fit for october challenge



  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    mabrywynn i think i may have to invest in a hrm i have a feeling i am not burning the calories my wii or mfp has me pegged at and that is why my weight is so slow to come off i may have a look when i shop today see if i can afford one if not ill wait a couple weeks until school break up and then get one

    good morning all and happy sunny tuesday i am loving the sunshine i only want salads and healthy foods and not alot of them maybe its just me but summer makes dieting easier for me

    plans today involve food shop and going mcdonalds with my friend i will be good i willonly have an egg muffin or medium fries not both it will most likely be the fries my friend has a group on fb about battery hens and well i kinda went off eggs seeing it it wouldnt be so bad but i only buy free range anyway
    i will manage about 30-45mins walking round shop as well im looking forward to my foot being fully better im bored of the walking only
    i also have to go to an open evening introduction for my daughters high school im expecting a long book list and uniform list for what she needs and the cost i may need to win lottery to cover
    have a good day everyone ill check in laters
  • cutiecoolz
    cutiecoolz Posts: 2 Member

    I'm not sure if it is too late to join you but I too would like to try and lose some weight for October if I can but I need lots of motivation and support.

    I've just had a relationship break up and decided to join this site just 2 days ago to try and give myself something else to think about. I have a birthday in October too and plan to go away now for a holiday so would like to look a whole lot better for myself and to think yes, you may be old but you can still have that self respect too regardless of what other people may think of you.

    I would really like to lose a min of 14lbs by then if poss.

    On the downside, I only have access to this site Mon - Thurs, my wii has now broken and I hate exercise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Can anybody help? :sad:

  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member
    mabrywynn i think i may have to invest in a hrm i have a feeling i am not burning the calories my wii or mfp has me pegged at and that is why my weight is so slow to come off i may have a look when i shop today see if i can afford one if not ill wait a couple weeks until school break up and then get one

    good morning all and happy sunny tuesday i am loving the sunshine i only want salads and healthy foods and not alot of them maybe its just me but summer makes dieting easier for me

    plans today involve food shop and going mcdonalds with my friend i will be good i willonly have an egg muffin or medium fries not both it will most likely be the fries my friend has a group on fb about battery hens and well i kinda went off eggs seeing it it wouldnt be so bad but i only buy free range anyway
    i will manage about 30-45mins walking round shop as well im looking forward to my foot being fully better im bored of the walking only
    i also have to go to an open evening introduction for my daughters high school im expecting a long book list and uniform list for what she needs and the cost i may need to win lottery to cover
    have a good day everyone ill check in laters

    the heart rate monitor is amazing!! I was able to get a great deal from the personal training department at my gym (saved over 40%)...but totally worth the money to know where you stand.

    good luck with uniforms and mcdonalds today!

    -i am starting over good again this morning. Very excited about eating healthy and working out...and my goal is to keep it up all month long. I am going to have a double goal for this week = no cookies (except tastes) and no eating after I put my twins down to bed!

    happy Tuesday everyone!
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Good morning
    I was a piggy this weekend. So much bad food and alcohol, my body hates me now. I had a lot of fun, but back to eating better and exercising. I need Jilian to whip me back in to shape today.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member

    I'm not sure if it is too late to join you but I too would like to try and lose some weight for October if I can but I need lots of motivation and support.

    I've just had a relationship break up and decided to join this site just 2 days ago to try and give myself something else to think about. I have a birthday in October too and plan to go away now for a holiday so would like to look a whole lot better for myself and to think yes, you may be old but you can still have that self respect too regardless of what other people may think of you.

    I would really like to lose a min of 14lbs by then if poss.

    On the downside, I only have access to this site Mon - Thurs, my wii has now broken and I hate exercise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Can anybody help? :sad:


    its never too late every new joiner is 1 more person to motivate us all and vice versa mon-thurs access to the site is alot better than none and you can go back a day and add things in so its a possiblity to add the fri-sun foods in on monday and just keep track on paper more work but it might help
    exercise i agree with the not liking it although i do love my wii fit plus jogging i can switch to tv and watch anything for the 30minutes i jog the only thing you can do is find something you like and go for it even if its just walking around the shops or down the street and back do you like swimming? i love it burns loads calories tones and exercises all at once and its fun even walking in water is good for you my downside is my hubby is working on the day i used to go that and my foot isnt fully healed so i havent been must get back to it tho or you can just try jogging in place while you watch a tv show it never feels like exercise if you do it while doing something fun or watching a show you like

    mabrywynn i was good i had only the fries well an ice cream cone as well but 150cals was too tempting in this heat i didnt even spend too much money didnt see a hrm but im going to the markets tomorrow for more shopping clothes etc kind this time and i may see one then i even got in just over an hr walking around the store pleased with that and tomorrow ill be in charity shops looking for education books for my kids so i can teach them in summer holidays i got 2 history one technology a shakespere and english literacy for less than £3 other day so im hoping to find some others if not well the extra walking will be good for me lol

    nelski we all had a bad weekend 4th july bdays sunshine and bbqs conspired against us but its a new week get jillian to kick your behind and all will be good with the world lmao its what i keep telling myself anyway we will get there in the end and if not by october theres always xmas and easter and summer next year lol
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I actually lost 2lb, yay.

    SW 146
    CW 144
    GW 126
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    I actually lost 2lb, yay.

    SW 146
    CW 144
    GW 126

    thats brilliant way to go you

    good morning and happy wednesday all. you know why i like wednesday? its the middle of the week which means its fast to the weekend now like getting to the top of a rollercoaster and whoosh your at the bottom again

    anyways the sun is shining woohoo always motivating and i get to go to the markets looking at all the stuff i cant afford usually this would depress me but it mean si get to walk alot and seen as that is the only exercise i have at the minute im happy even if i will melt in the sun, get depressed at what i want and cant have and end up spending money on things then regret it later but tough i get to walk so its all good lol

    hope you all have a fab day will check in on you laters be good and if you cant be good at least avoid the 3rd helping lol :)
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Happy Hump Day!

    I didn't end up doing Jillian's workout yesterday. I just didn't have the energy. I think my body was just run down from 3 days of eating crap and drinking alcohol. I did some pushups and Leslie Sansom's 1 mile walk. Better than nothing I guess.
    I did get up this morning to walk/jog but it was definitley more walking.
  • SarahLiz24
    SarahLiz24 Posts: 36
    Hi everyone! Sorry I've been MIA for awhile... I was on vacation and made a promise not to use the internet the whole time I was there. We did a LOT of walking, but also a lot of eating so I haven't weighed myself since I got back. I'm giving myself a week of getting back to healthy eating before I do that. But this week started my half marathon training so I'm hoping to see the pounds melt off!! How is everyone doing??
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    nelski any workout no matter how slow is bette rthan none or so i keep telling myself seen as all i do is very slow walking at minute i will be so happy when my foot is all healed and i can trampoline jog again and actually feel lik eits exercise jillian can always kick your butt at the weekend so dont worry too much

    sarahliz im gla dyou had a good holiday i alway stry the no net when i go away but fail miserably mostly becaus eim not a tv person and kids sleep early so whats a girl to do but play on the net on fb or mfp i am a net addict tho i love the ease of talking to people an dthe fact that with skype msn yahoo etc its all free cant beat free things
  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member
    Hi everyone! Sorry I've been MIA for awhile... I was on vacation and made a promise not to use the internet the whole time I was there. We did a LOT of walking, but also a lot of eating so I haven't weighed myself since I got back. I'm giving myself a week of getting back to healthy eating before I do that. But this week started my half marathon training so I'm hoping to see the pounds melt off!! How is everyone doing??

    congrats on the half marathon training...when are you running? I am seriously thinking about training/running one in November...i have never done one before so nervous and excited about the possiblities of it
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning all happy thursday

    i am so tired is it the weekend yet? i am taking my 2 little one sto library today reading and rhymetime so ill park at the library walk the 5mins to school then walk round town and back to library when it starts at 10am not the greatest of exercise but its something and i am going to be extra good on food its bad enough i cant exercise properly i really dont want to gain weight back as well so im focusing on maintaining while my foot gets fully better dam thing doesnt it realise its inconvieniant lol

    what about everyone else what plans do you all have?
  • Fightertoad

    Joining the discussion now...

    Current wt - 112 lbs
    Target wt - 100 lbs (at least), beyond this will see when I reach this...
    Target time - by December 2011

    Plan to loose anything between 0.5lb - 1 lb per week...

    07-Jul-11, Today's plan - I have a desk job most of the time, so plan to finish my Treadmill brisk walking in the evening - for at least 30 min. Also start the abs exercising from today...

    Food seems to be controlled for today as per the tracker... hope for the best... :)

    All the best everyone!!!
  • SarahLiz24
    SarahLiz24 Posts: 36
    Hi everyone! Sorry I've been MIA for awhile... I was on vacation and made a promise not to use the internet the whole time I was there. We did a LOT of walking, but also a lot of eating so I haven't weighed myself since I got back. I'm giving myself a week of getting back to healthy eating before I do that. But this week started my half marathon training so I'm hoping to see the pounds melt off!! How is everyone doing??

    congrats on the half marathon training...when are you running? I am seriously thinking about training/running one in November...i have never done one before so nervous and excited about the possiblities of it

    The race I would like to run is in October, but I heard it fills up quickly and I haven't registered yet. So if I don't get into it, I'll be running one the first weekend in November. I'm really excited!!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member

    Joining the discussion now...

    Current wt - 112 lbs
    Target wt - 100 lbs (at least), beyond this will see when I reach this...
    Target time - by December 2011

    Plan to loose anything between 0.5lb - 1 lb per week...

    07-Jul-11, Today's plan - I have a desk job most of the time, so plan to finish my Treadmill brisk walking in the evening - for at least 30 min. Also start the abs exercising from today...

    Food seems to be controlled for today as per the tracker... hope for the best... :)

    All the best everyone!!!

    welcome aboard i post all our achivments either late friday for me or early saturday so we can see how good we`re doing and motivate each other

    sarahliz i hope you can get in for the marathon run it will be a really good motivater for the exercise i need a boot in the bum ive ha dmy first half day without my foot in a support bandage and its starting to throb alittle but its a start at leats it is healing albeit slowly
  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member
    I am very pleased with how my week is going...I have followed all of my goals so far and it feels so good that I think I will have motivation enough to be good this weekend. I am heading to Washington, DC (without the kids) to throw a shower for my goal is to at least maintain the whole weekend if not lose (wish me luck)

    monkeysmum = yeah for the no bandage...a "step" in the right direction. Good luck with that and hopefully it will feel better and better everyday
  • suzumichan
    suzumichan Posts: 127
    I finally got out of the 260's!!! I think from yesterday tho I put it back on. Yesterday was a very bad day. Shoot this week has been bad so far. Majorly Sick and Pigging out on junk food and soda. Yuck I felt even sicker after the Soda. I still dont feel well but I havent worked out side monday and i feel blah. So Im forcing myself work out tonight but not to much.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    mabrywynn i am so pleased it feels like forever having that support on its been 2 weeks and i wa shoping for it to be fully healed by now but i am happy its twinging and feels alittle sore keeps going numb pins and needles inside my foot but it is better than hobbling and limping definately step in the right direction i am hoping to maintain weight at the least but after last weekend and a bad week with some yummy food taht usually id be under calories because of exercise but been slightly over if i dont gain it will be a miracle its definately made me realise i need to do this long term i cant just exercis elose weight and hope to keep it off MFP will have me for life me thinks lol

    suzumichan way to go you out of the 260s is fantastic and dont panic if it doesnt stay it took me 4 week sto get out of the 140s and stay under i yo yoed between 139.8 and 140.8lbs for what felt like a life tim ebut knowing i could get unde rit made me more determined celebrate the victories its what makes dieting more easy to stick to
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning loverlys happy friday

    i am fed up of this rainy weather i want my sunshine back i want the warmth the sun the motivation it gives me oh and the fact its so warm i eat less because i fill up on drinks more lol anyways achivments day i think i will have to have the fact i am now just walking around without a support bandgage on mi foot its still painful but slowly getting there or the fact that i only gained 1lb despite all the lack of exercise and high calorie food choices ones that usually wouldnt matter because id burn the calories off not agreat week for me but theres always next week and the week after

    hope your all doing great cant wait to see your losses and i will check on you later today be good
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Good morning

    Some how I lost 1.6 lbs in the last week! I didn't exercise much and over ate/drank last weekend so I'm very surprised. I actually think last week's weight wasn't totally acurate because it was the end of TOM so I was probaby up on water weight. Whatever happened is fine by me lol. I just haven't felt all that good this week so I wasn't very active, but I ate ok. I'm feeling better today and so happy it's Friday! Phillies game tomorrow means some splurging but I will no way be as bad as I was last weekend. I am going to try to get in a workout after work today and tomorrow morning.
    Have a great day everyone!