mindiejean Member


  • WAY to go munkeysmum,!!! Im thinking I need to do some Cardio to my fitness plan.. not Just running, So I am heading out to LOOK to purchase the body glove Sneakers.... Anyone try them yet? I may also buy a cheaper shoe,,, IDK But I ran for 12 Min on the treadmill no shoes and it felt AWESOME!! HAPPY WED everyone!!!
  • Good Morning All, been out of the loop,, very discouraged lately, BUT i have realized that if I dont log my Food every time I eat it I will OVER EAT.. So here I go again Glad to see everyone is exercising, My running shoe burst a hole in the toe,,,,,, BUMMER so today im going to attempt the treadmill with socks only.....…
  • So 30 days I run a 5 k ... I'm going to need some of that BUTT kicking also ladies!! How about a weekly goal to drink Our WATER everyday ? That's never a problem for me!! Happy WASHED out Wed !!!
  • Just did w6d1 did okay, had a hard time going from running to walking.. My Brain didnt want to switch gears...!!! My toe ripped through my sneakers...I think I need to invest in another pair!!
  • Hi Everyone.. So I had a very bad day Friday at work...I got home ( no one did anything... Nothing... My husband was "on call" and of course I get home and he gets a call.. So I am left cleaning ..feeding... And driving children where they need to be..so I am a stress eater.. I said thats it We are getting Chinese…
  • Ahhh...I can breath Sudafed worked much better than Clariton. I'm up an Hour early!! Gonna hit the pavement Have a awesome Thursday!! 4 miles this am 4 miles after supper gonna burn Baby!! ( if I don't puke First )
  • Good morning all have been taking Clariton for a week now...I'll try sudafed.. I am coughing way to much to run.. Going to walk much cooler temps today...I think I'm on the mend!!! Treated my self to a pedi last night for doing so good I haven't seen 190 in 3 years!!! I was wearing a XL work shirt ...now a Med !!!! It…
  • WAY TO GO!!!! it feels Awesome I know!! Good for you..... No run today Sinuses are Kicking my butt.... Have a Terrific Tuesday!!
  • GOOD LUCK... in Running r 5 k Let us know how you did..... I have been avoiding carbs ( mostly pasta) and funny thing I am not craving them any more I have toast In the Am and thats about it!!! amazing what we Can do When we Work at it No Run today.. :noway: sinus Headache and Asthma are terrible.... Have a FAboulus…
  • Good Morning All... So I couldn't handle not exercising any more I went out this Am Fast walked 20 Ran 25... WOW my Sinuses are running now!! OK so I signed up for my 2 nd 5 k in Oct with My church.. ( anyone in so Maine want to join Msg me) Last year I did a 5 k in 40.05 min i would like to cut 10 min off of that... SO…
  • is anyone reading Run r Butt of ? tell me what you think if IT?
  • OK I signed up for a 5 K with my church,, I know I can do IT I did one last Year with a finish time of 40.05 ... My goal would be to beat that time... ANY One In SO Maine want to join? Message me!! Fast walked 20 ran 15 Today.... Sinuses are Bothering me..... But after that work out they are RUNNING!!!! drhendrics11 you…
  • I am definitely In!! Goal: 3inches Week 1 measurements Thighs: 49nches (this number was doubled) Arm: 12.5 right 14 left = 13nches Waist: 37inches Hips: 46 inches Chest: 39 inches JUST REALIZED i HAVE LOST 3 INCHES OFF MY WAIST !! :bigsmile:
  • rebelliousroses.. not sure why r loosing weight so fast.... be careful... eating to few calories your body may go into starvation-mode and then you will gain .... when I don't have an appetite I eat small bites over a longer period of time Hope this helps.
  • jezzie4ever your Probably right about the water I haven't been faithful... I'll keep it in mind today GREAT JOB !!! moving Past you GOAL!!! ( although it feels more sinuis today) Yuck....think i'm going to skip the run.... May bike later... Happy Sunday to U all!!
  • no run for me today.... Headache turned into sinus cold YUCK... I am may bike instead.... Cdpm I wasnt loosing my first month of exercise... your body is like WHATTTT are you doing to me .. I have a friend who is a nutritionist.. she told me your body will adjust, and keep moving and you will BURN IT OFF BABY!! I did and…
  • again checking my signiture
  • again checking my signituree
  • again checking my signituree
  • just checking my signature
  • GREAT Job Jezzie4ever!!! if you can do 20 you can do 30 min!!! No run for me today WICKED headache.. I think from not eating back my calories from yesterday? Happy Sat!!!
  • ok. so Yesterday I ran ( slow) with out stopping,, yeah!! 45 min.. I was so excited. I was ready for work and I could see my daughter looking me over twice.... I said What are you looking at? She said YOU !!! I said Why?? she said YOU are Looking good!!! Finally someone has said something,, why is it I feel the need to be…
  • If it feels good Continue.. if you Are struggling with it,, slow down keep moving, WE CAN DO THIS!!! drhendricks11 I am an over achiever But not when it comes to exercise... It felt good to run/jog so I kept it going.. and it was all flat noot my normal route. which helped!!! HAPPY FRIDAY!!!
  • Oh My Goodness Ed you are my Knight and shining armor,I ran 4.4 miles yesterday and had such a "runners High" My husband didn't even acknowledge what I had done... I was so ready to Just quit today!!! YOU are such an Inspiration...... THANK YOU!!!! :happy:
  • Thanks Jezzie4ever.. and Yes I did have to repeat my weeks a few times, it is so hard when your mind says Just STOP.. But YOU all can do It slow your Breathing down and you can Make It!!!
  • I started doing C2 5k using my I pod got to week 3 and I couldn't get it to work one Morning, I just started running,, TODAY I jogged/ ran a bit out of breath 4.4 miles in 40 MIN!!! I was so excited... YEAH ME !!
  • WOW I cant believe I ran 4.4 Miles in 40 Min... My goal is to do this each day this week!!!
  • Make new friends at the Jym that have the same goals you do!!
  • I am in... My B-day is also IN October WHAT a great gift for myself!!! my goal this week Exercise 5 out of 7 days...Eat healthy and BE POSITIVE.... No Stress eating...Good Luck Girls... WE Can Do It!!!
  • Welcome.... This site really is helpful..Good Luck In your weight loss journey,,