fit for october challenge



  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member

    cut out alcohol, breads/pasta/carbs after 2pm, no fruit after 2pm, no sugar
    ...i am going to start doing this monday-fridays (starting next week) to see if it helps me out some. But this is a great way to get rid of some extra lbs/bloat along with losing weight.

    I can cut out the alcohol, no problem as I'm not a big drinker anyway. The carbs will be harder. I might try cutting down my evening carb intake this week and see how it goes. It will be good to do this with you next week. I'm thinking lots of fish, meat and salads for my evening meal and have my carb fix at lunch times. I say fix as I might be a little bit of an addict! Hehe.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    well the movie was fab me and kids thouroughly enjoyed it i got some walking in when i went round supermarket afterwards my purse however is saying hey will u quit im empty geez woman do you not understand budget shop i went for £10 worth food things left £60 lighter in the purse if only weight was that easy to shift lol
    and to make the day more perfect i got a call i collect nellie tomorrow at 1:30 perfect afternoon pick me up after a spending so much

    dimond1610 welcome aboard its always great to have more motivaters to boot my behind

    cdpm im with mabrywynn the scales hate me if i eat carbs after 2pm i try to avoid eating anything after 5pm as well just have tonic water or juices either way you know you will have tried your best so any result is a great one

    mabrywynn well done on your calorie burn yesterday that was a great workout especially the double buggy i used one when my 2 youngest were small like newborn and 15mnths it weighed a ton and definatley made me work hard as soon as i could i went to 1 walking 1 in lightweight buggy im a wimp and it hurt my wrists
  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member

    cut out alcohol, breads/pasta/carbs after 2pm, no fruit after 2pm, no sugar
    ...i am going to start doing this monday-fridays (starting next week) to see if it helps me out some. But this is a great way to get rid of some extra lbs/bloat along with losing weight.

    I can cut out the alcohol, no problem as I'm not a big drinker anyway. The carbs will be harder. I might try cutting down my evening carb intake this week and see how it goes. It will be good to do this with you next week. I'm thinking lots of fish, meat and salads for my evening meal and have my carb fix at lunch times. I say fix as I might be a little bit of an addict! Hehe.

    girl we can totally do it next week. I head you on the carbs thing...that will be my biggest problem. Well and the red wine - but I can do without. I figure if it is just a couple of days a week and then at least try on the weekends but can give into some splurges it will do something. Until then some carbs for dinner I guess is in order. Good thing I rocked out 5 miles at the gym today
  • cottonwoolsheep
    I would love to join this! I want to loose 20lbs to get to my ideal weight by the new year. This woild be great encouragement
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning happy wednesday

    i thought school holiday swould mean a lie in and relax alittle but this summer school is worse than school still up at crack of dawn make sanwiches for a fussy 8yr old and drop by 9am collect at 3 im shattered
    today my housing association are coming to visit after a complaint i put in so yet again im scrubbing house like a paranoid obsessive compulsive just incase they find fault with it they arent even coming to look at the house but it doesnt stop me worrying after that i can collect nellie and then my 8yr old and finally get around to some spoiling of the cat lol

    cottonwoolsheep welcome aboard 20lbs by new year is very do able especially with motivation like ive been gettong on here its definatley keeping me on track

    have a good day be good ill be back later
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member

    Weigh in day today and it did not get well! I thought of knew it though. I have only lost 0.2lbs still almost 1.5 inches. I wasn't very good with my diet so I should probably be glad I have not gained. I had Pizza, Burger, Sticky Toffee Pudding with ice cream and had a drink most evenings. Oh oh...So this week I will be much better!
  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member
    happy wednesday all --- so i am trying out what the trainers at my gym told me and eating more the past couple of days. I have no clue if this is going to have a positive or negative effect. They told me that since I am at a plateau that it might be because I am not giving my body enough fuel. So I am eating all of my calories it says I need to lose weight and adding in the ones from hitting the gym. Of course the scales are showing me something completely different and I do not like it at all. I fear this week will not give me the results that I want. I am going to try it out through the weekend and then if I am not seeing much of a difference going hardcore starting monday for sure. Luckily my hubby is planning on getting back into gear again which means lots of bland meals -- at least I won't have somebody eating crap in front of me tempting me. I mean movie theatre butter popcorn while sitting on the couch at 9pm is sort of hard to turn down.

    Going to the gym early this morning for a no limits circuit class - first time i have tried this one. Think I might try and double up today and hit the pavement this afternoon for some extra calorie burning.

    good luck everybody today - i want to hear about some serious calorie torching workouts!!
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Just popping in for a quick hello. Sorry I haven't checked in for a while. Camping was a pretty good time but crazy hot. I don't think I'd do that again. I haven't been eating that great and not enough exercise so I'm trying to get back into the swing of things.
    Hope you are all doing well...
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    im good nelski missed you on the boards but glad you had a good time its been pretty warm here but dull cloudy and muggy as well

    im defiantely ready for bed now tho its been a long day nellie the cat is now settling in ok when the kids leave her alone spoiled kitty could need mfp if the kids keep giving her treats lol
  • mindiejean
    mindiejean Posts: 38 Member
    WOW I cant believe I ran 4.4 Miles in 40 Min... My goal is to do this each day this week!!!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    morning on a sunny thursday

    whats everyones plans for today? im hoping to sleep after a very resless night i feel rather wrung out combined with some light cleaning and washing and maybe even a chance to get on the wii

    mindiejean well done on the run keep it up it will definately be on the acheivments tomorrow im rather looking forward to see how we have all done

    be good everyone and i shall be checking in again later see if we all behaving ourselves lol
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    Thursday - this means we can start to get excited about the weekend! Woo
    I've been up for a while and managed to squeeze in a resistance workout this morning, just scoffing my breakfast now then off to work for they day (boo!)
    This evening I have a driving lesson so I'm sure the crazy mix of concentration and worry will mean my heart rate will go up for a while!

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member
    i can't believe thursdays is already here! this morning my husband is heading down to the hospital with my mother-in-law...time to find out how serious her breast cancer is and what our next steps are....lots of nerves going on over here

    i plan to hit the gym this morning for some no-limits cardio and basically baking for the rest of the day. I have been keeping up with the whole eating more and I am just not loving the results on the scale. I am going to call this week a wash since I am up .6 lbs...I plan to get serious and seriously bland about my diet starting on short term goal is to hit 144 by the thursdays before my sister's bachelorette party -- so doable, I just have to pay attention to the food.

    hope everyone is able to get some good exercise in - and maybe all of our goals is to say no to at least something this weekend that is not so good for us. I read that each time we say no it gives us more willpower in the future. So eventually you will have control over your weak spots (bread, sugar, salty chips...)
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    is it bedtime yet??

    i have cleaned and tidied collected my daughter from summer school thank god its last day tomorrow im worn out and need some sleep lol i have been good tho no junk foods no crisps even when kids had them at lunch and they smelled sooo good there my favourite snack food and i resisted that is an acheivment in its self
    can that be my saying no to something i know its not weekend but it was hard for me

    think rest of my day will consist of fb and tv i have no energy for anything else except maybe stroking the cat doe sthat count as exercise as well?? no well dang id burn loads calories if it did hehehe
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning everyone thank god its friday loll

    last day summer school roll on 2:30pm when i can watch her circus show then come home and think finally the holidays can start plans involve tidy and sweep again i have cat hair all over i would complain but the cleaning is exercise im also hoping to get on the wii but need to wait until nellie is upstairs she freaks at hoovers runs scared if we stand near her and likes to hide under the trampoline i dont think me jogging on it will do much to calm her down

    i will make notes of all our acheivments and post them tonight hope everyone has a great day cant wait to see how fab we`re doing
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    Friday's here! I hope you are all having a great Friday!

    I'm doing well with tracking my food and exercise and had a quick look on the scales and it could be a good weigh in for me on Sunday - so very encouraging signs.
    I am starting to get to grips with the whole 'no carbs after 2' thing and I'm not missing them as much as I thought! Thankfully my boyfriend is very understanding of what I'm doing and when having oven cooked fish last night he didn't make a big deal out the fact I didn't want any chips with it, but just made sure I had plenty of veg and salad with it.
    it is a bit of a shock to the system, but I'm sure I will see the results I'm after if I stick to it. Fingers crossed!!
  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member
    Friday's here! I hope you are all having a great Friday!

    I'm doing well with tracking my food and exercise and had a quick look on the scales and it could be a good weigh in for me on Sunday - so very encouraging signs.
    I am starting to get to grips with the whole 'no carbs after 2' thing and I'm not missing them as much as I thought! Thankfully my boyfriend is very understanding of what I'm doing and when having oven cooked fish last night he didn't make a big deal out the fact I didn't want any chips with it, but just made sure I had plenty of veg and salad with it.
    it is a bit of a shock to the system, but I'm sure I will see the results I'm after if I stick to it. Fingers crossed!!

    i am starting with you on Sunday! after 2 weeks of it you will won't even miss your bread :)
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member

    Good morning everyone.

    Well, I weighed in and surprisingly I'm down a pound. It's just the pound I gained last time I weighed in but I'm happy just to maintain this month with all my busy and food filled weekends. I have another one this weekend. My birthday is tomorrow so my husband and I are heading to Atlantic City for the Food and Wine Festival and some beach time.

    Mabyrwynn I hope everthing goes OK with your MIL.

    Have a great weekend!
  • suzumichan
    suzumichan Posts: 127
    Hello I would Love to join in! I got some big plans for october (Im getting married) ^^ But I want to get a lower in my cw. I dont really have a set idea on how much i want to lose by then cause I want to lose it healthy. I want to try to lose at least 20 lbs or maybe 30 lbs. I know its only 3 months away but thats a total of 6 or 10 lbs a month.

    SW: 260.1
    GW: 240 or 230.
    ^ first post
    Wow I just realized from my 1st post on this that I am about to hit my goal weight o_o
    I weigh in tonight when I get off work. But I cant believe that since joining in that I may be
    close to 240.
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    Hello I would Love to join in! I got some big plans for october (Im getting married) ^^ But I want to get a lower in my cw. I dont really have a set idea on how much i want to lose by then cause I want to lose it healthy. I want to try to lose at least 20 lbs or maybe 30 lbs. I know its only 3 months away but thats a total of 6 or 10 lbs a month.

    SW: 260.1
    GW: 240 or 230.
    ^ first post
    Wow I just realized from my 1st post on this that I am about to hit my goal weight o_o
    I weigh in tonight when I get off work. But I cant believe that since joining in that I may be
    close to 240.

    Congrats! Just shows how determined you are. Keep up the good work!