fit for october challenge



  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member
    Friday= weight day....well taking advice from you lovely ladies I am NOT weighing myself today due to TOM. So I will resume again next Friday with my weekly weigh ins/measurements.

    goal for this weekend/week = eat healthy (we are heading to the lake for the holiday), run everyday I am not able to make it to the gym (i just got a heart rate monitor so that will help me to see how i am doing/and it tells you how far you have gone)....this next week will be hard to get to the gym because i have some serious cookie orders...sooo once again no cookies (except a taste to make sure they are good), lots of lettuce/veggies/lovely proteins

    good luck this weekend everyone - keep up the good work
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    Friday= weight day....well taking advice from you lovely ladies I am NOT weighing myself today due to TOM. So I will resume again next Friday with my weekly weigh ins/measurements.

    goal for this weekend/week = eat healthy (we are heading to the lake for the holiday), run everyday I am not able to make it to the gym (i just got a heart rate monitor so that will help me to see how i am doing/and it tells you how far you have gone)....this next week will be hard to get to the gym because i have some serious cookie orders...sooo once again no cookies (except a taste to make sure they are good), lots of lettuce/veggies/lovely proteins

    good luck this weekend everyone - keep up the good work

    good plan i had to taste my scones today seen as they will go to a church summer gala for sale they had to be good 2 scones tatsed 1 victoria scone and 1 very small cheese one i could so eat more of them so i packaged them up ready i still need to make the carrot cake with orange frosted icing rather glad i dont like that no temptations there

    dont you ever get bored of the cookies?? if i do alot of baking by end of the day i dont want to see it again let alone taste it im not a huge fan of cakes etc to start with but i love baking them but i always thought if you worked with something all the time you went off of it maybe thats just a myth tho
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning happy sunny saturday

    today is my birthday 32yrs i will be my target weight by 33yrs honest i know ive said it for 3yrs in a row but this year i feel positive lol

    this weeks achievments

    acheivments week june 24th-july 1st
    cdpm lost 2lbs way to go
    sarahliz24 lost 1.2lbs 7.4lbs lost so far nice job
    cherrydietcoke1 lost 1lbs good job
    monkeysmum loss 0.4lbs better than nothing go me
    nelski loss 0.4lbs and survived a week with jillian lol
    daytimedreamer loss 3lbs total lost so far 62lbs

    we are doing fab lets keep it up
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member

    Thank you for your welcome :smile:

    And happy Birthday! I hope you'll have a nice day!

    Well done everyone on the losses!
    This weekend I am being bad but I knew so it is ok. I had friends around for a film night last night and we had pizza. Today my food choice will be better! Tonight I am going to watch the big boxing fight so I will be drinking. Monday I am back on track!

    And all those those cookies and scones and cakes sound yummy ....

  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    lol daisy the scones were sold in 30mins id made cheese, fruit and victoria scones also the 2 carrot cakes with orange frosted icing went straight away sold as whole cakes

    my day went great and i didnt log a single calorie i didnt need mfp to say i was way over and well its my birthday so im having a day off but tomorrow i will be extra good a day off cant hurt too much can it?? ok it can with what i ate but well i no mind for 1 day as long a si dont do it everyday if i do feel free to boot my butt big style lol
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning lovelys happy sunny sunday

    really hate how sunday shappens so fast after friday maybe the weekend should be 5 days and week only 2?

    todays plans involve being very very good after yesterday if i want the scales to be nice i better be good and work out still limited because of my foot ive been doing a day resting a day doing a day resting a day its very frustrating but seen as it still hurts alittle as i walk and definately gets sore when i exercise i will have to paitient and just try other things to get my calorie burn wish me luck i shall check inn on you all later see if your being good or if the 4ths july celebrations are making being good as hard as my bday did yesterday on th eplus its only 1 weekend in a year lol
  • gigiyana
    gigiyana Posts: 1
    I would definatly love to join! My birthday is in october and I would love to have given myself a gift:) Also,Im wanting to be a sexy costume for halloween and my main goal is to show my stomach!
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Thank you for the welcome! I think it is totally fine to treat yourself on your birthday! After all we have to have a life too! I am sure you can make up for it.

    I will be starting the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Slimdown routine tomorrow. Looking forward to get started and get back onto my diet. I have gained so much weight during the past months. I want to lose about 45lbs.It just seems so much well all I can do now is to get on with it!

    Have a lovely Sunday everyone!

  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    I would definatly love to join! My birthday is in october and I would love to have given myself a gift:) Also,Im wanting to be a sexy costume for halloween and my main goal is to show my stomach!

    welcome on board i know what you mean on the showing tummy its where all my wobbles and bulges are well most of them and id love to tone it up when i go away and wearing a tighter top that shows my hard work not my stretch marks its a slo process tho

    daisy treat was an understatement i think a fast mental count had me at over 2000calories im allowed 1200 so i thought stop before i get depressed at myself
    today isnt really going to plan either i was going to do some light jogging but as i stood up my foot gave a slight crick and throbs so i had to postpone that and just hope to be good food wise im impaitient with it now i want it fully better and i know by working out on it it will make it worse so im bit fed up of slow walking about and basic cleaning as it isnt the calorie burn i like ill take what i can get/do but i want it fully better fast so i can go back to my usual workout before i get as i do that and then ache allover like i did in the beginning

    on the plus its a lovely 70f here today and im loving the sunshine it makes me feel so cheerful and optomistic
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Oh well...It was your birthday and you should treat yourself...Try not to worry and move on...

    And how annoying about your injury! Maybe you can do some upper body workout?

    I am looking to lose my wobbly belly too! Just tired of being concious about sitting down and not being able to wear tight close. One of my little goals will be to cut up my Spanx! :laugh:
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    Oh well...It was your birthday and you should treat yourself...Try not to worry and move on...

    And how annoying about your injury! Maybe you can do some upper body workout?

    I am looking to lose my wobbly belly too! Just tired of being concious about sitting down and not being able to wear tight close. One of my little goals will be to cut up my Spanx! :laugh:

    i know my foot is a problem i pulled the calf muscle 2 weekends ago then last weekend i sprained my foot same leg and it just doesnt seem to be fully healing i know its probably my impaitience i spent 4 days with it just up on a cushion resting it before i could even walk but i was hoping it be fully better by now must just have been worse than i thought and i will have to be paitient i have done a little jogging on trampoline mostly as a cushion for my joints but 30minutes at a mor elike hobble jog pace i doubt i burn what mfp says i do

    on the plus side it means i am being more careful with what i eat knowing i cant work it off this weekend not counted lol but i have been more aware of the calories instead of thinking its ok my exercise cancels this out i nee dthat boot as i can be a little well its a treat ill still be in calorie now i need to be ok its not worth the calories in it so ill pass and i need that

    wobbly bellys can go for us all i reckon
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Poor you! I hope it'll be better soon! And maybe try to see the positive side that it helps you with your eating :smile:
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning everyone (like that didnt sound like the teachers in school to class lol)

    now own up who stole my sunshine i get up and it looks like its still night its dull grey miserable and dark im all for sharing but the sun but someone has stolen it completely its so unfair lol

    plans for today involve school run 3x visiting my inlaws and some shopping for my girls they need bangles necklaces earrings etc to go with there eid clothes and they so excited picking colours the oldest wants gold and green next one wants orange and the 2 littlest just want ones that jingle jangle like the scarecrow in the rhyme young kids say the funniest things and in between all that i need to cook/clean and try a little exercise even if its just walking in my house

    have a good day and ill check in on you all laters
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    Happy Monday morning!
    Well this week I skipped my weigh in as I've had a bit of a poor week with food, being ill, in not fit state to exercise and then a weekend out on a hen do (this did involve a dance class though which was more of a cardio than we were expecting!) . I didn't think I'd need the scales to tell me that my clothes are going to fit more snug this week!!!
    So now it's time to get serious and I understand that it may take more than one week to take off any weight that I may have put on last week.
    I'm going to up the workouts and get my food back on track. I will keep you posted with the progress!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    Happy Monday morning!
    Well this week I skipped my weigh in as I've had a bit of a poor week with food, being ill, in not fit state to exercise and then a weekend out on a hen do (this did involve a dance class though which was more of a cardio than we were expecting!) . I didn't think I'd need the scales to tell me that my clothes are going to fit more snug this week!!!
    So now it's time to get serious and I understand that it may take more than one week to take off any weight that I may have put on last week.
    I'm going to up the workouts and get my food back on track. I will keep you posted with the progress!

    i think this weekend has been bad for most pple bdays 4th july celbrations etc but i refuse to beat myself up over it i usually weigh on a monday and friday and today im the same weight i was last week ill take maintaining at the minute seen as my exercise is very slow walking and not much else darn this foot i want it fully healed but never mind i will just have to be good food wise not too hard so far as i think i ate so much at the weekend im not even hungry yet im going to snack on a cereal bar i think just so ive had something and worry about teatime when it arrives but i am contemplating making fresh okra curry and chappattis i love okra and i will be so near the store where i can get it fresh motivation if ever i seen it lol

    we can and will do it we did not gain our weight over night and 1 weekend wont do us that much harm but now we will be good because well becaus ei want to be skinny and look smexy when i go away lol
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    It really does seem we all had a bad weekend....but hey nevermind. It is a new week so time to look ahead!

    Glad to hear you had no gain. That is a success isn't it? I weigh in on Wednesdays. Just seem to work for me as it is the middle of the week and I tend to eat more on the weekends. So I feel for me it is a good day for weigh ins...

    I am happy right now. I just completed day 1 of the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Slimdown routine. Today the 30 Day Shred Level 1 was on the menu :wink:

    I quite enjoyed it I have to say. I tried the DVD a while back but did not really like it. Today I enjoyed it. I do like JM. She just said the right things at the right point for me today!

    Are any of you doing any JM workouts. I feel like I read that on here once....

    I hope you all have a great day and happy 4th of July to the Americans if here are any...

  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    yep there is nelski is doing jillian michaels six pack on demand very brave but i do like jillian on biggest loser mean and brutal but gets results

    i am struggling to get calories today all weekend i ate like over 2000 a day and today im struggling to get to 500 i just dont feel hungry not sure if im full from weekend the sun that finally came out but im just not fussed i did eat a really nice lentil curry at lunch with homemade chappatti my sis in law is a fab cook i need to get my butt into gear and find something or i will be snacking on junk later
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    How about some nuts or almonds? I always have some almonds to snack on...not too many of course but keeps me full and is protein, some good fats and some calories...
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    im thinking a potato in microwave in jacket with a little philedelphia i really cannot leave it at the calories ive had it is beyond a little under it hasnt even touched 500 so into the kitchen i go and potato in micro its funny when i want to keep calorie slow i struggle when i need get them up im just not hungry on the plus if all else fails i have icecream in freezer and chocolates on cupboard
  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member

    dont you ever get bored of the cookies?? if i do alot of baking by end of the day i dont want to see it again let alone taste it im not a huge fan of cakes etc to start with but i love baking them but i always thought if you worked with something all the time you went off of it maybe thats just a myth tho

    i totally get bored with them...which is awesome. I make sugar cookies (using almond extract = my weakness) and decorate them for birthdays/baby showers/weddings...whatever. So it is actually a bit of a workout at the end of the day as long as I am not stuffing them in my mouth. Since it is the same thing over and over I am becoming able to just taste test and throw away = yeah

    I am back from my mini holiday at the lake with family and ready to start eating well again...the weighing in will start over on Friday morning. I got my new heart rate monitor watch that also helps with mileage/calories so that is going to be a fun tthing to play around with and get me going over the next few weeks