

  • Hey there, if you go to your "My Home" tab and then choose the "Check In" tab, your fitbit steps and sleep time are the last two entries under the "Other Measurements" column.
  • Hey there, I'm back, again, but I'm back none the less....
  • Found the below via this web site: How many steps do you walk each day? Maybe you have heard the recent guidelines about walking 10,000 steps per day. How far is 10,000 steps anyway? The average person's stride length is approximately 2.5 feet long. That means it takes just…
  • Morning all!!! Monday - Progress Report. Last week went pretty good. By the time Friday came around, my body was telling me that I needed to take a rest so that is what I did. I only did 15 minutes of my burn 30 exercise on Friday and nothing on Saturday. This morning I added the last 15 min of my burn 30 and then I did…
  • Hello all!!! It's been busy on this end. We are down to one car and sometimes my husband doesn't get home from work til late in the evening. So, Saturday is run errands day. I found that I was really tired Friday and today. I was about 15 minutes into my exercise Friday and I just couldn't do it... I also took today off,…
  • Morning all!!! Wednesday check in - So far my week has gone very well. I am doing a 30 day challenge called Walk it off in 30 days and I can tell that I have gotten stronger. Especially on the days when I have Firm 30 because I am able to to the crunch portion of the session a lot better now... So I am proud of myself and…
  • Had a great day today. 969 calories for exercising, 13175 steps, 8 cups of water, and I was under my calorie intake... I do strength training via Leslie Sansone's Firm 30 for 30 minutes, on tues, thurs & sat using 3 pound weights. It is lunges, squats, curls, over head press, crunches, and I can't remember the rest. But…
  • @ Barbara - Congrats on a fantastic week yourself... Weight loss charm bracelets is a great idea. I just recently started collecting charms for my new charm bracelet and never thought of doing this.
  • Happy Monday all!!! My weekend was busy and I did not log Saturday or Sunday, but i will go back and log what I ate... Last week I lost 1.6 pounds.... Yay me... I am looking forward to getting out of the 230's and in to the 220's... Steps: Frii-8499, Sat-10866, Sun 3616. I'm kinda tired today but I am determined... Let's…
  • Wooooooo!!!! Hey yall!!! Busy busy busy couple of days, but i'm here... I've been doing well with my exercising and eating. I'm still trying to figure out how I am going to utilize the data from my BM and what I should input into MFP. I keep forgetting to go in to workout mode when I do my exercises to see how much i…
  • Wednesday- Check-in, A time for sharing how your week is going so far. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ok so I finally received my BodyMedia Armband and I must say that I am loving what I am experiencing with it. I let it link directly to mfp…
  • Steps Today - 6,834 steps = 2.99 miles Water - 64 ounces Calories Burned - 585 I am really excited about getting my BodyMedia via UPS tomorrow... WOOHOO!!! I will not do my workout until I get it. :ohwell: I know that's bad but I don't want to waste another calorie... LOL. Today was a great day as far as exercising is…
  • I promise you are burning more calories than you think... Do a little research on a Heart Rate Monitor that can measure your calorie burn and that would work best for your and purpose to get one so you can get a accurate reading on your calorie burn. There are many different HRM to choose from. I currently use a fitbit zip…
  • You had a awesome day. I wish I had your stamina. I have the time, I just don't have the stamina yet... But I am working on it... I am working hard on getting my BodyMedia too, because I feel like I am doing better than what mfp and fitbit says I am.
  • That's awesome Amy. Having a physical trainer or anyone to cheer you on while you are actually exercising is a great thing...
  • 6,895 steps = 3.16 miles 80 ounces of water Calories per mfp burned - 523 (gotta get that up to 600 per day to reach goal of 3500 a week)
  • Monday- Progress Report, Any weight lost, NSV (non scale victory) or anything that you have accomplished the past week. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1-8-14 my check in records 237.8. Today I am at 238.8. So I have a NSV. But I am still trying to be…
  • Sunday- Let Go And Let God, How did your week go, any ups and downs, this is the time to share and vent if need be. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ My week went pretty well. I really need to remain focused on eating and exercising so I can get…
  • I hope everybody's Saturday was a safe and relaxing one... I know mine was... 3,976 steps = 1.71 miles 72 ounces
  • I am very proud of myself... I did well in the steps, but not as well as I wanted to with the water... But I was able to get in 60 minutes of exercise today. I didn't log it in my exercise because I have my fitbit zip linked to it and it is a direct feed. I don't know if I agree with the calorie burned results either, but…
  • Good morning all and Happy Friday!!! :happy: :happy: :happy: Friday- Fitness, How's your fitness workouts going so far this week, are you having any challenges you need help with. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I so had a plan. I started doing…
  • Walk - 1,647 Water - 64 oz Thanks for all the info and sites on healthier eating, cooking and shopping... I know I am all set now... Priscilla
  • Thursday - I need help with with recipes, food alternatives, great snack ideals. I tend to get stuck in the same food circle and bread/pasta and I are REALLY great friends. But we need not be because I am a borderline diabetic. Normally I "try" to eat decently Monday thru Saturday but then I eat what I want on Sunday. So I…
  • Wednesday check in - Today was a good day. My back is feeling better and I am hoping by the beginning of next week I will be back to my normal self. Walk - 4,839 Water - 80oz
  • I just wanted to post my challenge results for Sunday - Tuesday. I'll finish checking in this evening when I close out my diary. Week of January 6-12 Challenge: Walk: Sun - 2,533, Mon - 6,181, Tues - 3,780 Water : Sun - 40oz, Mon - 64oz, Tues - 32oz
  • Ok so instead of replying to everyone's post, let me just say Hello to you all and that I know we can this. We have to take each moment at a time, focus on our daily goals, eat healthier, drink lots and lots of water and most importantly, love ourselves no matter what...
  • Hey there Gina... Nice to meet you...
  • Hello all!!! My name is Priscilla and I am happy to be apart of the group(Thanx B). I started my weight loss journey weighing in at 265lbs and I have lost 27lbs so far. I still have 88 lbs to go to reach my desired goal of 150lbs. I am stay at home mom and I home school my 9yro son. I am looking forward to learning,…
  • Hello all, I am in need of accountability partners to help me along my weight lost journey. Please send me some friend request and I will be sure to encourage and come along side of you so we can reach our goals together. Happy New Year!!!