fit for october challenge



  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    we all have blunders mabrywynn me especially i do have to say i prove the point that calories in is not as important as how u get the calories i started great yesterday lentil soup for lunch veggies under 300 calories the rest of my daily calories came from me not being hungry so eating a giant block of chocolate under calories just even with my 500+exercise i def hit the 1200 a day calories but eating good stuff not a chance oh well today is a new day and im being good no chocolate havent had a chance to jog did food shop 45mins walking there and spent the afternoon meeting my 4yr olds new class teachers ttime is a blur of cooking and cleaning

    on a good note tho today is my 75th day logging in im aiming to beat 100 days i did 105 last year then stopped logging in big mistake i gained my weight back but this time i plan to stay forever if i have to so i can get to goal and stay there

    hows everyone elses monday going? hopefully better than mine in exercise wise and def better than mine in weather its raining here again
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    I am not doing very good with healthy eating and exerciseso sorry I'm not much motivation right now, but I'm going to keep checking in with you MFP'ers. I had a fun weekend but ate and drank too much, with not much exercise. Back to the drawing board lol. I'm going camping Thur-Sun which means more over eating and drinking but I will be active so that usually balances out. Looks like I have abandoned Jillian for now, but maybe I will revisit her later. I just bought some new workout dvd's, T-Tapp, so those should be arriving in a week or so. Hopefully I like them. I need to keep a variety of options around me, I can't do the same workout every day so I will probably switch those off with other things. I really hope to buy a treadmill this fall too.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    I am not doing very good with healthy eating and exerciseso sorry I'm not much motivation right now, but I'm going to keep checking in with you MFP'ers. I had a fun weekend but ate and drank too much, with not much exercise. Back to the drawing board lol. I'm going camping Thur-Sun which means more over eating and drinking but I will be active so that usually balances out. Looks like I have abandoned Jillian for now, but maybe I will revisit her later. I just bought some new workout dvd's, T-Tapp, so those should be arriving in a week or so. Hopefully I like them. I need to keep a variety of options around me, I can't do the same workout every day so I will probably switch those off with other things. I really hope to buy a treadmill this fall too.

    well its summer dont lose heart about having fun and enjoying the bbqs and drinks in the sun we cant avoid all the best stuff forever and well anything u gain can easily be lost again when summer is gone dont worry motivation is just being here and booting my behind from being lazy :)
    as for the dvds have u tried beverly callard rapid results its a 20minute aerobic workout and 20min toning her workout was great until i got used to it then i found i could do it twice and be fine the toning however was a killer u could feel every muscle being worked and the results were great i lost 18lbs with it a few years back (had 2 babies since then so didnt stay gone long) but was well worth buying i keep saying im going to dig it back out and start with it again i havent really found any others i like but i am yet to try jillian 6w6p im still holding off until hubby has opened it and tried it before i nab it lol it is his bday gift after all
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    happy tuesday all

    i am shattered i love my kids but kids that want to sleep in my bed arghhhh she spent all night kicking and fidgeting roll on bedtime and its only 7:30am lol
    todays plans involve breakfast with a friend and some shopping for bday gifts eid clothes boring things really but the kind that has to be done trying to find a gift for my soon to be 4yr old bday when they have everything they could want already is no easy task im even tempted to buy her a fitness dvd because she love wii fit but then i think that would be more a gift for me lol

    have fun today and be good ill be back later to check in on you all
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    quiet on here today hope your all enjoying the sun and summer

    ive been good so far food wise and i did some walking round shops and then walking while looking at cats and i picked a lovely female cat from rspca just need home check to be sure house is ok for cat and then i can have will take around a week wish me luck i really fell in love with this cat and she came from a bad home and had some issues so im hoping i can now give her a good permanent home
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    thanks for the suggestion monkey, I will make a note of that next time I'm looking for something new

  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I lost 1lb this week, think that is 4lb for this challenge.

    Hit the 50lb lost mark :)
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hello ladies

    Didn't really have the time to post but tried to keep up with your posts. For me tomorrow is day 10 of my 30 day routine. It is also my weigh in day. I am pretty worried as my eating and drinking wasn't great! Tonight my boyfriend and me went out for a meal and I had a burger. Then friends texted saying they are out so we joined them. Not a great choice on the night before weigh in day! I will weigh in tomorrow but I might do it again on Thursday. Just to double check and to see what my results are without the immediate impact of tonight. Oh I hope so much that I still have lost some! I have been exercising 6 times a week and I do feel great but I have to say that no loss would really discourage me. I am hoping for a loss on the scale or inches!

    Monkeysmum: I would absolutely love a cat! We first got cats when I was 10 and they lived a happy life with us for 19 years! My boyfriend and me are thinking about getting a cat but we have a longer holiday planned for next year so we will probably wait till after that! Good luck for you with the kitty! Oh and I always tried not to look too much at your profile pic as I have a pretty serious spider phobia! I just can't look at them and really get freaked out by them...What made you get a spider as a pet?

    Otherwise I hope you all had a great day!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning and a very happy wednesday

    im in a hyper mood only 1 more day and school holidays no yelling at kids get ready we`re going to be late move move move i feel like a dril seargent most mornings lol and im alos going cat shopping for the basics cat carrier litter tray scratch post feed bowls etc and well all the stuff it wont need but i will buy to spoil it like the toy mices and ball and strings im a big kid and i havent even passed the home inspections yet

    daisy the spider is my 8yr olds she got it for her 6th birthday presant from my dad as she wanted a pet she went thru everything cats dogs birds reptiles like chamelions and leopard geckos and we diswaded her a dog i wouldnt walk in bad weather iknew she wouldnt a cat at the time by youngest was 6mnths so it put me off the horror stories of cats sitting on a baby face birds make too much noise and the reptiles well she hates locust so wouldnt feed it my dad convinced her a spider because well as kids do they lose interest and a spider doesnt need to be handled its happy left alone fresh water and 1 locust a week she loves it so do i i can go away a week and not worry over it same with the bearded dragon clean once a week bath him once a week and feed him locust oh and grate his butternut squash and finely chop spring greens that he never eats he is sooo unhealthy lol now im getting a cat for me ive even looked at boarding kennels for when we go away which wont be for a while yet the spider will i will change for the cat when i get it then u can look lol

    bjshooter 50lbs lost is fantatsic defiantely a celebrate with a smoothie acheivment or a new dvd in my case i bought me true blood season 3 when i got under 140lbs im just gutted i have to wait until next year to watch season 4 in uk

    nelski did you manage a workout? i only managed walking and then hubby ordered takeout which started good jacket potato with cottage cheese n salad then i ended it with 2 big pieces garlic bread with cheese whooops

    be good everyone ooo i almost forgot the offer for graze thats advertised on the right not sure if its stateside as it seems to be a uk based company but i have ordered well a box of healthy nibbles free i had to try it arrives on friday will let you all know if its any good
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hello all!

    Good news for me today! I have lost! Hurray! I am so pleased. I have lost just over 2lbs. I am so pleased with that! I have also lost 2.5 inches. So good results! It is such a relief as I was so worried. As I said before it is also day 10 of my 30 Day Slimdown and I am pretty pleased with the results so far!

    I hope everyone is having a great day! Already half way through the week! Hurray

    Monkeysmum: That is an interesting choice the spider. The bearded dragon seems like an amazing pet. I can deal with that :smile: I hope it will work out for you with the cat. Looking forward to the pic :wink:
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    daisy fantastic on the loss both weight and inches i love all these acheivments

    i spent £65 on cat things a carrier, litter tray, scratch post i havent even bought food yet and its the most fun ive had in ages all i need now is them to hurry and arrange a home visit and then i can go collect her im worse than kids at xmas altho my kids are really excisted as well my 11 year old seems more excited that she can clean the litt tray strange child but i wont complain

    i will try change my pic to the beardy so you can have a look
  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member
    hey girls - sorry i haven't written in a bit. I have been really good with my exercise again and it is making me feel much better about myself. Of course TOM has arrived again and my scales are showing me something different than how I actually feel. My goal for this week with TOM is to either maintain or at least lose a little bit (which means next week should be great right?) ugh...I just feel like I am at this plateau. I want to lose the weight and my body is just not reacting...maybe it is happy where it is? I am not going to give up on it though - even if it takes years to actually get this weight off a little bit at a time and no gaining is a move in the right direction. Last night I did have some extra vino because a friend came over whose wife just sent him divorce papers out of the blue...needless to say it was a bit of a longer evening than I am used to. But this morning I am moving around the house cleaning like a mad woman and will hit the gym this afternoon for another 5-7 miler...sticking in my fat burning zone.

    Here is to good eating tonight right! And getting off of our butts and moving...maybe even clinching your cheeks when you think nobody is looking :)
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    Hello All!
    It's good to read how you're all doing. Its such an inspiration and motivation.
    Someone at work today told me that they were impressed with how much weight I've lost and that it was noticeable. Then someone else said they would like to have my body! I was very shocked as I've not noticed it - as it's been gradual. I'm glad that I've been making a noticeable change and that other people are inspired by my achievements. I did share a tip or two with them, but I did say it was down to cutting out the rubbish from my diet.
    This has motivated me even more. I hope that the day comes for you guys soon (if its not already!) It's given me one of the biggest buzzes and I'm off to the gym right now to keep it up and reach my next mini goal!!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    mabrywynn i love a cleaning blitz i dont usually log exercise but like tomorrow when im blitzing everything moving things and scrubbing hard i will i know its a workout because it raises my heart rate and gets me sweating somethimes more than jogging on the wii and the feel good factor when its clean and fresh is the greatest high i end up in a super mood all day

    cdpm i know how you mean you dont notice the weight goes gradually but i think its the same with everything we see everyday we dont notice the changes a smuch as when we dont see something or someone for a while ive had alot of friends say im looking healthier and ive lost loads and im like what its only 11lbs we just must be doing something right so while we keep it up we are going to reach our goals

    ive been out tonight so missed my jogging but my daughter was lead in a school play cinderella rockerfella she was great i hope none of the clas stry singing as a career mind you they were off key alot but fantatsic and the efoort they put in really showed i had a great time and i dont regret not exercising more for a minute this was a not to miss thing and i loved it and there was no junk to eat woohoo
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    daisy fantastic on the loss both weight and inches i love all these acheivments

    i spent £65 on cat things a carrier, litter tray, scratch post i havent even bought food yet and its the most fun ive had in ages all i need now is them to hurry and arrange a home visit and then i can go collect her im worse than kids at xmas altho my kids are really excisted as well my 11 year old seems more excited that she can clean the litt tray strange child but i wont complain

    i will try change my pic to the beardy so you can have a look

    Thank you! I am so glad!

    And the beardy looks amazing! What a fantastic pet! How old to they get?
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    daisy fantastic on the loss both weight and inches i love all these acheivments

    i spent £65 on cat things a carrier, litter tray, scratch post i havent even bought food yet and its the most fun ive had in ages all i need now is them to hurry and arrange a home visit and then i can go collect her im worse than kids at xmas altho my kids are really excisted as well my 11 year old seems more excited that she can clean the litt tray strange child but i wont complain

    i will try change my pic to the beardy so you can have a look

    Thank you! I am so glad!

    And the beardy looks amazing! What a fantastic pet! How old to they get?

    they live on average between 5-10 years but some can live longer or health issues can decrease life expectancy he is currently 3and half and at 2ft in length and weighs almost 3lbs but he is a tubby man lol maybe he needs join mfp too and learn to eat his veggies normally they are active like to run around there vivarium and eat the greens chase the locust mine prefers to sit and look at me as if to say what you`re not hand feeding me hes lazy enough to wait until a locust sits on his nose before eating them but i love him not good to cuddle on the sofa tho because they need higher heats and uv lighting and they can feel rough to the touch but great to have a hold and watch kids love them and they are pretty low maintanace not like usual cats dogs rabbits etc

    happy thursday all last school day i can lie in tomorrow woohoo
    todays plans include scrubbing my house probably be a waste of time as kid swill make it scruffy again by 4pm but still it needs a good scrub everything clean do loads laundry very boring fit some exercise in and maybe bake some biscuits or buns for later when watch a film with kidddies

    hope everyone has a fab day i will check in on you all later lol
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    I am leaving to go camping in a few hours so won't be weighing in or checking in for a few days.

    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    I am leaving to go camping in a few hours so won't be weighing in or checking in for a few days.

    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

    have a fantatsic time nelski enjoy yourself and dont worry about weigh in or being uber good just enjoy your break look forward to hearing how fab it was when u get back
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning and happy friday all

    i shattered so much for my lie in because theres no school

    heres the achievments i have so far i try and writ ethem down as you post them but please tell me when im wrong or if i missed you

    suzumichan is under 250lbs way to go you
    bj shooter lost 1lbs taking the total to 50lbs fantastic
    daisy80 lost 2lbs and 2.5iches and we love the inches so much because it makes us look skinny woohoo
    monkeysmum maintained after the hectic week ive had im happy with that

    hope you all have a great day we are all doing great and i cant wait to see more acheivments

    huge thanks to you all if it wasnt for the support you give on here id have slacked when i sprained my foot instead of being better with my foods i appreciate it
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    Thank goodness it's Friday!!! It's been a long week!
    Today I got up early and blitzed a workout. Now I'm feeing energised and ready for the day! I am going out for a meal tonight which could throw my weight about a bit, but a weekend with some good workouts should counter it! I am hoping so anyway. Haha

    Hope you all have a good friday and well done to everyone for their efforts this week - lets keep it up!!