fit for october challenge



  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hello all

    Had my weigh in today. I have not lost in fact I am by 0.2lbs BUT I have lost 2.9" so that is good. It's TOM for me so maybe that is why. Also I am building muscle. So I am not too down about the gain. I just hope next week it will be down and hopefully more inches :smile:
  • suzumichan
    suzumichan Posts: 127
    Hello everyone. I havent weight yet this week since Sunday but Im hoping Ive lost a lb or 2. ^_^
  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member
    yeah for Wednesday. I was able to get in a little over 3 mile run yesterday afternoon once the hubby got home. So I think doing that + literally being on my feet all day in the kicthen baking, rolling and icing ended up being a good workout. I also ate healthy so I am starting to feel better. I plan to stick with the good eating today and hopefully go for another run this afternoon once the hubby gets home. Maybe I will have a bit more time and do a 4-5 miler instead.

    so I tired a veggie burger for the first time last night...does anybody eat those? It wasnt the best thing in the world or the worst...I am trying to think of how I can eat them without adding tons of cheese, ketchup and bread to make it better...thoughts?? maybe in an omelet?
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    cdpm dont feel so bad i didnt win either and im from yorkshire i got really excited but no wasnt me oh well the new house pool car etc will have to wait theres always tonights normal lotto lol

    daisy dont look at the scales when TOM is around he turns them into evil gremlins that secretly hide extra weights on them shown only when we step on lol

    suzumichan i am hoping to keep to a loss by friday i usually eigh monday and i was down 1.2 but as i check again on friday theres time for it to reappear but i am going to be very very good

    mabrywynn im veggie and love veggie burgers but it does depend on the variety the quartter pounders have better taste than the normal size, quorn ones tend to be rubbery and tasteless but tescos are good. the cumberland style sausages are nice as well the veggie bacon has a smoky taste and repeats on you afterward but it isnt too bad looks like doggy chew toys but not bad in taste if you like smoky bacon crisps i do recommend the quorn chicken style pieces or fillets they are yummy and you can flavour with anything you like in stir fry curry or even just in gravy

    i am being good so far ive walked around alot and not eaten much my head is pounding that smy payback for a very early start i do wonder tho do painkillers have calories and how many very random but i wondered
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member

    daisy dont look at the scales when TOM is around he turns them into evil gremlins that secretly hide extra weights on them shown only when we step on lol

    Cheers for that! I am ok with the no loss. I am happy about the inches and focus on that. We'll see what next week will bring!
  • MrsCB10
    MrsCB10 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm 'in'! I need more motivators and maybe this board will be it. I've put on 20 lbs since my wedding (July 2010) and I feel YUCK. I am 5'9" and weighed in on Sunday at 170.8 lbs (DOUBLE YUCK!). I would love to be 140-145 lbs. Add me and make me accountable! :)
  • Jennfur2610
    Jennfur2610 Posts: 67 Member
    I'm in too! I am in a wedding early October and I want to look good!! When I ordered my dress it just needed alterations on the top. Now it needs alterations through the waist and hips. I'm hoping that I can lose enough weight by the time alterations roll around (early Sept) that I don't need to have too much work done.
  • officiallymrswhite
    officiallymrswhite Posts: 423 Member
    I have decided to train for a 5K that is coming up in October! I figured this would help keep me on track and give me something to strive for. Last night I was able to run 3 miles without stopping (this is a first for me!!). I was very excited! This morning, I ran 2 miles (I will be working with my trainer later and did not want to push it too much). I just have to keep it up and get better on time, but I am excited that I was able to run that much! Exciting!!!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    MrsCB10 you are now accountable lol welcome aboard 20lbs since you wedding doesnt sound too bad i gained around 50lbs after i married i blame my kids and its definatley taking me longer to lose it than it did to gain it

    jennfur2610 welcome aboard weddings are a great motivater for losing weight my motivation has to be not having money to buy bigger clothes surely it must be easier to lose my weight

    soontobemrswhite well done on all that running im itching for my foot to be healed so i can get back to jogging on my trampoline

    i am still suffering with headache so a light tea for me and early night i am thinking on th epositive feeling so yuk with headache means i am not wanting loads crap to eat the diet survives another day lol
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning all and happy thursday only 1 more day then its the weekend :)

    my scales are being nice today but seen as i didnt manage much to eat yesterday with feeling cak i am not celebrating just yet it was so good to step on them and realise they arent stuck at one number tho very motivating

    im going to look at getting exercise dvd out later i hate to exercise when hubby is home but i need to do something

    have a great day be good
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    I have really slacked on the Jillian workout. Maybe someday I will get around to doing it regularly. So, sorry to those of you who are curious to see how well that workout works for me, I need to do it to give you that info lol. I did get up and walk/jog this morning so that's good.
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hello everyone

    Just finished day 4 of the JM Slimdown routine. Feeling good! The only thing is that since yesterday I have a funny pain in my right leg. I think it comes from my foot but the pain going through my shin. It is a bit worse now after exercising. Does anyone has an idea what it could be? I hope it'll just go....

    I am glad TOM is more or less out of the way as I felt really low in the days before. I am now happy and motivated again and I can start to feel slight changes in my body! And my boyfriend said last night that he can see that I am losing weight in my face..Hurray!

    I hope everyone is having a good day!

  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    nelski i ordered the jm 6w6p and hoping hubby will use it but i will def give it a try so i can say how it works for us dont feel so bad as long as you are exerciseing its all good

    daisy i used to get pain in my shin like a shooting pain that cramped my muscle on front hurt like hell i now drnk tom=nic water the light versions havent had it in 2yrs the quinine in tonic water helps with cramps etc you could try it and see it took about 2 weeks before i saw i permanent effect and almost a month before cramp stopped completely it come back if i havent drunk much tinic water for couple days you could try that or it may just be a pulled/sprained muscle my foot has been cause some odd senstations in my foot and ankle which thankfully are getting better im hoping come next week to be starting back on the jogging and see how i go after that im outta ideas let us know if you figure out what it is

    i have been good today ive cleaned my kitchen well scrubbed is more like it def got my heart rate up not enough to break a sweat but enough for me to feel it exercise is goo and having a clean kitchen was such a boost i cooked some vegatable rice fried some veggies herbs etc and stired plain rice into it not totally healthy but better than full on egg fried rice and ive just made somemini chocolate cupcakes i would be saying its bad for me but i only made 12 and the book reckons they are 100cals each with the chocolate topping 5 kids they are going to go very fast so i am limited to 2 at the most if im fast enough
    ive also done 3 loads laundry got some walking in taking each item one at time from machine to lines i must look a fool but it means 15mins walking to each load washing and i need all the help i can get

    looking forward to tomorrow and seeing all our progress with scales that will be nice to us all :)
  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member
    I finally got back to the gym this morning and I already feel 200% better about myself. We did no limits cardio...burned about 500 calories. I have eaten great and plan to keep it up for the rest of the day. I love my girls at the gym and everyone I have met it is just such a great motivator when you have been gone for 1.5 weeks....and now I am back.

    I have one more order of cookies to finish icing up before tomorrow morning so standing on my feet in the kitchen will add a little bit extra calorie burn I hope (and no I will NOT eat a cookie :) sheriff stars and cowgirl boots is the last theme I've got. super cute

    Good luck girls - tomorrow is a weigh in day for a lot of us so big motivation to eat well today/tonight!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    I finally got back to the gym this morning and I already feel 200% better about myself. We did no limits cardio...burned about 500 calories. I have eaten great and plan to keep it up for the rest of the day. I love my girls at the gym and everyone I have met it is just such a great motivator when you have been gone for 1.5 weeks....and now I am back.

    I have one more order of cookies to finish icing up before tomorrow morning so standing on my feet in the kitchen will add a little bit extra calorie burn I hope (and no I will NOT eat a cookie :) sheriff stars and cowgirl boots is the last theme I've got. super cute

    Good luck girls - tomorrow is a weigh in day for a lot of us so big motivation to eat well today/tonight!

    glad you had fun in gym i am aiming to try my foot out over the weekend se ehow i go and start with a somewhat low jog mor elike a fast walk but starting small and hopefully not setting myself back

    i am ready for bed hoping sclaes will be nice tomorrow at least as nice as they were today good luck everyone for tomorrow im looking forward to see how good we`ve done this week
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning and happy friday check in day

    i lost 1.4lbs not sure how and i really dont care but my scales went under 137 only just mind you at 136.8 but i feel happy oh so happy lol

    hope everyone else is having a good week achievments wise cant wait to see
  • cherrydietcoke1
    Afternoon! Well done monkey x I've lost another lb making it a stone now. Don't the weeks go by so quick! Good luck everyone. Oh and I bought 30 day shred gonna start it later x
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hello and congratulations on the losses!!

    I have done my day 5 of the slimdown today! My leg really hurt before I started but I thought I'll still give it a go. I read up on my pain and one thing I saw was that it could be that my calve muscle isn't stretched enough. Jillian Michaels does not really do just stretches before so I did that before starting. On all the jump exercises I just modified and still got a good workout in. I stretched it really well after too and it feels ok now. I can slightly feel the pain but hopefully it'll get better!

    Monkeysmum: You must be so pleased about your loss! Well done! Thank you for the tip about the tonic water. I might give that a go. As I said at the moment the stretching seems to work too...We'll see!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    okies so far here are this weeks achievments

    Mabrywynn lost 1lb fantastic
    cherrydietcoke lost 3lbs and is now 1 stone lost brilliant stuff
    Daisy80 lost 1lb brilliant and day 5 in on slimdown keep it up
    monkeysmum lost 1.4lbs yaay me lol
    daytimedreamer1979 has lost a son lol shes 71lbs down which is the weight of her son way to go hun
    and my hubby is sulking he only lost 0.6lbs but im still proud of him

    keep posting and feel free to yell scream and throw things if ive missed you off the list i do try to write them down when you post them but my kids like to hide my papers and i worry ive missed people off yell and ill add you on to it im hoping to post every weeks acheivments at the end of october so we can see how we did thru all the summer but it may just be too long we`re doing so fab
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Thanks for posting and keeping track!! That's great!! :flowerforyou: