My promise to me.

Hi everyone,
So I don't know if anyone will read this, but Ive decided that I need to post something so that I can start holding myself accountable. I have been on mfp once before and had great success, then I had a rough patch and now here I am again, 5 lbs heavier than I started last time. Ive been tracking my food off and on for months. That being said its been quite a while since I last tracked anything. Its time that I started getting serious again. So, although I know at times it is difficult to follow through, Im going to do it and Im hoping that I can find some friends on here that will help me when I want to give up.
As embarrassing as it is for me to admit Im 23 and 220 lbs. My goal is to lose at least 50lbs and then go from there. My best friend is getting married in October and Im the maid of honor so I have 8 months to get as far along as I possibly can, and to hopefully get myself a cute date in time too.
Some of the things I find that I struggle with are: I have a sweet tooth, limited will power at times, forgetful, emotional eater and I make excuses for myself. On the other hand, things I think I do well with are: I am competitive and determined and Im doing this for me once and for all! I feel that by writing all of this down I am giving myself something to live up to.
So, after all that I guess what Im really trying to say is that there is no going back now, Im in it to win it. Id love to have some new friends to stand by me through this journey and help me when I get weak and to push each other.
Thanks for listening,


  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    Welcome back, and good for you!
  • JazzyFizz23
    You can so do it. Your problems sound a lot like mine - emotional eating, and such. I can totally relate. But you're right, writing it down helps. And you have the benefit of having been successful once before, so you know you can do it. That said, once you stop running and walk, running again is hard. You just have to remember that it is worth it for your overall health. GO YOU! Welcome back to MFP.
  • LouisAA1978
    my sister is getting married in aug and i am walking her down the aisle so i know how you feel with the deadline to lose as much as you can in a few months
  • beyersar40
    beyersar40 Posts: 12 Member
    Love that you identified your weakness AND your strengths! Weddings are a fantastic motivator, I have seven to attend this summer and want to look amazing for all the pictures. Feel free to add me if you want extra encouragement :)