fit for october challenge



  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    Hello everyone!
    I've been away for a few days for weddings and birthdays and boy have I paid for it! A quick and dreaded time on the scales show that I've put on a little bit of weight. Not as much as I was dreading, but its still a gain - I had a very good weekend so I think it was defiantly worth it, especially as it was an event I have planned into my overall plan.

    Back on the good food today, and minimal carbs ater 2pm (it seems that carbs were all i ate after 2 over the weekend!)
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning everyone happy tuesday

    cdpm a weekend splurge is a good thing it means we dont feel so bad at being good again when we get to monday and the treat weekend is like a huge reward for being so good i can assure you when i go away in october i will not be counting calories i will be walking a hell of alot but i wont be thinking oh id love that but no its bad for me ill be saying to hell with it i worked hard all year i deserve to eat my favourites and enjoy it because any weight i gain i can lose again after my treat break wheres the fun in having weddings and birthdays and holidays if we cant enjoy it all

    today tho we get to kick your butt if your not good lol

    i am walking alot today supermarket shopping pushing a trolley and having kids nagging me can we have this can we have that oh the joys i also need clean house again how can kids create this much mess or maybe thats my perspective because the hoover is broke and i need to sweep again id moan but the workout i got last time was fab i definately felt like i earned them calories burned

    be good everyone and i shall check on you all laters
  • Latoyamary
    Latoyamary Posts: 140
    I am down.. Let me know the details!!
  • suzumichan
    suzumichan Posts: 127
    @monkeysmum Sounds like you got a busy day.

    -Well I have slowed down on dropping weight because it was about 6.9 lbs lost every week then it slowed down to 2.3 lbs lost.
    (Which I will not complain about! I rather keep losing then gaining.)
    Hope everyone has a good week. Im going on vacation after today so I will just be updating food diary.
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Good morning.

    My weekend was fun and unhealthy so it's back to treating my body better. I totally get that hungover feeling too when eating too much junk. I felt that way yesterday but feeling better today.

    My ChaLEAN Extreme is in! I plan to do my fit test, measurements, pics and getting familiar with the moves today and tomorrow. 1st workout of the program will be Thursday. Wish me luck!
  • Jesscox17
    I would love to join you all. I did this one time before and lost a couple lbs. Are you doing any weekly challanges. I would love to loose 10lbs by Oct. SW 173, GW 163
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    I am down.. Let me know the details!!

    welcome aboard
    the details are easy you pick the amount you want to lose by october any date in october and we all support you to get there witha side order of butt kicking if you slack and and great virtual slap on the back when we do great i post all our weeks acheivments on a friday but weigh in when ever you usually do i make notes thru the week and just write it onto here friday evenings
    jesscox17 at minute we dont have any set challenges only what we pick ourselves like avoiding cookies or walking 1hr a day but if you can think of some we can see who can do it and give it a try might give us a variety to work at and make a change from the usual stuff i do

    suzumichan enjoy your vacation hope you get some fab weather and look forward to hearing all about it when you return

    nelski good luck on chaLEAN let us knwo if its any good i have still got to get jillian to whoop my butt on the 6w6p but i may wait until after ramadan any ideas if it be better to do shred first then 6w6p or any in any order??
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    I have done 2 of the parts of Shred and only 1 of 6w6p. In my opinion, you could start with either one 1st. You could probably even alternate them if you get bored easily.
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    good morning everyone happy tuesday

    cdpm a weekend splurge is a good thing it means we dont feel so bad at being good again when we get to monday and the treat weekend is like a huge reward for being so good i can assure you when i go away in october i will not be counting calories i will be walking a hell of alot but i wont be thinking oh id love that but no its bad for me ill be saying to hell with it i worked hard all year i deserve to eat my favourites and enjoy it because any weight i gain i can lose again after my treat break wheres the fun in having weddings and birthdays and holidays if we cant enjoy it all

    today tho we get to kick your butt if your not good lol

    Please do kick my butt if I'm off track!
    That wedding was one of the key factors which initially started me to lose weight - so I think a treat was in order. Even though I ate loads at the weekend it was about 1/4 of what I could have eaten this time last year. I like to look at things in a positive way hehe!

    Today I'm doing well good breakfast, good lunch, a pack of snack-a-jacks for an afternoon snack and just about to have a balanced dinner. No gym for me tonight as I need to do some extra work, but tomorrow, a big session is in order.

    I hope everyone is having a good day and are feeling motivated!!
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    *Double post*
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    hear that ladies we have permission to kick butt if cdpm falls off the diet wagon this week lmao we all need them treats its why we stay motivated the rest of the time

    nelski i may have to get the shred cos i bore very easy

    i am slacking today hubbys turn to cook hes ordered takeaway and the only healthy option was salad i ordered that but also the garlic mushrooms with cheese and sharing garlic bread with whole family there went my good day but i should come in just under calories i hope
  • bbecker613
    bbecker613 Posts: 20 Member
    add me in.. were going to fanasty fest in oct 9key west).. were all supposed to get painted bodies.... plus its my birthday so my goal is the same 20 by then.
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    New weight is 139lb yay 9 stone 13lb, happy number.
  • mindiejean
    mindiejean Posts: 38 Member
    So 30 days I run a 5 k ... I'm going to need some of that BUTT kicking also ladies!!
    How about a weekly goal to drink Our WATER everyday ? That's never a problem for me!!
    Happy WASHED out Wed !!!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    happy rainy wednesday everyone and gawd its miserable i needed to dry laundry :(

    bbecker613 welcome aboard 20lbs = 2lbs a week that will take us to middle october its do able maybe hard but do able and defiantely worth trying for

    bjshooter thats fantastic i loved getting under 10st it was like finally the scales are moving and i love it im at 133.6 at the minute its taking age sto lose this weight but im loving the results

    mindiejean i shall ad dyou to the butt kicking list lol i hate water so drinking 8 glasses will be hard can i count my tea and coffee??

    todays plans involve doing the cleaning i put off yesterday in favour of playing fb after shopping with all kids and the enourmous bill at the end i needed the cheering up i was also trying to find some homes for rescue cats via a group i have on fb all i need now is alot more people in the group and a lot more people with big hearts who are willing to adopt or foster cats wish me luck
  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member
    good morning - sounds like butt kicking is in is over here too. Southga kicked my tail in the food department and I am working hard to get that bloat off - it is so annoying...I feel lik eI just battle the bloat every week and then do it again to myself. So my goal for this week is to not put the bloat back on - i am going to be good all weekend...I will lose another 1-2 lbs before I go on my sisters bachelorette next weekend

    it is wednesday - we can do it!! the hardest days for me are thursday/friday/saturday on the eating well train ... I am assuming others agree - lets be good this weekend!!
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hello everyone

    I am back after kind of falling of the wagon. I took on a second job and just had no time whatsoever for exercise. I had a few days away now and my eating and drinking has been pretty bad. I am trying to be kind to myself and to just look forward!

    I will be starting the 17 day diet soon. I am waiting for the book to arrive but have read a lot about it already so should be more or less ready to start within the next few days!

    For my exercise I am planning on starting Ripped in 30 on Monday!

    I didn't really have much time to read back on your post but it seems everyone is still doing fine! Glad to see that!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    oh my seems like we all need a butt kicking i left off on cleaning me an dkids had a movie day on sofa i did avoid the popcorn chocolate fest that we normally have and i made a big pot of vegatable stew tomato based with courgettes aubergines lentils and green beans but i also left all the cleaning i just couldnt get motivated today

    so butt kick us all and make a plan tomorrow i must clean and if my 30DS dvd arrives make a start on that or at least do something exercise wise but what will be our punishment if we dont do something we need to do something maybe extra 15mins exercise or 50 push ups like in the army lol ideas everyone
  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member
    i love that idea....15 mins of exercise or 100 crunches for me :)

    so far I have been very good today - cleaning/baking/ first and only time to sit down is to have lunch. Super healthy chicken salad (3oz poached chicken + 1/4 cup craisins + 2 tsp olive oil + red wine vinegar = yummy!!) some more baking and hoping to get in a quick 3 mile run this afternoon once my mom gets in town. Dinner will be rattaouille pasta (mmmm - veggies galore) pasta for me though, just veggies and some chicken
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning all happy thursday

    my little girl turns 4 today not ready its too soon and my littlest baby be 3 in november its too fast i feel old i love my kids birthdays all the happinees as they get gifts etc but its scary how fast time is going oldest is 13 in october like a teenager its not good when did that happen

    anyways todays plans sun is shining so laundry and lots of it doing the cleaning ive put off for 2 days that was NOT a good idea and if my 30ds arrives have a try at that see if jillian can whoop my butt into shape i want to be a minimum 9st by october 24th so i have to lose 7lbs i cant slack or ill still be tubby

    minor victory tho i went on the wii yesterday and it said id lost weight like it usually does not enough to register but the bmi went from overweight to ideal made my day its just hovering on the line but whoop whoop i can get into the ideal section havent been in that for almost 10 years simple things that please me

    be good everyone and remember if we slack we have do an extra 15mins workout or the crunches which i hate