


  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    Honestly, I just cut it cold turkey. What I did was started chugging a glass of water every hour so I'm not thirsty - that cut the urge to drink because I was thirsty. I cut milk/juice the same way - I was worried I'd miss it but once I stopped drinking pop it was just...not a big deal.
  • Stowguy2012
    Stowguy2012 Posts: 111
    I can drink a 24 pack in about 3 days or less a 12 pack in one day

    What are chia seeds?
  • goingwithgrace
    goingwithgrace Posts: 109 Member
    Iced tea - lots of flavored ones you can brew yourself.
  • Lmezz11
    Lmezz11 Posts: 619 Member
    when i was having a big problem switching from soda i started drinking flavored water that was carbonated until i didn't want soda anymore then switched to regular water
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    They call it pop in Michigan, too, lol. When I realized I was so fat that I was uncomfortable, I just stopped one day, and gave up on the beer too. Just cutting that garbage out made such a huge drastic difference, that i had no desire to touch them again. I don't miss them one bit. I drink mineral water, regular water, and mineral water with lime. I was drinking about a 12 pack of beer a week, and probably 6-12 sodas. I easily dropped 10 pounds in a month when I cut that stuff out.
  • jonwv
    jonwv Posts: 362 Member
    i have tried to stop drinking pop cold turkey and i was always sick...had headaches and everything. So this time I started drinking one less per day. I only drink maybe one pop a day now and it is diet. Where i used to drink around 8 bottles a day.
  • jonwv
    jonwv Posts: 362 Member
    i have tried to stop drinking pop cold turkey and i was always sick...had headaches and everything. So this time I started drinking one less per day. I only drink maybe one pop a day now and it is diet. Where i used to drink around 8 bottles a day.

    I am going to try to quit completly, i know anytime i drink one it hinders my workout...i cant breathe right.
  • AmandaCathleen
    I started by switching from caffeine pop to caffeine free pop for a week or two which helped with the caffeine withdrawals then I started with some GV Peach Tea instead of caffeine free pop and now I drink water. It took about a month to switch from a 12 pack of pop a day to water and GV peach tea. It really helped me not to crave sugary foods. This worked for me, Goodluck!
  • itskaraxx
    itskaraxx Posts: 46
    This post is for the people who don't drink pop anymore what tricks are you doing to not drinking pop anymore? I want to really stop drinking pop.

    Go cold turkey.
    It's what I did. If it helps just finish off the rest of the pop you have and then do NOT buy any more. I just decided the day I began my dieting I would scrap it once and for all, there are still quite a few cans in the fridge that have been sitting there for 3 months actually. Just force yourself to drink water and you'll learn to love it. I will say have some tylenol and advil ready however, you WILL get some mean caffeine withdrawal headaches. You'll feel tired, cranky, etc for about a week until your body goes back to normal. Just keep yourself hydrated with water and soon enough you'll start craving water instead of pop.
  • Vonwarr
    Vonwarr Posts: 390 Member
    This post is for the people who don't drink pop anymore what tricks are you doing to not drinking pop anymore? I want to really stop drinking pop.

    When I first started eating healthier, I restricted myself to only having one pop a day, but after about 2 weeks of eating healthier, I slowly phased it out without even realizing it, until I realized I hadn't had one in almost 2 weeks! Once I slowly down my consumption, I stopped craving them.
  • FuneralDiner
    FuneralDiner Posts: 438 Member
    Just don't buy it?

    I had a caffeine addiction for the majority of my life. Then one day I stopped drinking products with caffeine in it and now I am not addicted anymore.

    Sometimes it really is that simple.
  • JazzyFizz23
    First of all - it sounds weird to say pop. I am totally used to 'soda.'

    Second of all - the best advice is to just do it. As others have been saying. Make yourself a list of reasons why you are giving it up and post it on your wall, in your phone, wherever you will look at it regularly. Then stop keeping it at home. That is your worst enemy. From there it is a natural progression to switching to water or tea at restaurants.

    I have a rocky relationship with addiction to Pepsi, where it is my emotional healer. In moments of stress, I could literally feel Pepsi making me feel better. And in moments of happiness, it just made me happier. But it got really bad when I got up in the middle of the night and had to drink Pepsi in order to fall back asleep. I have given it up many times around Lent and other times throughout the year. But there seems to always be that one stressful moment where I tell myself just one can't hurt. And before I know it I have to have it for breakfast, for lunch, and with dinner.

    I am currently 25 days soda free. I just stopped drinking it and suffered through the headaches. I still have a residual headache every so often, but the cravings are all but gone and I love ice cold water. It will take time and patience, but it is something you can beat too. I only hope this time it sticks for me. I think it will take giving it up for a long time before it can be an indulgence for me, if ever. It is just too easy for me to rely on it as a pick-me-up.
  • drusilla126
    drusilla126 Posts: 478 Member
    No trick. Just stopped. Years and years ago actually and I was confused why I was still gaining weight but now I know it's because I ate way more than I thought I was. But anyway yeah just drink more water instead. Don't have pop in your house and then you can't drink it. Water is free calorie-wise and monetarily so it's a win win. Soda is empty calories. Nothing of benefit at all. If you must ease the transition go for flavoured water I guess. Once you weed them out of your diet you won't crave them any more or miss them at all.
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    Are you talking about diet pop or the full sugar stuff?
  • DifferentLifeStlye
    i never really liked the taste of pop to begin with, whenever i get thirsty water is always there.
  • kuger4119
    kuger4119 Posts: 213 Member
    As someone else said, I typically drink flavored water instead of pop. I will say that I did go from 2-3 pops per day down to 1 pop per day before I quit completely. I do have a diet soda every once in a while but I've been trying to avoid those as well.
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I still drink pop (diet Pepsi) occassionally, but but I pretty much stick to water or homemade iced tea now. There are a lot of additives in pop, and some are really high in sodium too. Reading labels, in general, has been an eye opener for me since I began my journey here.
  • Stowguy2012
    Stowguy2012 Posts: 111
    Are you talking about diet pop or the full sugar stuff?

    Pop in general
  • cnewlin86
    cnewlin86 Posts: 87
    I am 45 days pop free!!! I've quite before for two years and than I started back up last year when I was stressed and going to nursing school. I had long hours to put in, late nights, and pepsi was there for me. It stuck around in the form of about a 20lb weight gain as well! I've always quit cold turkey. I drink all the pop up in the house and refuse to buy anymore. When I stop at a convience store my treat is a liter bottle of water with a crystal lite packet thrown in. I have always loved water but when I quit drinking pop water becomes my best friend. It's not unusal for me to drink 4 liters or more of water in a day. It's hard to quit but there is no way I am wasting my hard workouts and burned calories for a pop. I've lost 13lbs in 45 days with exericise, no pop, and eating better. I'm not qutting on myself by drinking pop again and you can do it too!