fit for october challenge



  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    suzumichan thats fantastic keep it up to achieve your goal and more besides is a great motivation

    here are this weeks acheivments

    suzumichan almost at target number 1 which is fantastic
    Bjshooter lost loads of inches woohoo i so need to check mine
    cdpm alot of inches and almost 1lb brilliant
    daisy80 1.5inch lost
    nelski lost 1lb
    monkeysmum lost 1lb

    we are doing great and theres alot of inches lost as well which is always great becaus ethats when our clothes fit better lets hope enxt week is just as fab for us all
  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member

    Good morning everyone.

    Well, I weighed in and surprisingly I'm down a pound. It's just the pound I gained last time I weighed in but I'm happy just to maintain this month with all my busy and food filled weekends. I have another one this weekend. My birthday is tomorrow so my husband and I are heading to Atlantic City for the Food and Wine Festival and some beach time.

    Mabyrwynn I hope everthing goes OK with your MIL.

    Have a great weekend!

    thanks...we got word today that her form of cancer is "generic"...meaning that they got it really early and they think that they should be able to get it out without any problems and probably no chemo!!

    i hit the gym this morning and got in a 6 mile interval run...meeting up with my girls tonight so hopefully i won't be too bad...really excited to start my eating plan on Sunday. My hubby is going to do it too which will make it so much easier to follow
  • AakifahSiebert
    I'm new here and just saw this thread it too late to join in? I'm going to visit my fiance in Oct (12th-17th) and I would love to lose some weight by then.... since it's almost August already, do you think it's too unrealistic to try to lose 15lbs by Oct 12th?
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    mabrywynn thats very good news about your MIL im pleased things went well for you

    AakifahSiebert it is never too late to join 15lbs in 11 weeks i dont think thats unrealistic it will take hard work but its possible anything is possible

    ive just been looking ramadan starts next week not sure how well i will do fasting i made myself very ill last year but i would like to try to keep some at least well when TOM has gone away any one got ideas on a filling healthy meal that will have all of the things i need i wont be eating from say 3am until almost 9pm on the days i fast and the foods are always things like deep fried samosas onion bhajjis all the things we try to avoid or eat small amounts of so i want some very tasty but healthy alternatives
  • AakifahSiebert
    Salaam...another sister started a thread to help keep us motivated during Ramadan, insh'Allah. She posted some great ideas, I think. Here's the link to the thread:
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning and happy saturday
    i finally got my lie in few hiccups like my son waking me at 5am to say he was getting up could he play on laptop and then at 7 when my daughter got up and asked same thing could she play on her laptop i wa slike mmm go away im asleep i gave up at 8 all 5 were making noise but 8 is better than 6 am anyday

    Aakifah thanks for the link ive posted and hopefully it will give me some good ideas for food i like the walking for exercise idea i can do that at home and try to get an hr a day even if i do it in small amounts like 15minutes 4x instead of all at once

    todays plans involve trying to get my girls to completely scrub there bedroom always takes around 4hrs and everything that can be moved gets moved and vaccumed and dusted ill give it ooo maybe 1hr before they make mess again but the workout from it will be good lol

    have a great day ill check on you all later be good
  • mindiejean
    mindiejean Posts: 38 Member
    ok. so Yesterday I ran ( slow) with out stopping,, yeah!! 45 min.. I was so excited.
    I was ready for work and I could see my daughter looking me over twice.... I said What are you looking at? She said YOU !!! I said Why?? she said YOU are Looking good!!! Finally someone has said something,,
    why is it I feel the need to be acknowledged from my Husband? He has never said good Job on your run.. eating better .... I can see your trying??? Some times I get angry...
    But Then I remind myself HEY i"m NOT doing this for anyone else but ME....
    Plans For today going to a Purse Party and Going to bring a Healthy dish So I am not tempted as much to eat all the Goodies!!!
    Happy Sat....:flowerforyou:
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    mindiejean i had to chuckle i have to ask my hubby do you notice ive lost weight im being motivated eating good etc and hes like of course i do when i said well u never say anything he went what i have to remember birthdays and anniversarys and now to say how sexy you look my brain will hurt and i think your sexy even when you were fat not quite the answer i was expecting but hes a man what else can we expect yet he feels the need fo me to comment on how much weight hes lost and they say women are finicky
    be proud of what your acheiving and be impressed your doing so good your kids comment just dont worry your man hasnt because well i dont think there brain is as good at functioning like ours is lol

    hope your all enjoying the sunshine im sat feeling proud ive cleaned again (this cat was a fab idea i clean more lol) and ive got food cooking potato spinach curry stupid TOM is making my head throb tho always for this 1 week my head throbs and i get more migraines than usual im just glad its only 1 week break from my pill every 3 packets and not every month or id be crying
  • charisse_hlmn
    Hi! I would love to join this group. My husband is on deployment till October so this is just the group I need to join :smile: . I just had our second son about 4 months ago and it is time for me to loose this extra weight and hopefully get down to my wedding day weight :laugh:

    I am a little on the discouraged side :frown: , I have been working out almost a month now and I have only lost 2lbs. I have really been trying to eat my exercise calories but its been a little difficult for me to adapt to. I work out 5-6 times a week for about 60-120minutes. I do cardio (Zumba, Running, or Fast Walk) every other day and free weights and abs in between. I do see a little difference in my clothing but nothing spectacular. I have been eating better, but I admit not eating as good as I should... Does anyone have any words of advice? Maybe I'm not doing something right. I'd really appreciate the help :happy: . Also I don't have many friends on MFP I would LOVE to motivate and be motivated so please ADD ME :bigsmile: !
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    Hi! I would love to join this group. My husband is on deployment till October so this is just the group I need to join :smile: . I just had our second son about 4 months ago and it is time for me to loose this extra weight and hopefully get down to my wedding day weight :laugh:

    I am a little on the discouraged side :frown: , I have been working out almost a month now and I have only lost 2lbs. I have really been trying to eat my exercise calories but its been a little difficult for me to adapt to. I work out 5-6 times a week for about 60-120minutes. I do cardio (Zumba, Running, or Fast Walk) every other day and free weights and abs in between. I do see a little difference in my clothing but nothing spectacular. I have been eating better, but I admit not eating as good as I should... Does anyone have any words of advice? Maybe I'm not doing something right. I'd really appreciate the help :happy: . Also I don't have many friends on MFP I would LOVE to motivate and be motivated so please ADD ME :bigsmile: !

    welcome aboard

    do you use mfp estimates for your exercise calories or a hrm/machines in gym mfp can estimate way too high and if your eating them calories back ytou could be eating more than you burned
    me personally i never lose eating all my exercise calories i prefer to eat a little to half of them and i seem to be losing at a slow steady pace

    we`re a great motivating group so you should find some good motivation on here im losing slowly at like half a lb to 1lb a week i may even get near target by october its rather exciting for me as ive never got this close before and i do thank this group for that they have kept me on track and boote dmy behind in a fab way lol
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    Hi! I would love to join this group. My husband is on deployment till October so this is just the group I need to join :smile: . I just had our second son about 4 months ago and it is time for me to loose this extra weight and hopefully get down to my wedding day weight :laugh:

    I am a little on the discouraged side :frown: , I have been working out almost a month now and I have only lost 2lbs. I have really been trying to eat my exercise calories but its been a little difficult for me to adapt to. I work out 5-6 times a week for about 60-120minutes. I do cardio (Zumba, Running, or Fast Walk) every other day and free weights and abs in between. I do see a little difference in my clothing but nothing spectacular. I have been eating better, but I admit not eating as good as I should... Does anyone have any words of advice? Maybe I'm not doing something right. I'd really appreciate the help :happy: . Also I don't have many friends on MFP I would LOVE to motivate and be motivated so please ADD ME :bigsmile: !

    Heey! The advise I would give you would be to mix up your workouts so your body doesn't get used to your routine. Make sure that you also have a good rest day as well. Keep an eye on your inches as well, you can have success in other ways than what the scales say :)
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning all happy sunday

    ok not so happy if you have work tomorrow but kids summer holidays no school no summer school no plans just enjoying the rest and relax now

    my plans today involve the never ending cleaning that kids create and possibly getting on the wii to jog if i can prise it away from kids thats the down fall to summer holidays trying to get my wii back from the kids is a nightmare they dont like to give it up as my daughter said we need exercise as well mum your soo mean not wanting us to be fit shes very prone to exageration but a week and no wii and im getting withdrawel there is only so much you can clean re clean and clean again before people start to think your obsessive compulsive

    hope your all being good nelski you went missing again how is your weekend going?
    mabrywynn do you have any low calorie healthy but tasty cookie recipes i need something sweet for ramadan but something that wont ruin the diet?
    cdpm boot my rear if i havent been on the wii by tonight i need that extra incentive to move.
    mindiejean how are you doing running?
    charisse haveyou tried wiifit plus exercise there are so many and lots feel like games so you enjoy doing them and you burn calories at the same time?
    daisy how did your week go? ive spent so much time with bad headache past few days ive been missing out on what everyones done
    Aakifah what plans do you have today? did you start fatsing yet a friend said they were meant to but we were all told monday.
    everyone who ive missed im sorry my brain has just fired a blank on where everone else is up to slap me hands and remind me and i hope your all doing fantastic
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    Had my weigh in today. After sort of sticking to the no carbs late in the day (well apart from last night, had a cheeky cheat day - not ideal, but my boyfriend went to a lot of effort for a nice dinner and couldn't say no!) It paid off. I lost a lb! I hope this is enough to motivate you to get onto that wii monkeysmum!!!!
    I will keep up the no carbs thing this week, but I have just remembered I'm away from home Thursday - Monday so it might be hard when I'm being fed by my boyfriends mum, though I will keep the carb intake to a minimum. I'll keep posted with progress!
  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member
    healthy and fit for August (october) starts today for sure....I am beyond thrilled to be adding a decently strick eating plan to my already rigorous worki out. My hubby is starting today too so at least I won't have one person eating cookies while the other one has cottage cheese :) I am going to go hard core for 3 weeks...basically until the weekend of my sisters bachelorette party.

    I ate like I could never eat again the past few days so I know my body will feel amazing when I put all of this wonderful healthy food in it. As for today = this morning will be a long run. I am going to try 8 miles. And the rest of the day will be baking/icing for some cookie orders I have this week. Luckily I can't stand sugar right now so no taste testting...I will leave that to the kids.

    Good luck everything - it is going to be a good week!
  • mindiejean
    mindiejean Posts: 38 Member
    no run for me today.... Headache turned into sinus cold YUCK... I am may bike instead....
    Cdpm I wasnt loosing my first month of exercise... your body is like WHATTTT are you doing to me ..
    I have a friend who is a nutritionist.. she told me your body will adjust, and keep moving and you will BURN IT OFF BABY!! I did and have lost wt and inches and it feels good!!!!
    So take that darn discouragement and turn it around YOU CAN DO IT!!!!

    monkeysmum.... do your kids HELP you clean their room or do you do it w/o them?
    I need to do this also but I may wait and do it when there not around..( get rid of more stuff)

  • suzumichan
    suzumichan Posts: 127
    Hello everyone! Today isnt much working out or anything. Probably eating a lot since its my bridal shower. I did weigh in and Lost another 2 lbs. so Im now 1 lb away from hitting 240 :D. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    cdpm welll done on the 1lb loss its better than a gain i always say.

    mabrywynn it is alot easier when other half joins us on the journey mine refuses to buy biscuits etc now so i have no temptations in

    mindiejean when i do kids room i make them help its there mess but they are pretty good at throwing things away usually tho its just a good clean that it needs and a vacuum to get rid of any crumbs bits dust etc but if you want to get rid of mor ethings do it alone kids will always whine an dmoan and find an excuse to keep things

    suzumichan well done on almost being at target what will your new target be?
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning happy monday

    cdpm i didnt get on the wiii its TOM and im prone to migraine one hit yesterday so i walked in my house managed 30minutes before feeling like i was going to throw up and my head fall off so i sat down hoping to do more walking today hoping to manage 1hr walking and some light cleaning combined with painkillers and a prayer for tom to go away please my head cant take anymore

    apart from that hubby is fasting so i decided to join him and im making rice dish for fast open time at 9pm involves alot of veggies in veg stock simmered down and mixed with plain basmati rice and plenty of salad i have to food shop holidays might be more relaxing but they aure are boring with no where to go or nothing to do

    have a fun day and i will be back to check up on you all during the day be goods
  • aoifebr
    aoifebr Posts: 92
    Hi all,

    Is it too late to join??? I'm off to the USA in October & stopping off in Ireland to visit my family on the way home so your timing is PERFECT!!!

    In January I got serious about weight loss when I was 105kg, I'm now 88kg. My aim is to hit my target weight of 77kg by the trip (shopping in the US is so much cheaper so if I need a new wardrobe where better to buy it plus I havent seen some family members or friends in over 3 years...) all of this means I need to lose another 11kg or 24lb. It looks like a mountain but I'll do my best, if I aim for the stars I can still land on the moon right... So can I join pretty pretty please :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Good morning
    Uggh another Monday! Why can't weekends be longer??
    I had a good but unhealthy weekend. I will not be stepping on the scale for a few days lol. I ate lot's of birthday cake but that is done now, time to really start eating better and exercise more regularly. I went grocery shopping yesterday and did good, no treats. I'm hoping to make it to the farmers market later this week to stock up on more fruits and veggies too.
    We possibly need a new roof but had a couple guys look at it yesterday that think they know where the leak is and will repair it for $165 instead of getting a new roof for $5300. I hope that will do it so I can get a treadmill soon. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

    Have a good day!