fit for october challenge



  • aoifebr
    aoifebr Posts: 92
    Hey everyone

    I thought I should check in some of you are doing so well with the training particularly when you have kids to tend too - honestly monkey I don't know how you manage with 5 - fair play.

    I had a weight in today I'm down to 86.6kg woohoo now my eating goals say in 5 weeks I'll be 81kg (I know that's an estimate) but WWOOOOOWWWWWW that's almost my end goal & I can't remember the last time I was that size!!

    Keep you the good work everyone.
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Hope everyone is having a good week!

    I've done OK but know I should be doing better. Tuesday people at my office surprised me with cake for my birthday,which was last weekend. I am weak and gave in even though I know I have to lay off the sugar. There was some left and it was calling my name yesterday but at least I didn't give in. I did get up early yesterday and walk/jog but just couldn't do it today. Mornings can be so hard. I'm heading to the shore tonight for the weekend so probably won't be eating that great but I'm going to try not to get of control and get some walking in.
    I got an email that my Chalean Extreme was shipped so I should be able to start it by mid next week!
  • suzumichan
    suzumichan Posts: 127
    Hello everyone. Hope everyone is having a good week.

    I weight myself today and feel bit down. I kinda feel off the wagon. I just stop updating my food diary since friday i think of last week? Been eating way to many cal. and I had so much soda that Im back on drinkin 2 liters a day. :( I lost track of why I wanted to do this and with all this stress I got. Im just stress eating and I think im telling myself thats ok. (Which is NOT ok :( ) I hope to start walking more and working out again. I hate getting stressed and depressed. I lost track of what I need to do.
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    Hello all.
    Haven't been feeling too good today. After a good week and half of no carbs later than 2pm, I had a few Cheeky chips, baked and homemade last night. They were very nice, but today I am suffering by feeling bloated. Will not be doing that again soon.
    With this big wedding on Sat I know there will be a lot of stress and bad food. Though I am ready for it. This event was one of the goals I had set myself to lose some weight for and I have. It feels great!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    evening all

    today went great i got all the shopping i needed to buy by 1pm hr of walking around then home to move furniture dismantle furniture and fix new stuff up and then move that into place that was a good 4hours work my fingers feel numb all the screwing screws into drawers then my 2 youngest had had such fun with the polestyrene it wa sin millions of little pieces all over my floor in both downstairs rooms fats sweep and sweep and sweep again before the cat thought ooo tasty treats i am now sitting chilling and thinking sod to it all im taking a night off

    mindiejean im glad sudafed worked for you it seems to work good for me too and theres nothing worse than bunged up hayfever type feelings

    mabrywynn well done on avoiding the bad food and wine and running instead that is more dedication than i have

    aoifebr to be honest 5 is easier than 2 or 3 or 1 my older 2 girls at 11 and 8 see the 2 younger ones at 4 and 2 like giant dolls and adore the playing and while i make tea 9 times out of 10 thery sneak them in bath and dry dress them the older girl even enjoys changing poopy nappies i kinda feel redundant on most days well except the mess they create

    nelski you couldnt turn down your own bday cak ethat would have been just rude lol let us knwo how the new workout dvd goes

    suzumichan we all fall off the wagon sometimes the trick is to get back on a slight blip wont do us a great deal of harm but to blip longterm can dont worry over a bad weke just know you can and will do great this week

    cdpm you will look fantatsic at the wedding and you definatetly deserve the weekend off to splurge and enjoy but monday we will all be kicking your butt to be good again lol

    hope you all have a good evening be good
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Everyone is doing great. I am struggling a bit as its the school holidays and there is far too much entertaining children with food lol.

    I did finish day 10 of the shred today, so level 2 tomorrow, done 10 days in 11 days, missed one due to a massive hangover lol. Been just dance 2ing aswell so much fun :)
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    morning all

    well i lost my phone my day now consists of retracing my steps everywhere i went yesterday and turning my house upside down looking for it i have so many numbers in my phone that i dont have anywhere else its unreal and its people i will need to contact not only that it battery died so i cant even call it how stupid do i feel today

    on th eplus i get all the exercise in again and the weather is nice today not raining so i wont get wet

    hope you all have a fab day check on you all soon
  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member
    quick message...I am down to 146 (yeah) which is a 0.4 loss from a couple of weeks ago. I will totally take that since losing weight at this point for me is going to be much smaller increments.

    i will not be around this weekend - heading down to south georgia for a family reunion/wedding shower for my sister...please give me the strength to be good and say no to all of that deep fried goodness :)
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    okies its friday that means achievments day

    mabrywynn lost 0.4lbs i agree its slow moving weight so thats a good loss
    cdpm lost 1lb brilliant
    suzumichan lost 2lbs way to go
    mindiejean signed up for her second 5km thats great
    bjshooter lost 3lbs fantastic
    monkeysmum maintained weight and seen as it was TOM week ill take it

    we are all doing brilliant my holiday is booked for 24th october-27th heres hoping i can drop at least 7lbs by then more is fantatsic
    oh and i found my mobile phone in my spiders tank i have no idea how or why it was in there but im glad i found it
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning everyone

    im in a good mood TOM has bogged off and left me 2lbs lighter i like the scales today lol
    im planning a good house scrub top to bottom my babies at 4 and 2 broke up polystyrene in millions little pieces other day while i fixed up drawers etc and i am still finding it everywhere so top to bottom sweeping id vacuum but alas its conspired and broke so im left with the harder job of sweeping a whol ehous eill be at for ever but at least i wont be worried the cat will choke on the pieces thats left around

    whats everyone else planning this dull miserable looking day??
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning

    where did everyone go to?
    my house scrubbing yesterday went great 4hrs and it looks fab im still finding polysterene pieces but i guess ill be finding that for weeks
    today my mum is visiting i need to go out in the rain to get her some food she will eat because she refuses to have jacket potato again its all her and partner both like so it tends to be an easy option today she is like no so i need buy things to make her a sunday dinner she could have told me friday when i was at supermarket oh well could be worse i suppose

    hope your enjoying the weekend and i definatley hope youve got sunshine
  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member
    i'm back!! this weekend in south georgia has left me bloated and feeling sort of sick. it is funny when you eat bad for you food how you feel - i didn't even have any alcohol and i actually feel hungover - wow! So we are back on track tomorrow morning - I have a good solid two weeks of serious gym workouts and conscious good for my body eating before my sisters bachelorette party - and I can't be more excited about that. I know I will be back feeling good by wednesday morning so will wait to start weighing myself then :) the salt alone probably adds 5lbs - lol

    hope everyone had a good weekend
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    i'm back!! this weekend in south georgia has left me bloated and feeling sort of sick. it is funny when you eat bad for you food how you feel - i didn't even have any alcohol and i actually feel hungover - wow! So we are back on track tomorrow morning - I have a good solid two weeks of serious gym workouts and conscious good for my body eating before my sisters bachelorette party - and I can't be more excited about that. I know I will be back feeling good by wednesday morning so will wait to start weighing myself then :) the salt alone probably adds 5lbs - lol

    hope everyone had a good weekend

    im glad you had a great weekend i know what you mean with the hungover feel i feel sick bloated and kinda shaky the day after i eat junk food its good in 1 way because you avoid the bad stuff but bad when u feel the need to treat yourself but feel yukky afterwards
    how much do you want to lose in 2 weeks if you can?

    i have 11 weeks until i go away and i want to lose another 7lbs minimum by then more is great because i wont worry about a little gain while im away but 7lbs is ideal
  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member
    i would love to lose 2lbs in the two weeks - I know this will be serious dedication - since my weight loss seems to be very slow. Muscle gain/fat loss doesn't necessarily show on the scale. But I will be happy if I get to 145 (goal is 144 in two weeks)...the fact that I will be in a bathing suit in front of a bunch of girls I don't really know should be pretty good motivation. For some reason the whole bathing suit in front of family/my good girlfriends doesn't seem to make me cringe is the random girls with perfect bodies who have never had kids - I want them to be jealous of me...that sounds so bad doesn't it?
  • mindiejean
    mindiejean Posts: 38 Member
    Hi Everyone..
    So I had a very bad day Friday at work...I got home ( no one did anything... Nothing... My husband was "on call" and of course I get home and he gets a call.. So I am left cleaning ..feeding... And driving children where they need to I am a stress eater.. I said thats it We are getting Chinese food...It really was good.. I paid for it Sat though.. So yeah I feel guilty.. But tomorrow is Monday... I hope My energy level comes back.. Really drained lately...
  • PriorGodwyn
    You can add me. :smile: I'd love to also lose around that amount of weight by October. I haven't actually got any friends on here yet.... I'm rather new. :ohwell:
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    mabrywynn i think 2lbs sounds great it can be done ive been losing like 0.4lbs a week but dropped 2 this week so its possible and as for the looking good in bathing suit you will knock them dead i have to agree its a great motivater when people look at you and say youve had kids really 5 are you sure? i love it especially when i know its my hard work thats got me here

    mindiejean i love chinese food i adore prawn chop suey and vegatables in oyster sauce, prawn crackers and vegatable chow mein and yes i have been know to eat all 3 in 1 sitting my hubby isnt so keen so for me it is a once a year treat when i go away i will be getting in october i will be good and try to limit to just one dish but it is sooo hard i try not to regret it too much tho because it is the once a year treat its the indian food i regret as i can get it too easily from hubby when he finishes work bad me

    priorgodwyn welcome aboard we are all a lovely bunch of people and i will send you a friend add so you can feel less new im sure you will do fantatstic
  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member
    monkeysmom - i hear ya...and i mean if I could say I had 5 kids that would be a feat in itself ... you sound like one amazing mom btw - and to have that many children and still make sure you are fit and healthy yourse gets major props in my book

    well ladies - it is monday. I feel gross and lethargic due to my poor eating choices this weekend. Which makes me happy because the more that happens the more likely I will not over indulge in the future. Hubby and I have an eating well plan - goal is to stick to it. Next two weeks it will be on and my "official" 1/2 marathon training is going to start this week as well. Good luck everyone - it is monday = smart food choices and get off your tail for some exercise!!
  • suzumichan
    suzumichan Posts: 127
    Morning everyone.
    Turns out that my scaled lied to me. I am under 240 now. (Yay but worried I lost to much to fast tho)
    My next goal is to get to 230 or 220 by october :x
    Hope everyone will have a good week!

    -This week I hope to get back on track fully even with 2 jobs.
    -Yesterday I walked 4 miles in a hour (Shocker for me since last time I have been able to do that was in Middle school)
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    mabrwynn i assure you 5 is easy most days i feel redundant my older girls adore the youngest 2 and feel the need to be mommy bath and dress get sandwhich etc the only thing i do is run around constant picking up things they drop lol

    suzumichan well done i doubt your losing too fats my friend started above 200 and dropped weight pretty quick it then slowed down and shes down to 1-2lbs a week now dont worry too much enjoy it

    im shattered i feel like all ive done all day is pick up book stoys and games roll on the warm sunshine again so they can go outside to play lol