hire! passed all my oral exams :)

    hahahahahahhaha bet you would have a smile on your face daily if this was your job lol and no sick days for you :)
  • Funny topic and posts. I have wondered about this my self. I checked it out I got 4.8lbs on my chest Lmao,
  • Ashlea82
    Ashlea82 Posts: 191
    haha im totally tempted to weigh mine now xD
  • emgrove69
    emgrove69 Posts: 3 Member
    me and my partner did this a few months back for a laugh i was on the scales all depressed and he said wait a minute lifted one of my breasts and there ya have it 5lbs off then lifted the other one and there ya go nearly a stone in weight!

    then he made the awful joke "how do you make 5lbs worth of fat look sexy"?

    "stick a nipple on it" -,-
  • lgwhizz
    lgwhizz Posts: 65
    OOOhhhhhhhh!!!!! Mine must weigh LOADS!!! Sporting a 34 GG/H here on a 5'4" frame! Yowsers!

    Who knew, im not actually fat, it was just all boob!!!!!! Ha ha ha, i wish!

    Also read online something about a bowl of water, kitchen scales and displaced water..........ended up practically flooding the kitchen when i put my gazonga in the the bowl, basically pushed all of the water out coz its so big! My boyf and i were in stitches! STILL dont know how much they weigh! Off to try experiment number 2! Lol.
  • homeport51
    homeport51 Posts: 198 Member
    me and my partner did this a few months back for a laugh i was on the scales all depressed and he said wait a minute lifted one of my breasts and there ya have it 5lbs off then lifted the other one and there ya go nearly a stone in weight!

    then he made the awful joke "how do you make 5lbs worth of fat look sexy"?

    "stick a nipple on it" -,-

    That is too funny! :laugh: I absolutely love it!
  • In that case mine should count for 30. lol
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I THINK THAT IF EACH BOOB WEIGHS 9 POUNDS, I SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO SAY I AM 18 POUNDS LIGHTER THAN WHAT THE SCALE SAYS!!!!!!! husband agrees... boob weight should count against us ladies.

    So weigh your boobs! It will be the sexiest 10 pounds you've ever "LOST"
    This is why I encourage all to track body fat - not mere weight.

    The weight scale is not the whole picture. You can check this here for free:

    As for "boob weight" - forget it - lol
    All that is accounted for in BMI calculations for females.

    You must include it - :smooched:
  • jessicasloan91
    jessicasloan91 Posts: 184 Member
    Not to be rude..

    But if you're losing weight you're going to lose it from your boobs, so you really should count the 18lbs as part of your weight

    Mine together probably weigh less than 1 lb now :(

    (Not that I'm jealous of you or anything! :P)