fit for october challenge



  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    I would love to join this group. I just started counting my calories again. I have had major back pain and my doc said if I don't lose abdominal weight I will always have pain. With that said I am now really focusing on my weight. I really need motivation to stay on track and this seems like a great group to help me succeed.

    welcome aboard

    to motivate you more my back first went when i was 16 im 32 now at my heaviest it was painful all the time felt like bones grating together now it only hurts when the weather is really cold so its a great idea to keep at it

    im here all the time on on and off here more than im on fb now its my new obsession ill post all acheivments on fridays and just gather them thruout the week not just weight loss acheivments it can be inches starting a new exercise or even just staying under calories whatever is acheivment fo you will be recorded
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning all on a very dull looking grey morning even the weather objects to monday lol

    today i am scubbing my house again its not even that messy surprisingly i should got a cat years years ago as soon i said we can have a cat but they need check house is tidy enough whooosh they have gone all out keeping it tidy and clean miracles do happen but today is home check day so i want to be sure it is all re scrubbed and looking/smelling good i wasnt this paranoid when i had my kids and there was less stress involved as well lol
    i also have to sort and put away all the clothes and bedding away that i washed yesterday several trips back on forth to drawers in differant rooms i make myself wonder how i manged to get so fat when i feel like im on the move constantly no wait it was the chocolates and crap i ate cancelling all my good work .

    today im also another 0.4lbs down so a los sof 1lb and a bit since last monday woohoo finally the weight is shifting and i love it

    hope you all have a FAB day wish me luck for tonight so i can have a cat and be good i shall be back laters to check on you all
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    Good Luck for tonight - I'm so so jealous! I would love a cat, but my other half is allergic :(
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    Good Luck for tonight - I'm so so jealous! I would love a cat, but my other half is allergic :(

    thanks im so nervous incase they say no they shouldnt we have all that is needed for a cat house garden no busy roads and of course loads of love but i have no idea what there looking for .
    i asked hubby for another baby he said no be realistic we have no where to put one so i asked for a cat and he was like ok yes ill pay the adoption fee now he is thinking what have i created with all stuff i bought cat toys etc and foods and the well if nellie gets along with my neighbours cat who shes left with me for 7 weeks and who i do more care for than her i might ask if i can have boops as well so it be 2 cats hes looking at me like oh lord i should have said yes to a baby lol
  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member
    happy monday! i am determined to lose at least .5 lbs or more this week - this is the week to get to my next number. before I had babies and turned 30 losing 5-10lbs was a breeze. Now I really get that it is much harder as you age - which is a great motivator to get it off now so all we have to do is maintain for the rest of our lives.

    I have a couple of cookie orders this week...but luckily it is not going to mess with my going to the gym. So my goal(s) for this week
    -no cookies
    -workout 6 days this week (burn at least 450+ each time)
    -eat healthy
    -entertain my mother-in-law (so she doesn't think about her diagnosis)

    it is going to be a great week!! get your hearts pumping girls and drop some lbs (we only have1.5 weeks left of July)
  • suzumichan
    suzumichan Posts: 127
    Good Luck for tonight - I'm so so jealous! I would love a cat, but my other half is allergic :(

    Im right there with you. Allergies suck :( My Fiance wants a cat really bad and a dog but I'm just to allergic.

    Goodluck monkeysmum!

    Sidenote: I am a bit worried that I am losing weight to fast. This week I weigh in as 243.1. Its about another 5. something to 6 lb lost. Im worried that the weight may rebound.

    Goal: Drink a lot of water and finish level 1 of 30 day shred.
  • mindiejean
    mindiejean Posts: 38 Member
    I am in... My B-day is also IN October WHAT a great gift for myself!!! my goal this week Exercise 5 out of 7 days...Eat healthy and BE POSITIVE.... No Stress eating...Good Luck Girls... WE Can Do It!!!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    mabrywynn im with you before babie si could eat drink pretty much anything i wanted and maintained 98lbs easily after hvaing kids blerghhh the scales hate moving down and definatly alot slower now im over 30 youd think god would make being healthy easier than it is lol

    suzumichan thanks id hate to be allergic as i adore cats i do like dogs not enough to get my own mind you but i do like them cats however i could so easily become a mad cat lady with around 60 cats if i got left to my own devices maybe you could get your fiance nintendogs and purrpalz for ds not exactly the sam ething but as close he will get with you

    mindiejean welcome we are all doing well motivating each other so we can definatley do it its great to have extra motivaters to keep booting my rear
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    well my house got scrubbed clean and we passed our home inspection and can collect nellie hopefully wednesday or thursday i also managed to get a pic from my hubbys iphoto onto here so you can see the cat ive probably drove you nuts talking about lol

    hope everyone had a day as good as mine
  • PearlMarie_3gen_11484
    PearlMarie_3gen_11484 Posts: 272 Member
    I'm in! add me :bigsmile:
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    well my house got scrubbed clean and we passed our home inspection and can collect nellie hopefully wednesday or thursday i also managed to get a pic from my hubbys iphoto onto here so you can see the cat ive probably drove you nuts talking about lol

    hope everyone had a day as good as mine

    Congratulations on your new addition to your home. The cat is adorable!
    Off to the gym to take my mind off the fact I'm not allowed a cat! Haha
  • khuckaby1
    khuckaby1 Posts: 69
    I'm in. I am going on a cruise in October and want to lose 20lbs.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    welcome aboard khuckaby1 and crowlover_05 this is going to be a fab week

    cdpm did the gym take your mind off a cat?? i hope so its horrible to not be able to have things we want
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    happy monday! i am determined to lose at least .5 lbs or more this week - this is the week to get to my next number. before I had babies and turned 30 losing 5-10lbs was a breeze. Now I really get that it is much harder as you age - which is a great motivator to get it off now so all we have to do is maintain for the rest of our lives.

    I just said to my boyfriend today how much harder it is now then when you are in your early twenties! I love what you said, to get the weight down now and then just maintain. I will keep thinking of that! :smile:
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    well my house got scrubbed clean and we passed our home inspection and can collect nellie hopefully wednesday or thursday i also managed to get a pic from my hubbys iphoto onto here so you can see the cat ive probably drove you nuts talking about lol

    hope everyone had a day as good as mine

    Hurray! Congratulations! You must be so excited! Also well done on the loss! You're doing great! My weigh in day is coming closer again and I am getting nervous again. I don't really feel much smaller so bit worried but we'll see!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning and happy tuesday
    today will be a slow day exercise wise im out all day i promised kids id take them to cinema and watch harry potter leaving at half past 8 to drop my other girl at summer school then collect a friend and off to cinema then we need do some food shopping and be back to collect daughter at 3pm ill be ready to drop by then especially as im up so early my only consolation is i dont eat popcorn and drinks etc in cinema i dont trust it to be hygienic they never wear gloves to serve so it puts me off great for my diet down side is kids want a macdonalds for lunch because summer school daughter is having pizza and bowling they need a treat meal ill be broke by end of today again lol

    daisy im sure your doing great your certainly working hard enough for it so you definatley deserve it
    me and kids are excited even hubby seems to be getting abit more enthused that or hes just laughing at me being an over enthusiastic nut lol i told him yesterday i need a new scratching post because its red and will match my curtains and sofa he gave me alook that said WHAT do i need to have you committed but nellie is going to be my new baby lol
  • dimond1610
    dimond1610 Posts: 46
    i will join!
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    Ok - Tuesday Morning and after a killer gym session last night I'm ready to repeat it again!
    I have a bit of a mini goal that I need help with. There's an important family wedding next Saturday and I'd like to lose 4lbs for it. I think that it's not too stupid a goal & if I don't meet that mini goal I won't cry or give up as I'll know i've tried as hard as I can.
    If anyone has any hints or tips that might help me out that would be great!
  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member
    Ok - Tuesday Morning and after a killer gym session last night I'm ready to repeat it again!
    I have a bit of a mini goal that I need help with. There's an important family wedding next Saturday and I'd like to lose 4lbs for it. I think that it's not too stupid a goal & if I don't meet that mini goal I won't cry or give up as I'll know i've tried as hard as I can.
    If anyone has any hints or tips that might help me out that would be great!

    cut out alcohol, breads/pasta/carbs after 2pm, no fruit after 2pm, no sugar
    ...i am going to start doing this monday-fridays (starting next week) to see if it helps me out some. But this is a great way to get rid of some extra lbs/bloat along with losing weight.
  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member
    so i kicked butt yesterday and it felt great - did total conditioning in the morning (burned 600 calories) and then my neighbor wanted to go walk/run with our double strollers in the evening (she also has twins) so we hit the pavement for another 400 calories. Of course my scale is not showing me the love this morning but that is fine. I know I did a great job and that I ate the proper food. Will just go by measurements if I have to come Friday morning.

    Heading to the gym this morning to do a long run - hopefully 5-7 miles and goal today is to not have any food after dinner. I had a bowl of cereal after dinner and think that might be why the scales were not nice...and it was fiber cereal to boot :)