fit for october challenge



  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good afternoon on this very rainy thundery friday

    this weeks achivements are a sfollows keep posting them and ill keep adding

    BJshooter lost 2lbs way to go
    Suzumichan is under 260 fantastic work
    nelski lost 1.6lbs 6.2lbs lost so far well done you
    daytimedreamer lost 5lbs 67lbs lost so far 3 more for the 70 congratulations
    monkeysmum well i gained 1lb which im kinda glad it is only 1lb and i finally have the foot support off just still tender

    also my hubby has been dieting hes on here under tubbydaddy not that he uses it much i update for him but hes lost 25lbs so far and im dead proud of him

    lets hope next week is just as fab as this one we are doing fantastic
  • suzumichan
    suzumichan Posts: 127
    Thanks I weighted myself this morning since I weight every monday/tusedays and thursdays/fridays and learned that I kept it off 258.8 now xD So Im happy about that Hoping it will drop some more <3
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    Thanks I weighted myself this morning since I weight every monday/tusedays and thursdays/fridays and learned that I kept it off 258.8 now xD So Im happy about that Hoping it will drop some more <3

    thats fantastic i felt great when i got under 140 and my hubby just got under 200 hes really pleased as well its like a great sign our hard work is paying off
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Great job everyone!

    I just finished doing Jillian's 6 week 6 pack. I wish I didn't skip it all week but at least I'm trying again. Splurging a little tonight during movie night with (light)popcorn and candy but definitely no alcohol. That is my downfall. More than one night a week of drinking alcohol really slows my weight loss. I'm saving that for, hotdogs & beer. :)

    Have a great weekend MFP'ers.
  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member
    i am out of town this weekend; however, I did weigh this morning and I am at 146.4lbs at the end of the week...which means I have lost almost a whole lb since my last weigh in and almost 2lbs total (yeah)!! it is so motivating to see that and to fit better in my gym shorts this week...makes me want to keep up the good work. My goal is to go running in the morning...burn about 500-600 calories so that I can enjoy the shower/luncheon I am throwing for my sister and then back tot he grind for the next week. I would love to be at 145/144 by the end of July (if not less...but I am not going to push it either)

    good luck everyone this weekend. Just think of the reward for every cookie/icecream/hamburger that you pass down for the healthier option!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning mfp

    i woke up full of optomism the sun was out and shining so out went washing another load in machine and now it looks like its going to pee it down that means another day of wet clothes in the house and heating on to dry it in july not a happy bunny
    on the plus yesterday was a very good eating day i was so well behaved i even passed up making cookies etc for kids mostly because i knew id eat them so better not lol

    nelski well done on surviving jillian i can just imagine her yelling at us all what do you mean you ate that and drank this get on the treadmill biggest loser just isnt the same without her

    mabrywynn congrats on the weight loss i think i found the 1lb you lost i will throw it away as we dont need it tho lol have a fantastic day hope it stays nice and sunny and theres some healthy options

    my plans today include laundry very boring cleaning even more boring but at least it burns calories and teaching my kids various things that they are learning in school i am hoping to get a chance to make some cards i need to make a shop window birthday card for my grandmas bday 17th july need aboot up the bum for that ive been putting it off yell at me if i didnt do it today

    have fun everyone and ill check on you all later
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hello ladies

    I am back! I spontaneously started a job on Wednesday. I needed to get a job quick due to unexpected circumstances so I called my old manager that I worked for in a pub and I started the next day. Oh god I forgot how hard pub work is. I think I am to old for 12 hour shifts...:yawn: I did worked 3 days and did almost 30 hours. I can really feel it. I was so tired after work so did not log in.

    I only exercised Thursday but as said work itself was a workout. I don't think I will go back to the job as I didn't like the pub very much.

    I started 30 Day Slimdown last week but might restart it now. I have lost 1lbs (I weigh in Wednesday) which I am pleased with as I had such a bad weekend! My eating this week was ok but not great! I think today I'll have a rest day but hope to exercise again tomorrow.

    Great news about your foot!

    @Nelski: Are you doing 6 weeks of 6W6P or are you doing it amongst other workouts? Would be interested in your results. I am doing JM workouts and really like them!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    well done daisy on the 1lb loss

    not sure on congratulations on my foot im feeling it today and i just moved and it felt like i hit my funny bone only in my foot not a pleasant sensation im going to see how i get during week and if not i think another trip to the doctors is in order which i really hate doing the long wait and the well i cant really do anything but try this or be referred for an xray i curse my own stupidity definaltly a lesson learned

    i have also been very naughty zero exercise today but i did make my grandmas bday card a flower shop window with 3d flowers both in the window display and outside with flower pots im impressed with the result and im hoping she will love it i just need to get some sturdy white cardboard to make a box for it too big for envelopes and then if she wants its a keepsake box also

    im going to see what exerecise i can do probably cleaning around my house and some walking from room to room but at least it will be something hope your all having a good saturday
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    @Nelski: Are you doing 6 weeks of 6W6P or are you doing it amongst other workouts? Would be interested in your results. I am doing JM workouts and really like them!

    I will be doing it along with other exercise. I do want to do if for 6 weeks, but I have a feeling her 6 weeks means doing it every day. Since I'm getinng ing OnDemand I miss the part where she says that or not. I would like to do it 3 days a week then maybe some cardio, like walk/jog or bike rides on the other days. I did it 3x the 1st week I started, then just 1 this last week, hoping to make it 3 this coming week.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning loverlys happy sunday

    how did it get to sunday so fast again?

    hope everyones having a good weekend so far. i was very naughty last night i made a chocolate coconut slice very morish and yummy only 2oz of sugar which surprised me as most cakes buns biscuits have 4oz alot of butter tho hoping that because i used light version they arent too bad for me as a treat anyways i am aiming to avoid the left overs from it today and stick to healthy stuff

    hope everyone has a good day be good
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    Hey all!
    It was my weigh in day today and turns out I've lost nothing! I see this as a positive, nothing gained and for the amount of bad food I shouldn't have eaten I feel like this is an achievement. It's been that 'special' week for me so this could just be a blip.
    But I know now I have no excuses for anymore bad eating habits or slacking. It's time to get back on track seriously again!
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hello all!

    The card for your grandma sounds lovely! I wish I'd be able to do stuff like that!

    And yes I think you are supposed to do 6W6P daily for 6 weeks. I think I would get really bored of it though.

    I haven't done anything yet this weekend. I just needed to just chill out after the last few days of work. My eating wasn't great either! I really wanted to lose more than a pound on my next weigh in but not sure if that is going to happen now.

    I decided that I will restart the 30 Day Slimdown schedule on Monday as I have only done 3 days last week.
    For me too it is time to get serious!!
  • officiallymrswhite
    officiallymrswhite Posts: 423 Member
    Is it too late to join this challenge? I would love to join and have some more people to keep me motivated !!:smile:
  • suzumichan
    suzumichan Posts: 127
    Today is a happy day! I tried on a dress I brought before my dad's wedding (Which was two months ago) And I can now fit it!! So happy :D
  • suzumichan
    suzumichan Posts: 127
    thats fantastic i felt great when i got under 140 and my hubby just got under 200 hes really pleased as well its like a great sign our hard work is paying off
    Congrats! :D
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    Is it too late to join this challenge? I would love to join and have some more people to keep me motivated !!:smile:

    never too late welcome aboard how much are you aiming to lose??

    cdpm i always say its better to maintain than to gain be proud that you ate what you wanted and didnt gain weight back it shows when we reach target it is possible to stay there and still have the foods we enjoy

    daisy im sure you can mange more than 1lb if its what you set your mind to id be happy with half a lb a week hubby sulks if its less than 3lbs a week i think when we losing weight we are never happy with the amounts unless its more than 1lb and more than we aim for we are all eager for the weight to be gone but im sure we are all going to reach target some just faster than others in the end we are all going to be smexy and skinny lol

    suzumichan congrats on fitting in the dress i got in one the other week and it put me on a high for days today i got some trousers that before were too tight and today there loose its the boost we need when the scales dont seem to shift
  • hi everyone bit of a late check in, looks like you're all doing so well, I've lost 2lb this week, just 1lb away from my 1st stone lost!!! feel great, my had a 30th party for my finace last night got so many compliments about my weightloss. Keep up the good work everyone! x
  • officiallymrswhite
    officiallymrswhite Posts: 423 Member
    Is it too late to join this challenge? I would love to join and have some more people to keep me motivated !!:smile:

    never too late welcome aboard how much are you aiming to lose??

    cdpm i always say its better to maintain than to gain be proud that you ate what you wanted and didnt gain weight back it shows when we reach target it is possible to stay there and still have the foods we enjoy

    daisy im sure you can mange more than 1lb if its what you set your mind to id be happy with half a lb a week hubby sulks if its less than 3lbs a week i think when we losing weight we are never happy with the amounts unless its more than 1lb and more than we aim for we are all eager for the weight to be gone but im sure we are all going to reach target some just faster than others in the end we are all going to be smexy and skinny lol

    suzumichan congrats on fitting in the dress i got in one the other week and it put me on a high for days today i got some trousers that before were too tight and today there loose its the boost we need when the scales dont seem to shift

    Hi!! My end goal is to be down to 135/140. I am currently at 154.6lb. By October, I would love to be at least 145. My problem is that I am a grad student and it is always difficult to keep up the good habits once school starts. Having the extra motivation would help!! :smile:
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning everyone how are we all today on this sunny monday?

    its a promising sign that the sun is out motivational in its self and all that. always makes me feel more positive.

    i spent yesterday at my mums and she is the one that moans shes fat needs to lose weight then eats 3 choc bars and says i cant understand why i dont lose anything i walk everywhere well yes she does but when lunch was potatos veggies etc and came to over 700calories add to that the choc bars and whippy icecream and my treat day was a normal day for her but of course the i walk everywhere surely must cancel all that junk out bless her shes my height and would probably be set very close to my calorie goal as she only has 40lbs to lose but trying to explain the healthy approach just doesnt work i love her just wish she could slow the main meal calories down a little when i visit i love the sunday meals but the yorkshire puddings do nothing for my calories lmao

    soontobemrswhit 10lbs by october i think is doable and in summer holidays we can work out more so losing more is a possible too well for most people im still suffering with my foot and trying to find ways to get exercise i may even have to god forbid start ironing again just for the calorie burn the horror im not even sure i still have an iron lol

    hope everyone has a great monday be good drink plenty water and i shall be back later to check on you all
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    hi everyone bit of a late check in, looks like you're all doing so well, I've lost 2lb this week, just 1lb away from my 1st stone lost!!! feel great, my had a 30th party for my finace last night got so many compliments about my weightloss. Keep up the good work everyone! x

    thats fantatsic way to go you i wish i was doing as good
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