Couch to 5K! Really?!?! Really!!!!!!!



  • drh1111
    drh1111 Posts: 46 Member
    I had to go back a week because I took off to give some aches time to heal, so I completed W4D1 this morning. It actually went pretty well. The last 5 minute run seemed to last forever though. It was encouraging to know that I could still run that far after taking a break.

    lazybumnomore, first things first. That is a great name. Secondly, the first week is tough because you are getting into the rhythm of running. Stay with it because it will get better. If you haven't run before now, I found some good information on breathing and running form from and stretching from They are reputable sites, so I think you can find good information. Stick with it, and I will, too. Thanks for joining with us.

    Good Running!!!
  • mindiejean
    mindiejean Posts: 38 Member
    Just did w6d1 did okay, had a hard time going from running to walking.. My Brain didnt want to switch gears...!!!
    My toe ripped through my sneakers...I think I need to invest in another pair!!
  • jessiebombshell
    So glad I found this group! There's a lot of chatter about c25k but not so much talking about the process. I just completed W2D1 this morning so I'm still pretty new. I signed up for a 5k to benefit a local charity at the end of October so I HAVE to stick with it!

    Has anyone else used the podcasts on I love Suz so much, and her choice of music is so much fun. I do well with someone telling me what to do, so her playlists are perfect for me!

    1. Where do you run? Around my neighborhood mostly. Eventually I'll run up and around the park, but it's a few miles away and I'm not quite there yet.
    2. What time of day do you run? Around sunset when it's a little cooler outside. On the weekends usually in the morning, around 10ish.
    3. Do you do other activities on your off days? What? Yes. Mostly strength training with weights at the gym. Ideally ballet or yoga classes, but, well, those are expensive. The main thing for me is to make sure I stretch and move around at least a little.
    4. Why are you doing C25K? I've never been able to run. It's something I've always been really bad at, and dismissed as an unconquerable goal. In the past two weeks between getting proper shoes and a training plan I've really turned that thinking around. That and I can't afford a gym membership and don't want to rely on being my boyfriend's guest every time I want to work out.
    5. Are you starting to feel the "runner's high"? I don't know if I'd quite say that. I am enjoying the runs much more. And there are times when I'm running and feel like I'm about to take off flying. I usually feel like collapsing right after though, so we'll see if it's at all sustainable.
  • JDArrant
    JDArrant Posts: 11 Member
    W5D2 here - sort of. Two weeks ago I switched from running outside to inside because of the heat index - and that felt so weird that I repeated W4. And then last week I bought some Five Fingers and I'm breaking my feet in by repeating W4 again - one more day at W4D3 and then back to W5 for me.

    Getting pretty decent mileage (compared solely to myself!) at the indoor track - did 2 miles tonight in the 30 minutes while running with the hubs (who was pushing our double stroller!). It'll be interesting to see how well I transition back to running outside in a month or so when this heat drops!
  • Seanb_us
    Seanb_us Posts: 322 Member
    W4D1 done. Not really enjoying it. Getting it done though.

    1. Where do you run? Treadmill only. I have a history of shin splints, so am working into this gently.

    2. What time of day do you run? After work. 6-9pmish.

    3. Do you do other activities on your off days? 45-60 minutes of elliptical before I run. Off days are 60 minutes elliptical + 30 minutes weight training.

    4. Why are you doing C25K? I've never been able to run. Want to play soccer again.

    5. Are you starting to feel the "runner's high"? Not. at. all. :-(


  • Bringerofrain
    Bringerofrain Posts: 163 Member
    Starting W3D1 today! Previous 2 weeks were a breeze, so hoping the change up on this week will be a bit more challenging ;) I don't want to skip ahead however, and am looking forward to each and everyday!
    Best of luck too all!
  • drh1111
    drh1111 Posts: 46 Member
    Good afternoon everyone. I am going to have stop C25K for a while. Plantar fasciitius is tough thing to overcome. I have tried to take off a few days from any exercising, but it keeps coming back. Sometimes it is worse than ever. It is very discouraging, but I would rather take a break than run the risk of permanent damage, which I have been told is possible.

    Good luck to you all. I will check back every so often to see how everyone is doing. One thing that I will do is using a stationary bicycle, so maybe I won't be going all the way back to the beginning. Again, good luck.

    Good running!!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Good afternoon everyone. I am going to have stop C25K for a while. Plantar fasciitius is tough thing to overcome. Good running!!!

    Quick question, do you wear flip flops. I stopped wearing mine and it went away. Just a thought...
  • drh1111
    drh1111 Posts: 46 Member
    No, I have never worn flip-flops. Couldn't stand that strap between my toes. I really think that it is my shoes though. My son works at a sporting goods store and talked me into getting some Asics, which I believe are good shoes; however, they aren't for me, at least for running. Oh well, in a couple of months I will make another attempt. Also, several people recommend going to a store that analyzes your feet and select the best shoe for you, so I am going to give it a shot.

    I just have to wait until my heel heals. No pun intended. Worked at plumbing all day and can hardly walk tonight.

    Thanks for asking.

    Good running!!!
  • kendrara
    kendrara Posts: 28
    I had to put the program on hiatus while I nursed a stress injury. I discovered after a few days of rest that jumping on the elliptical can actually keep your cardio up to par. I just went back to the treadmill and though I ran a minute slower I was able to run for a full 15mins straight. ( I left off at 15mins run 15 mins walking) I felt energized and really proud of myself :) Ive come a long way in endurance.
  • jodi1229
    jodi1229 Posts: 43 Member
    I just finished w7d3. I have started looking at 5k runs in my area to give me some more motivation to finish!
  • DancingSquirrel
    After work I'll be doing week 2, day 3, assuming Irene's effects don't get here earlier than anticipated. I was hoping to run before work but I've never been a morning person and the body just wouldn't get motivated to run that early. After work seems to be a much better time for me. Here's hoping the weather cooperates!