Foods you don't like



  • AureliaCotta
    AureliaCotta Posts: 99 Member
    Water chestnuts. I can't stand the texture.
  • iheartyarn
    iheartyarn Posts: 141 Member
    Meat, Brussel sprouts, beets, water chesnuts, baby corn, olives, capers, or beer
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member

    Sea Urchin (uni)

    I can eat just about anything but these 2
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member

    nah just joking

    natto (japanese food, quite possibly the worst tasting thing on the planet)ō
  • Oh lord. There are many many answers to this.

    Vegetables. Except corn, carrots, and white broccoli (cauliflower).
    Anything pig.
    Red Meat.
    Sea Food
    Rice (though I am learning to like this more)
    Melon (except watermelon)
    Spicy foods
    Mustard, horseradish, humus,
    lemonade, tea, coffee,

    And I am sure there is a lot more.
    As you can see getting protein is a bit difficult for me.

    I am a texture person too. Weird textures gross me out.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Oh lord. There are many many answers to this.

    Vegetables. Except corn, carrots, and white broccoli (cauliflower).
    Anything pig.
    Red Meat.
    Sea Food
    Rice (though I am learning to like this more)
    Melon (except watermelon)
    Spicy foods
    Mustard, horseradish, humus,
    lemonade, tea, coffee,

    And I am sure there is a lot more.
    As you can see getting protein is a bit difficult for me.

    I am a texture person too. Weird textures gross me out.

    add peanut butter, oats & cottage cheese and minus mustard and that is just about my favourite foods list :tongue:
  • brooksaceb
    brooksaceb Posts: 115 Member
    I HATE vegetables... that has made this whole change of eating very difficult for me.

    I second that. Used to have to sit at the table until bedtime, i refused to eat them, unless you count corn.
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    Im texture girl.... Cant handle anything soft or slimy... SO out goes cheese, dips and avocado. Seafood - grose (except tuna in a can!), tomatoes, squash, and other weird random veggies. Choc mint AND choc orange - the worst flavours ever invented.

    But I love mushrooms, olives, bacon and other things that kept popping up here lol. I also tend to eat odd things when Im travelling - pigeon in Egypt was strangely nice. My partner ate tirantula a couple of weeks back in Cambodia - but I passed!!
  • Beets, peas, carrots, and this (I think it was) grain-like thing. It sort of looked like corn cut off the cob, and pretty gross. Wish I could remember what it was called.

    ETA: Oh, and cottage cheese, which is a shame because from what I hear it's pretty good for me.
  • Mrrwmoo
    Mrrwmoo Posts: 44
    Bitter melon (As the name suggests, that vegetable has got to have a pH close enough to bleach, UGH O-X)
    Raw mint leaves (Authentic Vietnamese dishes are usually accompanied with some fragrant leaf to chew on, me no like ;-;)
    Pig feet and pork rinds
    Pork intestine (I like the liver, heart, and coagulated blood though)
    Fried banana fritters, (ButI like bananas any other way)
    Raw tomatoes (But I like bruschetta and salsa, I'm a strange one XP.)
    Kraft Cheese, (you know the kind that comes in the slices?)
    Cheap, processed sausage of any kind
    Beef/red meat (steak is the worst ;-;)
    Whip Cream
    Fruit syrups
    Candied fruits (They're better WITHOUT the sugar!)
    Black licorice
    Red Hots
    Fruit Pies
    Grocery Store Birthday Cakes, especially the frosting, ew~!

    Some of the foods I love people listed as their dislike food XD! I love, love, love seafood @.@, and I love any kind of vegetable, excluding ones listed above ^ . I also love any kind fruit not listed above
  • stevenleagle
    stevenleagle Posts: 293 Member
    Sigh... I like everything. I think that's what got me into trouble in the first place!

    The only "normal" food I recall not liking (in my younger years) was (raw) tomato. Dunno why. Of course, I don't mind tomatoes now (perhaps aside from some of the tasteless supermarket varieties), fresh produce is the best!

    Ok ok, I'm not partial to all those "exotic" dishes such as ducks feet, sheep eyes etc. But I will try most things!
  • fragilegift
    fragilegift Posts: 347 Member
    I refuse to eat beetroot - but I eat the leaves.
    Wont eat crayfish, lobster, etc, but will eat prawns.
    The only shellfish I eat is scallops.
    Squid is on the menu, but not octopus.
    I wont eat game (deer, wallaby, um..pheasant, crocodile).
    I can't come at avocados, paw paw or fresh mango - too slimy. Banana must have a green tail on it.
    Silverbeet is out. But I eat spinach.
    I don't eat pumpkin, zucchini or mushrooms as vegetables. IN stuff is fine.
    I eat raspberries and raspberry jam - but not anything else 'raspberry.' I eat strawberries as fruit, and gag at the smell of anything else 'strawberry' - puddings and yogurt etc. 'Berry' anything is also out. Cherries as fruit, and cherry ripe choclate is ok..cherry anything else ...nada.
    Energy drinks are out, as is anything blue. The smell is vile enough, without tasting it. (this also applies to Sunburst sweets etc)

    There are probably some more, but that is all I can think of off the top of my head.
  • I don't like
    Regular cheeses, cottage cheese, or cream cheeses.
    Avocados or guacamole (same thing really) Sour cream or mayonnaise.
    Whipped cream... there's something about the texture that just gets me.

    I am a picky eater in a way. There isn't a very long list of things I don't like, but I prefer most of my foods to be plain. I am not much for any kind of seasonings or sauces or anything of that nature. However, I do like hot sauce, I could put that on anything.
  • skinnnyxoxo
    skinnnyxoxo Posts: 210 Member
    I can not eat juicy meat. It's gross. The texture is just uggghh.

    I only eat my chicken boneless (which is a lot dryer than a drumstick or thigh). The black and re stuff next to the bone just gross me out.

    Oh and dead fish before the a cooked. Their eyes are still open and it's soooo gross.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    ONIONS! I will not eat anything that has a lot of onions in them, and how anyone can actually eat onion rings or onion soup is beyond me!
  • Wow, there are lots of really picky eaters on here! There's very few things I don't like to be honest.

    Any type of sweets (pick and mix type sweets, hard boiled, chewy, gummy etc. etc. I've always hated them even as a kid)
    Fatty meat (I'm not a massive meat eater anyway but the texture of fat on meat makes me want to gag! I can't understand how people can eat it, my brother loves the stuff)
    Brussel Sprouts

    It's funny because mushrooms, olives and seafood seem to be popping up a LOT in this thread and they are my favourite foods, I could happily live off of them (my lunch today is leftovers from the prawn and mushrooms faijtas I had last night for dinner - yum!).
  • Sul3i
    Sul3i Posts: 553 Member
    Original rice cakes
    Beans Lima especially *
    Brussel sprouts
    hot wings
    Most pies
    Most donuts
    Hmm I didn't realize but I don't like many things I really could go on....
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Brown Rice, Wholemeal bread and wholewheat pasta.

    They all taste like wet cardboard to me :sick:
  • These posts make feel better about my food issues... thought I didn't like a lot of things ;)

    I pretty much hate vegetables but I am teaching myself that they are not all bad...

    Things I wont eat;

    Most vegetables - BUT I like beetroot, potatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans, peas, carrots, pumpkin, garlic and lettuce
    Crustaceans in their shells
    Whole Fish
    Rare meat

    I do love all the bad foods like doughnuts, bacon and brownies... thats why I ended up so fat :)
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Cottage Cheese!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:noway: