fit for october challenge



  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Great job all you losers and for just for being accountable. I am up a pound so not great but not surprised, I am enjoying my summer and just trying to maintain for now and eventually get more hard core to lose a few. I am going on a tailgate party boat tomorrow for the Mets/Phillies game so good times but not for my body. Gonna get a workout in today and try to stay active for the week to make up for it.
    Have a great weekend!
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I knew I had posted in here somewhere :D

    I have been missing in action slightly, but I have read this through ad am all caught up, everyone is doing great.
    I also recently bought 6 week 6 pack and am dying to start, i have a few weeks left on the one I am doing though, will report back with results.

    I have only lost 3lb so far, from my 20.

    SW 146
    CW 143
    GW 126 ( or any 120 number will do )
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    I knew I had posted in here somewhere :D

    I have been missing in action slightly, but I have read this through ad am all caught up, everyone is doing great.
    I also recently bought 6 week 6 pack and am dying to start, i have a few weeks left on the one I am doing though, will report back with results.

    I have only lost 3lb so far, from my 20.

    SW 146
    CW 143
    GW 126 ( or any 120 number will do )

    well done thats 1lb more gone last week i had you at 2lb loss then and 3lb is a great start its almost 1lb a week from when we started i am thinking of trying the 6w6p but seen as its for hubbys birthday on 22nd i think i better wait i doubt he will be convinced its his bday presant if i open and use lol once its open tho well whats his is mine whats mine is mine also lmao

    this is start of our week 5 and how on earth did the time fly by so fast?

    on that note good morning and happy saturday why i chose to get up so early i have no idea especially as im still tired but as ive had no ill effects so far from jogging yesterday i am going to have another go today feels good to be able to again my kids probably do more distance i know my 4yr old when she jogs on wii manages around 2000metres more than me i may have to work on that as my challenge to get a better distance than my 4yr old surely it cant be that hard i hope anyway

    be good and i shall check on you all later
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    Happy Saturday!
    I decided to weigh myself today and I'm chuffed, almost at my next mini goal (154lbs or 11stone if you will). I have lost almost 3lbs! I haven't weighed in for a few weeks due to illness, bad weekends and I didn't want to be disheartened. Even last weekend I went out for a curry! I really do like how I can still eat what I want, with a treat here and there and still lose weight!

    Hopefully next week I can log onto this thread and let you all know that I've reached my goal!

    My plans for this rainy day is to have a mini re-vamp day. I'm going to see if I can get a haircut today (ambitious I know, but I had a lucky day yesterday - winning an argument with my bank!) , failing that I'll just buy some hair dye! I'm also going to go through my wardrobe, and hopefully get a big bag ready for the charity shop of clothes that are too big for me.
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Monkeysmum, - I dont think i could stop myself having a quick go, I hope hubby likes it, what a way to get a hubby with fab abs :D
    It does seem to be whizzing by this year, its quite scary actually.

    cdpm - don't you just love it when a week you think is bad turns out to be a success, this seems to happen a lot. I was gobsmacked I lost weight last week, alcohol, mcdonalds, thought I would of gained loads, I think you body sometimes needs a bit of a splurge. Thorwing out too big clothes is so motivating, have fun.

    I am up early also, my children are off to their dads for the weekend later and I had planned on gardening, but the weather here in Sheffield, is horrid. I may paint my daughters bedroom instead, I fall off the wagon slightly at weekends. I sleep too long, miss meals ad generally can't be bothered to eat. Determind effort from me this week to do something productive.
  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member
    okies so far here are this weeks achievments

    Mabrywynn lost 1lb fantastic
    cherrydietcoke lost 3lbs and is now 1 stone lost brilliant stuff
    Daisy80 lost 1lb brilliant and day 5 in on slimdown keep it up
    monkeysmum lost 1.4lbs yaay me lol
    daytimedreamer1979 has lost a son lol shes 71lbs down which is the weight of her son way to go hun
    and my hubby is sulking he only lost 0.6lbs but im still proud of him

    keep posting and feel free to yell scream and throw things if ive missed you off the list i do try to write them down when you post them but my kids like to hide my papers and i worry ive missed people off yell and ill add you on to it im hoping to post every weeks acheivments at the end of october so we can see how we did thru all the summer but it may just be too long we`re doing so fab

    i actually did not lose 1lb this week...I did maintain though (weighed this morning) at least I did not gain anything back considering all the food I ate the weekend before. I am being really good this weekend and hope to post positive results for the next weigh in

    I did not get to workout much this week so today is starting me back at the gym just about everyday which will feel amazing. Bootcamp this morning woohoo
  • want2walknotwaddle
    want2walknotwaddle Posts: 77 Member
    ok here are our goals lets hope we all make them good luck us

    Fit for October goals

    Person Goal
    Daytimedreamer Reach 14st 7lbs (203lbs)
    Cathyg18 20lbs loss
    Bethmakesmusic Fit in dress hubby bought :)
    Timeforamajorchange 30lbs loss average 1.5lbs week
    Christinichka more than 20lbs lost
    Sarahliz24 30lbs loss faster marathon time
    KatheryneH13 7-10lbs loss monthly cycle everyday
    DancinSMartipan wear a sexy outfit on Halloween
    Monkeysmum 20lbs loss 1hr exercise daily

    yikes only 6lb to go to meet goals for october challenge so think going to move the goalposts again and try for 13 st 7 its funny because when i first started this in march would have been happy to be 15 stone for wedding and i just shot through that one with 3 1/2 month to go
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member

    cdpm - don't you just love it when a week you think is bad turns out to be a success, this seems to happen a lot. I was gobsmacked I lost weight last week, alcohol, mcdonalds, thought I would of gained loads, I think you body sometimes needs a bit of a splurge. Thorwing out too big clothes is so motivating, have fun.

    I'm still surprised by myself, I've weighed myself a few times today! I have eaten differently this week, a Subway for friday lunch, a pub lunch for a work meeting and I have also mixed up my exercise too, swimming and more weight training. I guess it helps to keep mixing up your routines and diet!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    cdpm i love it when a bad week turns out to be a good week its a great motivater and throwing away clothes thats too big is great

    bjshooter im in leeds and its peeing don here too if that makes it seem better im glad i got my washing all done yesterday

    daytimedreamer i find the bigger goals i set the harder i work i dont always reach them but i definately work at getting to them

    mabrywynn i shall alter the chart to maintain which is still great anything that isnt a gain is fantastic for me

    i am baking my sister is visiting so i made her favourite carrot cake which is good a si hate the stuff so no temptation to nibble and ive just done 30minutes jogging didnt beat the 4yr olds distance but i did improve by 300metres lol gotta love a girl for trying
  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member
    i was able to hit the gym this morning and once again it felt amazing...gym addiction is back to stay - I forsee great results for this coming week :)
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hello all and happy Saturday

    I have finished my day 6 of the Slimdown! So that means the first week is complete!! Hurray. Once I had my workout in I fancied a little more and did Xstretch part of P90X. It is really nice and I feel great now!

    I am already scared of my next weigh in on Wednesday. My eating was ok but not great and I had a few drinks. I am hoping to be down....I am so tempted to have a peak and weigh myself. I don't want that though as I feel great about exercising at the moment and I know if the scale is not down I will get discouraged. So i just have to stick it out till Wednesday now...arrrgghhh

    I hope you all have a great day ladies!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    well saturday is over all too soon its too fast i like the weekend it needs to slow down lol

    i was very good i didnt eat any cake or buns i made kids have enjoyed them all and my sister and no temptations left i have eaten sweets today tho but i came in under calories so not too bad i just wish the weather was nicer so i could have gone out in garden or gone for a walk

    i hope eveyones been very good daisy your working so hard how can the scales not be kind dont worry they will have to be nice or threaten to turn them into scrap metal lol

    mabrywynn i am too feeling that fitness high im loving being able to jog again albeit slow and staggering buts its great to be doing something active that get sthe heart rate up
  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member
    well saturday is over all too soon its too fast i like the weekend it needs to slow down lol

    i was very good i didnt eat any cake or buns i made kids have enjoyed them all and my sister and no temptations left i have eaten sweets today tho but i came in under calories so not too bad i just wish the weather was nicer so i could have gone out in garden or gone for a walk

    i hope eveyones been very good daisy your working so hard how can the scales not be kind dont worry they will have to be nice or threaten to turn them into scrap metal lol

    mabrywynn i am too feeling that fitness high im loving being able to jog again albeit slow and staggering buts its great to be doing something active that get sthe heart rate up

    congrats on starting to workout again...even it if is slow. It is better than nothing right? woohoo

    I have done pretty good today on my eating and working out...I plan to hit the pavement in the morning for a good long run...hopefully my body is up for it :)
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning sunday already so unfair i want a 5 day weekend lol on the poitive my kids break up from school thursday so long weekend then 5 days summer school for 1 of them and finally the long holidays of just chilling out and relaxing

    todays plans involve jogging on the wii i have to catch up to the 4yr olds distance its embarrassing she beats me lol also going to make some lentils with baby corn and fine beans little veggie stock and chilli garlic for flavour

    im also looking at cats not at all fitness related but ive decided i want a pet for me kids have a tarantula and a bearded dragon but oddly they dont want to cuddle on sofa with me so a rescue cat it is if only i could decided because at the minute i want about 80 ive seen mad cat lady approaching lol
  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member
    lol...i guess spiders don't cuddle...just make sure the cat doesn't eat the spider!

    so i have to say this morning started out terrible...with my son getting up extra early and me just not ready for it. However, instead of going back to bed for a nap like my mom suggested I went for a run...a LONG run. 7 miles later and I feel fantastic and burned almost 800 calories to boot. Yeah Sunday!!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    lol...i guess spiders don't cuddle...just make sure the cat doesn't eat the spider!

    so i have to say this morning started out terrible...with my son getting up extra early and me just not ready for it. However, instead of going back to bed for a nap like my mom suggested I went for a run...a LONG run. 7 miles later and I feel fantastic and burned almost 800 calories to boot. Yeah Sunday!!

    great run and calorie burn

    lol no the spider will be handled but its not a cuddle up on ure bed and love you back kinda pet i am about to turn the comp off and do the jogging i have so far seen 30 cats i just wish i could love and keep them all i do think hubby will be like no way woman to me 1 yes 2 at an absolute push if i see one that needs rehoming with another but more than that and it may come down to a me or the cat scenario lol tempting but i shall be good im just waiting see if one comes up that i absolutly adore and can not leave

    food wise im being very good ive eaten lentil soup i made and feel full on less than 300 cals no idea what ill make for tea tho probably sweet potato roasted with salad inspire me someone as nothing is really jumping out and saying eat me
  • suzumichan
    suzumichan Posts: 127
    Hello everyone :D

    Im in a happy mood a bit. I learned today that I weight 249.2!~
    Which means I got out of the 250's xD
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    Hello everyone :D

    Im in a happy mood a bit. I learned today that I weight 249.2!~
    Which means I got out of the 250's xD

    fantastic i love all these victories they make it all seem worth while and motivating well done you

    me i have been good just done 1hr jogging on mi trampoline just over 500calories burned and i feel good for doing it
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning and happy monday

    im on the countdown 4 days and schools break up for summer and next week i can go see harry potter in pictures im a big kids really but its meant to be fantatstic

    hope everyones being good and avoiding the bad foods this week is going to be a week of losses for us all because i say so lol
  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member
    I had a bit of a blunder last night with my eating...we had a birthday party for my mother-in-law/memorial birthday party for my father-in-law (who passed away a little less than a a year ago). I let my emotions take over for the night and comfort ate and drank my way until we came home. But since it was just one meal I am assuming two good days of cardio and eating well will put me back on track. Goal this week is to lose weight at weigh in!! Yes this will be a good week