

  • For me, Going to the gym for the first two weeks helped rather than working out at home. Because that meant I spend money and I had no choice but to workout there. If im at home, im tempted to do other things. Once you hit that two week mark, you should be strong to workout at home again. Go Get it!!!
  • Thats how I started. I kept on saying "Next Monday" but once I felt I was ready I ended up starting on a Wednesday. Just keep at it and realize that you may or may not slip up. Just continue and dont get discouraged. This will be a long journey but it will all be worth it in the end. Feel free to add me. I have a long way…
  • I think thats great! I like Mikes hard lemondade so I switched to Mikes "Light" hard lemondade. After reading this I will take the challenge with you :) Good Luck!
  • Thats amazing. Thanks for posting,it is very encouraging to know it CAN be done. Keep it up hot mama :)
  • I really enjoy Rihanna, No Doubt, Justin Timberlake, Paramore, Beyonce. depends on your mood
  • I have been trying to lose weight for a couple of months now. It is a ongoing learning experience. Everyone's eating habits are different. For me, I tried to make better choices. No soda, eating half of what I usually ate, eating healthier snacks, and really trying to stay away from fast food. I had to learn not get down…
  • I was also thinking of buying the BBL and insanity to do both. Is that safe?
  • Welcome back!!! I just got back frm a 2 week break and I felt so bad. Its been 5 days now and I feel different about it this time around. Remember the turtle won the race not the hare :) god luck
  • what is the 30 day shred?
  • I just started about 3 weeks ago. I lost maybe a pound but i feel i should be further. Im sure ive lost inches tho. I just dont bother weighing myself or measuring. My stomach area is the worst part too. ALl ive been doing is working out. Going to the gym, zumba, walking, anything helps. on the diet size i do kirkland…
  • I do my workout in the afternoon or evening. what kind of protein shake is it?
    in energy Comment by jimenez0312 July 2011
  • Fast Food is my addiction. Just awhile ago I was eating it at least twice a day. Now I have it twice a day and smaller portions. I also make sure I workout. The other day I had wendys and ordered a baked patatoe with chicken nuggets and light lemonade. Fast food isnt good but if we do have it we should make smarter choices.
  • This is my first week here and see that everyone is extremely supportive. That is what we all need especially if we aren't getting it at home. Plus, the site offers you tools and experiences that everyone is going through.
  • I havent taken my measurements but I can say they are far worse than yours. But I do understand that everyone feels diffrent with their own body and how well they are comfortable with it. One motivation i have is i bought i pair of V.S jean earlier this year and they never fit. So instead of returning them I have there for…
  • For me,when i was my thinnest I would wear it and it made me sweat in the tummy area a lot. It also made my waist smaller. It could tell by the way I put it on. At first i had little room to put it on then i had plenty of room. I just started back again and i use it with every workout(cleaning, working out. yardwork). It…
  • Thanks weighing in on mondays to keep me in check on the weekend is helpful. I didnt even think about measuring myself. very helpful