cruisegirl Member


  • .... and you're 'super disappointed' why?????
  • I saw this on Fox News the other morning. I was so shocked at some of those drinks! A few of them had more calories in that one drink than I'm supposed to have for an entire day of calories!!
  • I would find out who the landowner is and ask about it first. It's not your property and anything you take would be considered stealing. The owners may have already told whoever is tearing everything down to take whatever is inside.
  • Enjoy it!!! Your husband thought about you and thought he was doing a good thing. Don't let a diet cause hurt feelings because everytime you or your husband open that freezer door, it's going to be sitting there looking back!!
  • Maybe your body has gotten used to doing the same exercise routine all the time. Mix things up. I have a friend who has been running for years... she'll run for 3 hours a day. Very addicted. But she never loses any weight!!! So change your exercises and do something different. Hope this works for you!!
  • Great post!! I'll be sure to show this one to hubby tonite. We're both doing MFP! I had been wondering about it anyway. Wonder how to list it on the 'exercise' calculations?? :love:
  • Wow, that IS insane. But you did great!!! That one meal is more than I'm allowed in an entire day! Since being on MFP, I've really started noticing restaurant food and most all of them are that way. The portion size is ridiculous.. like you said, one 'portion' is enough to feed an entire family! What you did is what…
  • I hear you!! I'm from the south too and was raised on everything fried. From reading people's food diaries, I see such a difference in eating habits from the different parts of the United States and elsewhere. I, too, do like another poster suggested and bake my food in the oven, using bread crumbs. It's really good. And…
  • Don't deprive yourself of sweets. Just remember PORTION CONTROL. If I thought all I could eat for something sweet was yogert and water, I'd throw in the towel and say forget it! You can eat sweets, just don't overdo it. Eat your meals and if you've done well that day and still have calories left, reward yourself with a few…
  • Yep -- I log in everything I eat. If you leave out something, then you've messed up your calorie count for the day. It's really not that hard once you get used to it. MFP keeps your old foods you've entered, so that makes it easier too. You can do it!!
  • How about going to your family physician for just a weigh in. Right before you go, weigh yourself on all the scales in your house. Then when you get back from the doctor, weigh yourself on each scale and see which one is closest. Then use that one and don't pay attention to the others.
  • I just ordered the Walk Slim 4 Miles one from NetFlix. Thought I'd see if I like it ... Netflix has TONS of exercise videos to rent. A lot cheaper than buying one and then discovering you don't like it.
  • Aren't you the poster who has been using Hydroxycut? Hope you're off of it for good now.
  • Oh, I feel for you. I had it about 15 years ago. Woke up and tried to drink my cup of coffee and it went all over me instead. It's very scary because I know I thought I'd had a stroke. I, too, experienced the headaches and HORRIBLE ear pain. Have you tried clear tape to tape up your eyebrow so your eye won't droop so bad?…
  • You guys are so great! Thank you so much for your replies. You've made me feel a whole lot better about my circumstances. I think I'll probably drive to the school ( I do have a neighbor who will walk but she's an attorney and her hours are crazy), but maybe on the days she can walk, we can walk on the property. Lately,…
  • Winsor Pilates!! When I was doing Winsor Pilates, it tightened my core (stomach muscles) like you wouldn't believe. Also there are different DVD for different parts of your body. I did Pilates when I wanted to get in shape for my son's wedding. It really works. I'm back at it again now that I'm trying to shape up for our…
  • Oh, I just thought of this ---- have you tried the Red Velvet Cake yogert by Yoplait? When I'm craving cake, I can eat ones of these --- I think it tastes just like RVC! YUM!
  • I don't see why you couldn't. Think I'll try it today. If it doesn't work, like another poster said, you can put it in a blender, throw in some other fruits, maybe some OJ, and have a smoothie!
  • Welcome! I'm sort of a newbie too. Just joined in March. I love it here. You'll find lots of support and answers to your questions. If I can help you, let me know!!
  • I wouldn't think going over your fiber intake is a bad thing. Fiber is good. Now if it was sugar or sodium, that would be different.
    in Fiber Comment by cruisegirl April 2010
  • Me, too!! Thanks for posting it, OP!!
  • How about flavoring your water with the sugar free Crystal Light mixes? You can just add it to your water. I do that and it helps a lot. I know some people say to just add a little lemon to your water, but I tried that and that just don't cut it!! HA! You could drink tea and use artifical sweetners, too. I don't like just…
  • Cucumbers really spread out too.. their vines go everywhere. Nothing like going out to your own garden and picking your veggies. Tomatoes are good to plant. I love planting the little cherry tomatoes (and eating them!) As another poster said, yes, be careful about planting things like watermelon and cumcumbers together. A…
  • Welcome! I've been here less than 2 weeks. I love it! I'll friend request you!
  • Don't give up!! Can you make your food/exercise diary for us to see? I'll friend request you. I've only been here for almost 2 weeks and I've lost 2.5 lbs. My husband started when I did and he's lost 5 lbs! We didn't gain our pounds in a few weeks and it's certainly going to take more than a few weeks to get rid of them.…
  • No, I haven't and I don't plan to. My FB friends have no idea what MFP is and honestly, I think they'd get tired of seeing the posts after a while. Plus it's none of their business!! IMO, I think it's best to keep it here with people who actually know what MFP is all about.
  • Hey Paula! Welcome to the group! I've been here for a week now and LOVE IT! MFP makes losing weight so easy. Just make sure you put down everything you eat. I saw where you've had back surgery last year. I'm 55 and I've had neck surgery for a ruptured disk. Maybe you can get outside and do some walking. I've lost 2 lbs in…
  • Winsor Pilates works for me. It strengthens your core and tightens up all over!
  • I'd love to lose 10 lbs in April !! So how do we do this --- as far as accountability?