Why are you proud of yourself today?



  • MerryLow
    MerryLow Posts: 5 Member
    I resisted the cheesecake the my MIL brought over! Had an extra serving go carrots instead.
  • MenaMena
    MenaMena Posts: 232 Member
    I am proud that I am still here. I started this commitment right after Christmas. I joined the city gym ($15/yr) and commited to doing aerobic execise six days a week. As, I got stronger, I added 3 days of weight training. I wanted to start counting calories and found this app and I have been true to my commitment. Even when I didn't lose weight for 3 weeks, I continued to work out and stay under my calorie limit. Thankfully, my commitment paid off and I starting losing.

    I have lost weight before but it did not result in the changes in my body that I am seeing. Exercising, especially the weights, I believe is making the difference. One day my daughter was looking at my face and committed that it looked like I "grew a neck or lost a chin or something ". lol

    I had to make some changes in my life that were a little frightening for me. . . going into work later (I supervise others so it is a real concern, leaving my youngest alone while I went to the gym (mind you she is in middle school and her grandpa lives across the street, so not so real a concern but changes none the less. Amazingly, our world did not fall apart. My leadership team has stepped up (perhaps my stepping back was the best thing that could have happened), my daughter is no longer complaining about being left alone and my family eats what I eat or they don't eat. Water is now the beverage of choice.

    Putting myself first has been very empowering. My only regret is that it took half a century to learn my worth.

    I am proud of myself today because I have remained true to myself. I have put myself and my health first and I'm reaping the benefits, one day at a time.

    I have a long way to go, almost 200 pounds to lose, but for the first time I can see it and for that I am proud.
  • michellebelle1
    michellebelle1 Posts: 34 Member
    I'm proud of myself for setting a new PR today! I ran 4 miles in 30:33! And that's breaking the record of 30:46 I just set yesterday! This time last year, that's how long it took me to run 3 miles!!!
  • BetterWithAge
    BetterWithAge Posts: 691 Member
    I am proud of myself today because I went to the gym for the first time since Friday. AND I stayed on the correct nutritional track, which I have been struggling with recently.
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    I'm not :( but I proud you that are!
  • lilyvale68
    lilyvale68 Posts: 96 Member
    I'm proud of myself for being consistent with exercise since November 3rd. Because of the increased strength and endurance, I was able to take an 8 mile hike in Hawaii last week that included climbing Diamond Head.

    I also started C25K today and it was very do-able. I'm excited about the fitness possiblities that I did not see as available to me.

    Life is good!
  • wisebadger53
    wisebadger53 Posts: 382 Member
    Today I ran for seven minutes non-stop at 6 mph on the treadmill before slowing down! Four months ago I could only do 30 - 40 seconds at 5 mph without slowing down to rest. :happy:
  • seattlerain
    seattlerain Posts: 189 Member
    I'm proud of myself because I waited until after noon to drink...


    I made it to the gym!
  • I'm proud of myself for resisting the lemon curd tart at my favourite local cafe and just having a coffee with skim milk instead.

    Also because I'm going to the Gold Class cinema tonight, and I'm being careful to eat sparingly today and exercise more so that I have a calorie credit to use tonight. A month ago I'd have just pigged out at the movies and not thought twice about it! My attitude is changing :)
  • I'm proud of myself for sticking to almost two hours worth of resistance training as instructed by my trainer. He wasn't around to watch, so I could have goofed off if I wanted to, but didn't.

    Also I'm proud because I have yet to go on a scavenger hunt and seek out the Valentine's Day chocolates that I asked my mom to hide from me.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I was going to write an obnoxious parody post. I had it all typed up and everything. But I stopped myself.
    Hey, it's a start.
  • I am proud of myself today because i have gone 3 days without flour or sugar!! The sugar withdrawal is kind of uncomfortable, but it will be better soon~~
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    I have a half pan of white chocolate, bing cherry and coconut bread pudding from Valentines day in the fridge and I didn't touch it. :) I also ate cleaner today.
  • Jb8885
    Jb8885 Posts: 126
    I worked out sooo hard today! I wasn't even going to go to the gym because my daughter's sick and I just felt exhausted, so I told myself to just go and do 30 min...2 hours later I had an amazing workout! I needed to vent some stress I guess!
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I made a big poop.
  • nkosky
    nkosky Posts: 115 Member
    I'm proud of myself today because I got to the gym for a Body Sculpt class and the instructor was the one from a few Mondays ago and I really didn't like her class, so I haven't been back. So, I gave her a second chance and...LOVED the class, and can't wait till next Wednesday!! I felt so good after the class!! Everyone deserves a second chance!
  • I love this thread. Everybody needs inspiration and it feels great to be able to inspire.

    I myself resisted drinking soda with dinner. Soda is definitely my kryptonite, and it has been about a week since my last one. I almost poured the glass after my sister, but I grabbed water before I could think about it. Happy.
  • aeknopp
    aeknopp Posts: 10 Member
    I ate pretty healthy today. Much better than I usually do :)
  • scoob1983
    scoob1983 Posts: 18 Member
    I was one pound down this morning which is always encouraging. Also, I didn't eat my exercise calories.
  • jrusso28
    jrusso28 Posts: 249 Member
    I am not the type to announce my success to the world, but tonight I feel on top of the world.
    Days when you feel this good about yourself don't come often so when they are here, what the heck, enjoy it!

    I ran 6 miles tonight !
    Might not be much to some, might sound unattainable to others, I really don't care.
    To me, this has been a goal I have been working toward since this past summer when I got serious about trying to run.
    I am not an athlete, never have been. I was stupid enough to smoke for years, I finally gave it up (Feb 28th will be one year) !
    During the past months I have had some set backs with knee pain, ankle pain, other pains on muscles I didn't even know how to pronounce. So at times I had to stop running for weeks at a time to let my body heal. It felt like two steps back to make one step forward. I have worked at it, I substituted other exercises when I couldn't run. Lifted weights, or did the elliptical, whatever I could do to continue on my journey. I currently am suffering with a bad elbow that i strained while lifting weights, I am dealing with that setback but know that I will get back to where I was and will meet my lifting goals in due time.

    To make a long story short, my perseverance has paid off and I have reached a personal milestone.
    I am proud of myself today, and I intend to enjoy this feeling tonight. :happy:

    Thanks to everyone on MFP for your support along the way!
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