fit for october challenge



  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    Monday morning and I'm feeling unusually chirpy. I'm going to say it was down to the good food I ate yesterday as well as the amazing workout I did. I guess it was just a good day with the effects knocking on to today. I hope it lasts for the week!
    I'm feeling motivated today - see if I say the same after work!
    Tonight I'll be doing the Kempo workout from P90x - bring it!
  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member
    i am back to my normal routine...very excited to get back on track with my food and exercise. I didn't do great this weekend; however, I think after a little bit of salt reduction I will probably just come out even...Yeah! Ready for a good week and another bit of weight loss by Friday. Monday is always a great day for new beginnings when it comes to treating your body right....lets do it girls!
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Good morning.
    Ughh another Monday. Why can't I work 2 days and have 5 off instead?? lol
    The weekend was pretty good except we have found out we have some kind or roof leak that is causing a problem in our bedroom ceiling. I swear our home is curesed by some kind of water devil. We have had leaks in the basement, a pipe and now this. It's very frustrating. I definitley did some splurging on food and alcohol this weekend but I'm sure it could have been worse.

    I got up this morning to walk/jog so off to a good start for the week!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    cdpm i agree i feel motivated not sure why as my foot is still hurting me but i just feel positive and hoping i can keep the positive vibes going

    mabrywynn monday always seems to be a good place to start afresh with things especially when weekend has been full of blips just hoping it carries on for me i want to lose the 1lb i gained or at least gain no extras not off to a good start coffee in costa and the mini brownies i stopped at 2 but had 2 mini shortbread as well curse that coffee place lol

    nelski i am with you a 2 day week sounds just fine to me lol
    i was in hmv today saw 2 jillian workout dvds the 30day shred and one that was a 50minute all over workout i was very tempted to buy one but i figured a) i have zero money b) my foot isnt healed and c) amazon is always cheaper im also waiting to see if you have some good results on 6pack on demand see which sounds like it give sthe best all over results in weight loss and toning

    anyone else used jillian and got good results which workout and how good?
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hello and happy Monday everyone!

    I restarted my Jillian Michaels 30 day Slimdown routine today. I have no previous experience but happy to let you know how I'm getting on! Today I did the Shred Level 1. I like it. It is a good but short workout!

    My eating has been good as well. So it has been a good start to the week!

    TOM is due and I am suffering badly with PMS this month. Feeling pretty low and uncomfortable within myself. After today I am feeling better though. Hoping it'll continue like this...

    All the best to all

  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    happy monday all

    well done on starting jillian daisy i am thinking of buy one of her workout dvds from amazon im just not sure which will be better for me at the minute i want something i can do without damaging my foot more and alot of workout dvds ive tried have been quite hard on my joints especially ankles knees and hips i want effective but not so tough on me that i end up hobbling im kinda picky arent i

    plans for today involve food shopping in asda mostly walking around store for about an hour yaay for the exerecise down side is theres a mcdonalds in there and i will have a meduim fries with bbq sauce for dinner its a weekly treat i used to have egg muffin but i have gone off eggs and i fancy the fries hubby is cooking at ttime so im hoping he will do something low fat low calorie and uber healthy and i wont have to wash up after woohoo

    be good everyone i shall check in later
  • cherrydietcoke1
    OOOh I've got some amazon vouchers, might have a look at some dvds.. I was gonna get a heart rate monitor watch but got very confused with chest straps and conduction gels? Any advice greatly appreciated x
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    i just ordered jillian michaels 6 week 6 pack £5 on amazon its for hubbys bday presant but i may have to try it out just to be sure its good lol

    i wasnt good with food in mcdonalds i had large fries and half a small choc milk shake how on earth do they get so many calories to 6oz of milkshake its unreal next time ill stick to mint tea

    i had lost 1.2lbs today but after dinner i am scared to face the scale suntil i make up for it hope your all having a great day my sunshine vanished again typical but guess cant have everything
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    i just ordered jillian michaels 6 week 6 pack £5 on amazon its for hubbys bday presant but i may have to try it out just to be sure its good lol

    i wasnt good with food in mcdonalds i had large fries and half a small choc milk shake how on earth do they get so many calories to 6oz of milkshake its unreal next time ill stick to mint tea

    i had lost 1.2lbs today but after dinner i am scared to face the scale suntil i make up for it hope your all having a great day my sunshine vanished again typical but guess cant have everything

    I have tried 6W6P only once. I found it hard because of all the planks and side planks but it is a great workout! I'm sure you'll like it. It might also be good for you at the moment with your food being bad...

    And well done on the loss! Just focus on that and not too much on the McDonalds!
  • suzumichan
    suzumichan Posts: 127
    I noticed today that mfp had a new front page and I watched some of the videos and now im really motivated now thanks to the video's! Even tho its really hot Im not going to give up this week! Weather is not going to keep me down! :angry: <weather.
  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member
    happy tuesday....well i am baking a storm again this week; however, after not going to the gym all weekend (except an awesome run) or yesterday I am starting to feel blah. I think I am addicted to the gym/working out/ just makes me feel better. So no matter how late I have to stay up to finish my orders I am going to go to the gym everyday for the rest of the week. It feels good to make that priority.

    I ate pretty decent yesterday...however I still have bloat from the weekend of high salt foods and such. My goal this weekend coming up will be to NOT let that happen. I feel like I make progress during the week and the next thing you know you are back where you started after a weekend. Hopefully no more of those weekend for the rest of the month.
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member

    I have tried 6W6P only once. I found it hard because of all the planks and side planks but it is a great workout! I'm sure you'll like it. It might also be good for you at the moment with your food being bad...


    Yes, the side planks are hard for me! I'm doing it at the super beginner level, on my knee.
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    happy tuesday....well i am baking a storm again this week; however, after not going to the gym all weekend (except an awesome run) or yesterday I am starting to feel blah. I think I am addicted to the gym/working out/ just makes me feel better. So no matter how late I have to stay up to finish my orders I am going to go to the gym everyday for the rest of the week. It feels good to make that priority.

    I ate pretty decent yesterday...however I still have bloat from the weekend of high salt foods and such. My goal this weekend coming up will be to NOT let that happen. I feel like I make progress during the week and the next thing you know you are back where you started after a weekend. Hopefully no more of those weekend for the rest of the month.

    I always feel once you're in the habit of going you just feel much better. I need to finish this week successfully to be in the habit (if that makes sense). I hope my weigh in tomorrow will be good to keep me motivated.

    I feel the same about the weekends. It's just so much easier to give in when it's the weekend. I might be going to a festival on Sunday. If I'll do I'm sure I'll have a drink but I'll try to be as good as possible.
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member

    I have tried 6W6P only once. I found it hard because of all the planks and side planks but it is a great workout! I'm sure you'll like it. It might also be good for you at the moment with your food being bad...


    Yes, the side planks are hard for me! I'm doing it at the super beginner level, on my knee.

    Yes same here. If I don't it feels like my arm is going to snap in half.
  • arlingtonangel
    arlingtonangel Posts: 73 Member
    I would love to join. October is my 11 Year anniversary and I would love to wear a sexy dress.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    glad people seem to like jillian 6w6p i think its somthing mu hubby will be more willing to stick to as he is losing tummy weight but i am hoping i will be able to do it i really should dig out my beverly callard rapid results dvd its great but i remember the aerobic 20min being on my feet and i doubt that will be good for me the toning was fantastic tho

    mabrywynn i think i need to live closer to you baking again i need to sample im fe dup of my own baking things now i need some new tastes and im looking for a low calorie fat biscuit/cookie recipe if u know any both me and hubby love a biscuit him more than me it be nice if i could make some and not think well dam there goes my diet again

    i am not dwelling on my mcds i decided i had i enjoyed i learned avoid the milk shakes in future as they are stupid calories for nothing goodnext time ill have a low fat icecream instead and less fries still feel like im treating myself but not ruining my diet we live and learn

    suzumichan a new mfp home page really?? why am i not seeing it i feel all left out of something good now lol its good its motivating tho just wish i seen it altho i dare say if i did id be so busy reading peoples status weight losses blogs and message board i wouldnt really notice the rest

    i have been good tho under calories and i walked some more around another supermarket picking a gift for my grandma i ended up getting her a blouse id picked up first looks like something she would wear style colour etc just hope she likes it i mail it tomorrow and she will open sunday fingers crossed for me id hate to have picked something she hates
  • suzumichan
    suzumichan Posts: 127

    suzumichan a new mfp home page really?? why am i not seeing it i feel all left out of something good now lol its good its motivating tho just wish i seen it altho i dare say if i did id be so busy reading peoples status weight losses blogs and message board i wouldnt really notice the rest

    I thought they had a new one but now i cant find it. it was really neat. I showed a total of how much members have lost in weight and it was going up. It was at like 28million lbs. I lost the site link when the browser closed. it was really cool but I could log into myfitnesspal account from it. :x I hope nothing goes wrong. Maybe it was a old one where it was 2010 since Tamara was on today show last year.
    This was the video Of what I saw.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    I would love to join. October is my 11 Year anniversary and I would love to wear a sexy dress.

    sexy dress sounds fab i am looking for a long black dress that is sexy yet stylish all i seem to see are one sthat would be up my butt and down to my navel im too old for that kind plus i love long dresses and skirts more i just havent found what i want but on the positive i know a really good seamstress who might be able to make me what i want in a cloth i love at a price thats good thats my plan b

    suzumichan thanks for the link i love how mfp helps so many people especially on motivation
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning my loverlys its wednesday again the happy middle of the week day which means its all downhill to the weekend cant wait my favourite time of the week

    today i am going to be good food wise no mcds and i will get walking in again as im off round shops with my friend if i can do that and not spend money the day will perfect but i wont hold my breath on the last one as i always end up buying something lol

    have a great day everyone and i shall check in on you all laters
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    As I wasn't the won who won the big jackpost last night of £161 million - looks like I'm off to work and still plodding along at the self motivation and going to the gym instead of hiring personal trainers and nutritionists in my awesome new house with a private gym, pool and spa inside....
    At least doing it the way I currently am can get the feeling of self satisfaction that I have managed to achieve these goals myself.
    Though a new house would have been nice.

    I'm keeping up the good eating and I have a feeling this weeks weigh in on Sunday will be a good one (a sneaky peek on the scales this morning was promising!)