fit for october challenge



  • suzumichan
    suzumichan Posts: 127
    Hello I would Love to join in! I got some big plans for october (Im getting married) ^^ But I want to get a lower in my cw. I dont really have a set idea on how much i want to lose by then cause I want to lose it healthy. I want to try to lose at least 20 lbs or maybe 30 lbs. I know its only 3 months away but thats a total of 6 or 10 lbs a month.

    SW: 260.1
    GW: 240 or 230.
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Mabrywynn don't weigh yourself during TOM!! :)

    I woke up at the crack of dawn and exercised today! I'm not very good at early morning exercise. I always want to be but it's hard, sometimes it makes me feel sick to my stomach. I can get up early, I'm up at 5:15 during the week anyway, but exercising then is different. My husband started getting up at 4:30am this week to walk/jog so today I joined him! I mostly walked but I feel good that I did it.
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I would love to join, if thats ok? :D

    I shall be 29 in october and my youngest will be 2 (far too old for the 'its just baby weight excuse)

    20 would be amazing, but even 10 or 15 would be great.

    SW 146
    GW 126

    (125lb is my unltimate goal, would be great to move on to maintainance)
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    bjshooter and suzumichan welcome aboard everyone can join if they want :)

    bjshooter i would love the its baby weight excuse but my youngest turns 3 in november id love the its the kids that did it excuse but at 13 11 8 4 and almost 3 i think it just shows i need to move my behind alot more and quit making excuses for myself

    suzumichan i can think of no bigger motivation than getting married all thos epics the dress the vast amount of family both yours and his definately need to look your best on that day you want to remember it for all the right reasons good luck and hopefully we can motivate you

    mabrywynn why would you torture yourself with scales right now? step away from them put them on top of a cupboard and do NOT reach for them again until TOM has buggered off lol we need to feel motivated and happy about how great we`re doing and tom scales well they should be fined and then hung they dont help us be positive when tom has gone you will soon see the great results again until then hide the evil evil scvales lol

    nelski exercise that early wow that is very motivated i usual wake around 7:30 and exercise about 10am too early i feel sick and too late i end up feeling tired and sluggish we are all doing so good and welbehaved im proud of us all motivating and encouraging and booting me up the butt lol
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    I have the feeling that this week I'm going to have a poor weight loss week.
    I've been ill since sunday and been following the rule of 'feed a cold - starve a fever'. As a result I've eaten waaay to much this week and haven't had the motivation to get my butt to the gym (that said I did do a little workout at home Tuesday morning and walking during my lunch breaks at work - better than nothing!)

    Guess I'll have to wait until I weigh myself again to find out if being ill has had an impact. Have any of you ever had problems with eating & exercise when feeling under the weather??
  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member

    Guess I'll have to wait until I weigh myself again to find out if being ill has had an impact. Have any of you ever had problems with eating & exercise when feeling under the weather??

    cdpm: feeling under the weather is never any fun... i usually don't feel like exercising since i need to save all of my energy up to take care of my twins...don't feel too terribly about it. Just get better so you can go full force when you feel better. I usually am not too hungry when I don't feel good which I guess is a good thing. But then once I feel better I feel like I have the rights to eat whatever I want (and then go back to being bad again)

    girls - thanks for the motivation...I will put the scales up until TOM has left the building...i know my workout shorts fit better this morning so doing something right (or maybe i have just worn them too many days in a row? lol)
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member

    Guess I'll have to wait until I weigh myself again to find out if being ill has had an impact. Have any of you ever had problems with eating & exercise when feeling under the weather??

    i tend to eat little or nothing when im ill but pig out as soon as i feel better i never exercise either but for me ill means eithe rthe usual 24hr bugs kids give me or severe chest infections that result in me needing bed rest and long time antibiotics

    i think if your ill you should do whatever feels best for you and sod the consequences a couple lbs gained when ill isnt the end of the world you can always lose it again but if you dont eat and get your strength back you cant workout

    hope you feel better soon and dont worry over the scales.

    mabrywynn im glad your putting scales away its a good idea and your shorts fitting better is great see thats better than scales anyday
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    Thanks for the advice. I think I have been very focused on weight loss and sticking to my exercise that I may have got a bit stressed out about messing it up. I think until I'm 100% better, I'll use my energy on that before anything else! Thanks :)
  • aabyrer
    aabyrer Posts: 57
    So i just now noticed this post, but I would love to join! My bestfriend is getting married at the end of October and I am the maid of Honor. I would like to be 20-25 pounds skinnier by then! I hope everyone is doing well!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    So i just now noticed this post, but I would love to join! My bestfriend is getting married at the end of October and I am the maid of Honor. I would like to be 20-25 pounds skinnier by then! I hope everyone is doing well!

    welcome aboard im aiming for 20lbs but id be happy with 10lbs off by october 20 by xmas as long as i can look good when i go away in october ill be happy

    good morning everyone on another sunny day and thursday mean stomorrows friday then oh yes the weekend woohoo

    i will be rushing around like a loony again today school run taking 2 little ones to library for a reading rhymtime then home fast lunch for little ones school run again nip to asda to change some trousers get my son a mcdonalds i promised him (hes off school for striking and his sisters had money at summer gala yesterday) i also need buy a hello kitty lunch box for the 4yr old because dont i know she is going on a teddy bear picnic on friday and thats 1 more sleep so she NEEDS it gotta love kids when it has to be a certain thing and i also need to cook and fit in exercise

    i love busy days bi love bedtime at the end of them best lol hope you all have a fab day be good
  • Count me in! I have 20 to lose before October too! Please do follow along and send encouragement! ;)
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    Count me in! I have 20 to lose before October too! Please do follow along and send encouragement! ;)

    encouragment and motivation we can do losing loads lbs i struggle with but i am going to get there this time :)

    ive been good not eaten crap yet theres still time but i plan on being very good after yesterdays bad day with high calorie foods and i did 30mins trampoline wii jogging well plodding i was so slow but i did it and my foot is only twinging slightly more than it has been so i cant have done too much damage on the other hand i wont be pushing my luck and doing anymore today i think slow is best no matter how much i want to do more

    hope everyone is having a good day and being very good its started raining here and dropped cool which is bad as it makes me feel all lets hibernate but it could be worse it could be snowing lol
  • cherrydietcoke1

    Guess I'll have to wait until I weigh myself again to find out if being ill has had an impact. Have any of you ever had problems with eating & exercise when feeling under the weather??

    i tend to eat little or nothing when im ill but pig out as soon as i feel better i never exercise either but for me ill means eithe rthe usual 24hr bugs kids give me or severe chest infections that result in me needing bed rest and long time antibiotics

    i think if your ill you should do whatever feels best for you and sod the consequences a couple lbs gained when ill isnt the end of the world you can always lose it again but if you dont eat and get your strength back you cant workout

    hope you feel better soon and dont worry over the scales.

    mabrywynn im glad your putting scales away its a good idea and your shorts fitting better is great see thats better than scales anyday

    I have just been on a training day about infection control (I am a nurse) and they said on average if you have an infection your body needs an extra 600 calories...
  • cherrydietcoke1
    Just weighed in lost 1lb this week.. only another 27lb to go! Good luck everyone weighing in today and have nice weekends... I'm on a stag do tomorrow so will compensate for the alcohol by having a good workout first x
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning my lovely motivaters

    how are we all this sunny day?

    today i will post up all progress and acheivments whether thats weight loss working out (butt kicked by jillian lol) or staying away from the cookies im looking forward to seeing how great we`re all doing well that and the sunshine is just making me cheerful not forgetting its friday woohoo i love fridays

    this week i lost 0.4lbs since last week so im pleased
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    have just been on a training day about infection control (I am a nurse) and they said on average if you have an infection your body needs an extra 600 calories...
    This if very interesting, thanks for posting. It may just give me an excuse to eat more when I have any type of infection lol. Illness never makes me lose my appetite though so it's never a problem for me to eat enough.

    It's Friday!
    I had small success on the scale(-.4) this week but I am proud of myself for working out all week. I did the Jillian workout last night and woke up crazy early again today to walk/jog. I actually jogged a little more than last time so I feel good about that. It's 4th of July weekend so that means BBQ's! No calorie counting. I know I will over eat and over drink but I'm going to enjoy myself and just try to get in some exercise then get back to watching my calories next week.
    This is going to be a hard month to lose weight. I have so many fun things going on every weekend...BBQ's, 2 Phillies games, camping and weekend in Atlantic City for the Food & Wine Festival. Sounds like trouble! I actually thinking just maintaining this month will be my challenge.
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member

    I have just seen your group and was wondering if it is ok to join? Overall I want to lose about 45lbs. So 20lbs October (or maybe a little more) would make it my half way point! I am also looking for an active group where I can check in daily or as much as I can and where some exchange is happening!

    I am doing a Jillian Michaels rotation and trying to exercise 5-6 times a week. I am doing the south beach diet as it has worked well for me. I usually weigh in on a Wednesday.

    Would it be ok to jump in with you?

    All the best

  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    daisy welcome on board im usually on here everyday a couple times at least feel free to join us and post as much as you want im trying to make sure i reply to everyone and post all acheivments not just weight loss as anything acheived means motivation

    just holler if i post the acheivments wrong its my age im 390 tomorrow lol

    nelski 0.4lbs loss is good and knowing jillian hasnt whooped your butt too much is great are you feeling the benfits yet?? as for the bbqs arent they meant to be healthy because its like grilling?? im sure you can eat bbq and not gain too much unless you plan on going crazy you should be fine if not theres august and september to catch up on where you want to be

    im being very good im baking scones for my friend its her church summer gala tomorrow and she asked for baking for the stalls i havent eaten any of it and the smell is driving me crazy its smells so good lol
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    nelski 0.4lbs loss is good and knowing jillian hasnt whooped your butt too much is great are you feeling the benfits yet?? as for the bbqs arent they meant to be healthy because its like grilling?? im sure you can eat bbq and not gain too much unless you plan on going crazy you should be fine if not theres august and september to catch up on where you want to be

    No, most BBQ's aren't healthy. It could be made fairly healthy if you make the right foods but these will be hotdogs, cheese bugers, potato chips & dips, pasta salad, beer(and jello shots). Unhealthy stuff. It tastes oh so good tho lol.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    nelski lmao i go to the wrong bbqs then all one si gone too have been grilled burgers etc salads and a cheese slice to make the cheese burger now im veggie its all veggi eburgers quorn sausages salads and juices i need a better bbq me thinks lol