fit for october challenge



  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning and happy friday thank god its the weekend lol

    how silly do i feel today i slipped in rain yesterday looked a proper dumpty and also hurt my foot its a lovely purple blue bruise and hurts like hell to walk not a great start to the weekend i had plenty exercise planned mostly out walking with kids ill be lucky if i can hobble to back garden

    hope everyones having a better week than me
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    For you: ✿ڿڰۣ(̆̃̃ღ Beautiful Spirit Award ღ(̆̃̃ڿڰۣ✿ Once you've been given this award your mission is to paste this on the wall of 8 wonderful friends who deserve it. If you receive more than 3, you are highly thought of. Because of your kindness, loyalty and character you've shown to friends and peers, in recognition of your true beauty inside and out. I chose YOU ♥

    because all of you keep me motivated even when things are not going to plan THANKYOU ALL
  • cherrydietcoke1
    Hi all just a quick one as I'm at work on my phone..have lost 2lb this week but 1lb since I joined this challenge, I have 28lbs to go now. My challenge this week is to drink more water and up my exercise. Good luck everyone who is weighing in today x keep up the good work x love lyds
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Happy Friday all.
    I did not have a succesful weight loss week, actually gained a little over a pound. I'm not surprised because I went to a charity tasting event on Monday night and my uncle was in town so out to dinner on Wed night. I did exercise the last couple days so I'm just going to keep that going. I just tried out Jillian Michael's 6 Week 6 Pack on OnDemand and I think I'm going to try to stick with that a few times a week. A couple of the moves are pretty rough though!
    Have a good weekend everyone.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    nelski i think doing any jillian michaels workout is an acheivment shes brutal good but brutal it will def be on chart as this weeks acheivment

    well done cherrydietcoke1 2lbs is better than my 0.8lbs we are off to a good start lets hope we can keep it up

    now does spraining my foot count as acheivment or just bad luck?? cos i need a postive outlook on this i had pulled calf last weekend and now this
  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member
    I will start my weigh ins on friday as well...I have lost 1.2lbs this week (since monday). I fear it is only water weight but it is lbs. My goal is to lose at least half a lb or more in the next week. I have sort of hit a plateau and so it is hard for me to lose weight in bigger numbers. I am going to try my hardest though this time around since I have reasons to get into those jeans (sisters bachelorette party, my 5 year wedding anniversary, and my sisters wedding)


    ...goal for this week = no cookies and no eating after 7pm!! I bake cookies and sell them for a living so I do need to taste test; however, one bite and then I need to just throw them away
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    I will start my weigh ins on friday as well...I have lost 1.2lbs this week (since monday). I fear it is only water weight but it is lbs. My goal is to lose at least half a lb or more in the next week. I have sort of hit a plateau and so it is hard for me to lose weight in bigger numbers. I am going to try my hardest though this time around since I have reasons to get into those jeans (sisters bachelorette party, my 5 year wedding anniversary, and my sisters wedding)


    ...goal for this week = no cookies and no eating after 7pm!! I bake cookies and sell them for a living so I do need to taste test; however, one bite and then I need to just throw them away

    well done you and if all else fails and like me the weight is hard to shift look at the other acheivments like not eating all the cookies you make or just sticking to the no eating aft 7pm they are all achivments and when the weight wont shift any achievment is motivational for me
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    ok here are our acheivments so far

    daytimedreamer lost 4lbs shes 59lbs down so far
    sarahliz24 lost 3.2lbs brilliant
    cherrydietcoke1 lost 2lbs only 28lbs to go
    monkeysmum i lost 0.8lbs and got me a sprained foot and ankle
    nelski started jillian michaels 6pack on demand braver than i am shes brutal lol
    mabrywynn lost 1.2lbs way to go

    keep posting and ill keep adding but we all are doing great heres to another good week
  • sweetmamajamma
    sweetmamajamma Posts: 11 Member
    I'd love to join myself!!

    Just today I realized I hit 170 and my goal is to be 150 by my birthday which is Sept. 27th. That gives me 13 weeks to lose just 20lbs and that voice in the back of my mind keeps laughing at me! I so want to do this and be out of the double digit pants!
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    nelski started jillian michaels 6pack on demand braver than i am shes brutal lol

    This made me laugh!
    My goal for the next week is to do this workout every other day, and some kind of cardio and pushups the days in between. I'm really hoping to make this a 4-6 week goal, but 1 week at a time!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    I'd love to join myself!!

    Just today I realized I hit 170 and my goal is to be 150 by my birthday which is Sept. 27th. That gives me 13 weeks to lose just 20lbs and that voice in the back of my mind keeps laughing at me! I so want to do this and be out of the double digit pants!

    welcome aboard im posting acheivments on fridays but weigh in when ever you usually do ill just post up on the friday or any other achievments no matter how small they still give us a boost

    nelski i wish you the best of luck i am looking forward to seeing how effective her workouts are
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning happy saturday all

    today looks like a dull miserable day outside not exactly the most motivating weather but at least its not raining yet
    i am hoping to do alittle more walking around my house today not great exercise but as much as i can handle at minute altho walking should really become hobbling im not quite as sore on my foot today but still painful but short little 5mins hobbles around my downstairs thruout the day soon add up and every hobbling step makes me remember wear the right shoes for rain not the easiest to grab

    hope you all have a great day
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Today I am going to the Taste of Philadelphia. Uh oh! lol
    I will not be counting calories, I'm going to enjoy every bite. I will make sure to get a workout in before we go( I think I'm going to have Jillian kick my butt), plus we will do a good amount of walking so it all helps.

    Enjoy your day everyone!
  • SarahLiz24
    SarahLiz24 Posts: 36
    Good morning all! I feel like I've been missing this week. I just started my first online grad class and it is a LOT of work! I haven't really thought about much else. We've also had some rotten weather here - thunderstorms and terrible humidity - so I haven't been able to get out for a run. But, the humidity finally left yesterday afternoon and it looks gorgeous outside so going to go for a nice long run this morning. Have a wonderful Saturday!!
  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member
    Happy Saturday everybody....

    so I am proud of myself this week on the exercise standpoint....I worked out everday monday-sat (today) and burned at least 500 calories at each one...which means I have burned over 3000 calories this week!! My goal is to do the same this next week...but take tomorrow off...this mama needs a day of rest for sure

    Good luck to everyone this week on getting your exercise is what makes us more efficient calorie burners and what helps you looks good in tiny costumes :)
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    Happy Saturday everybody....

    so I am proud of myself this week on the exercise standpoint....I worked out everday monday-sat (today) and burned at least 500 calories at each one...which means I have burned over 3000 calories this week!! My goal is to do the same this next week...but take tomorrow off...this mama needs a day of rest for sure

    Good luck to everyone this week on getting your exercise is what makes us more efficient calorie burners and what helps you looks good in tiny costumes :)

    brilliant i managed 1hr mon-thursday burned 500cals and then slipped and hurt my foot but i am being good resting it it doesnt hurt so much now just throbs when ive been walking about on it still im hoping my monday it will be all better or at least good enough for me to do some step if not the trampoline and jogging

    sarahliz im glad the weather has improved for you its dry here again but very dull and overcast and rather bleak looking it is drying my laundry so i wont moan too much incase it rains as punishment lol

    nelski how good is jillian whipping ure butt??? hope the tastes of philedelphia is good but as im in uk please tell me what will you be tasting because philedelphia here is a soft cheese so im having this image of you eating soft spread cheeses all day
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning cant believe its sunday already soo soon and all that 4 weeks until its my kids summer holidays and i cant wait 6 weeks of no rushing no yelling get ready we need to move just relaxing possibly a couple day trips out some nice walks and generally just chilling out total bliss

    plans for today include seeing if i can manage some more walking around house at a faster pace than hobbling my foot is feeling less sore more throbs whne ive had weight on it which is an improvment im itching to get some exerecise in somwhere even if its just the hobbling but im hoping this extra day of resting means i can manage something more tomorrow wish me luck cos sitting around is boring me silly lol
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    Today is my weigh in day. I wasn't sure what to expect as I've had a bit of a bumpy week with food, on Thursday a magic packet of biscuits appeared in my hand and the biscuits forced me to eat them- and I was having a bad day! On the exercise front I've been on form, 4 intense 45 min sessions at the gym.
    Though a success. Almost 2lb lost since last week! I can't quite believe it. This weeks result is a big motivation for me for next week. Just git to keep on at it, one week at a time!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    Today is my weigh in day. I wasn't sure what to expect as I've had a bit of a bumpy week with food, on Thursday a magic packet of biscuits appeared in my hand and the biscuits forced me to eat them- and I was having a bad day! On the exercise front I've been on form, 4 intense 45 min sessions at the gym.
    Though a success. Almost 2lb lost since last week! I can't quite believe it. This weeks result is a big motivation for me for next week. Just git to keep on at it, one week at a time!

    2lbs lost thats fantastic especially if you have a bad week i count 0.2lbs a good loss for me anything else is a great bonus keep up the good work