

  • First of all - it sounds weird to say pop. I am totally used to 'soda.' Second of all - the best advice is to just do it. As others have been saying. Make yourself a list of reasons why you are giving it up and post it on your wall, in your phone, wherever you will look at it regularly. Then stop keeping it at home. That…
    in Pop Comment by JazzyFizz23 July 2012
  • Not my favorite - but a good summer taste is to marinate it in equal parts italian dressing, pineapple juice, and white grape juice overnight. Then grill it. It is a unique taste and adds some zing.
  • People think I look younger. Most of the time they are only 3-4 years off, but a good portion think I am only 16-17. I am 23. I get annoyed now - because HS girls are not my favorite age, however, I know in 5 years and so on, I will be happy that I do not look my age. :D
  • So it turns out the original 5k I wanted to do is the same day I get back from my Florida vacation - and I will not be able to make it. In the meantime I am continuing my training and finding other one hopefully in the month of August. Fingers crossed. Any other tips?
  • I checked it out. It looks like a good read, she also has a book called WillPower! that looks pretty interesting. Are you on GoodReads? It's a great site for book lovers. Anyway, these other tips are helpful. Now I just have to channel them when the cravings come. My big problem is when I do it watching TV or a movie and I…
  • I may have to try this more often. When it comes to soda and chocolate. However, I have to learn to control the amount I do eat when I give in to cravings. One thing I did find is switching to Dark Chocolate helped me eat less chocolate. It is a little less sweet, but still very rich, so I am more 'full' from it faster.…
  • Thanks - I will try that after my first one to get myself going faster. I have never heard of that and it looks kind of cool. Even scarier than my current 6 week plan, but I like that it is a well known thing.
  • These tips are all helpful. I have this problem occasionally and sometimes I recognize I am eating purely to be eating and not because I am hungry. But often I do not realize it until I've gone through half or more of a bag of reese's cups. Not good. I am working on it - and you guys have helped.
  • Oh goodness. I love almond milk. I have never been a milk drinker, until I discovered almond milk. Now I drink way too much. I do not have any issues with dairy, I have just never liked milk. Almond milk made a believer out of me though. I have no preference between Blue Diamond and Silk, but I do prefer the sweetened…
  • I love this thread. Everybody needs inspiration and it feels great to be able to inspire. I myself resisted drinking soda with dinner. Soda is definitely my kryptonite, and it has been about a week since my last one. I almost poured the glass after my sister, but I grabbed water before I could think about it. Happy.
  • You can so do it. Your problems sound a lot like mine - emotional eating, and such. I can totally relate. But you're right, writing it down helps. And you have the benefit of having been successful once before, so you know you can do it. That said, once you stop running and walk, running again is hard. You just have to…
  • I love having them in a pinch. As long as they don't become an everyday meal, you should be okay. It really depends on your calorie count and if you are trying to lose weight or gain muscle mass, too. A lot of people have made great suggestions about trying to mix it with peanut butter toast or a muffin. I find, no matter…
  • Oh lord. There are many many answers to this. Vegetables. Except corn, carrots, and white broccoli (cauliflower). Anything pig. Eggs. Red Meat. Avocado Sea Food Bologna. Nutella Rice (though I am learning to like this more) Melon (except watermelon) Lamb Spicy foods Mustard, horseradish, humus, lemonade, tea, coffee,…
  • I totally see your problem. I am picky eater, so not a fan of seafood, red meat, or eggs. So I have to work extra hard to get the protein in. I am teaching myself to find fat free meat and be willing to pay the extra cost for it. I think someone else mentioned Greek yogurt. It is better than our yogurt by a million, and…
  • I love this. A lot. That is really great advice. But you are correct - eating right is the easy part. It's the consistence that is tricky. But the best thing you can do is work for it. Taking pills is great, but is too easy for weight loss. When you work for it though, it will mean a lot more to you, and therefore be…
  • Thanks all for your kind welcome once again. It's been over two months, quickly gone by. The first month was not great - as I used it more to detect patterns in my eating. Now I have found a niche to follow, and am working towards my ideal weight. Yes, I have indicated 120 pounds, but I just want to feel healthy. And I am…
  • I had tried this before - per the insistence of my grandmother and didn't like. Then I found some of the flavored Greek yogurt and it is good. Now I even eat the plain Greek yogurt since I've grown accustomed to the flavor kind. Weird, I know. As everyone else has said though, add some fruit and granola. I have found a…
  • Zumba is an excellent program. Like others it has its positive and negative. I would say it could not hurt to try though right. I have been doing it for about a year, and though I wasn't always keeping track of weight - it made me feel great after doing it. As pretty much everyone has stated it burns calories and is…
  • I admit I've tried a few - and most of them make me sick to my stomach. And I never know if they're actually working, so they seem like a waste of money. I'd say just stick to healthier lifestyles and realize there are no magic answers. I've always believed that if its challenging ten results are worth it. If it's easy to…
  • As a sugar junkie, there is a lot of great advice on here. Fat free low fat snacks are always a choice. But be careful as they can make you want more since you believe ita healthier. And the added chemicals to make up for removing some of the fat are also not great. If you crave something particularly sweet, just eat it,…
  • Thanks, guys. At chef970 - I love your quote. "failure is not an option has always been a mantra of mine. I have a sweatshirt wi the Apollo xiii logo on it with that quote. I never thought to apply it to this part of my life. At muitobem (I think?) - I love walking in general for it's effect on the behind. Haha. And thighs…