not doing well with choices:(

ok all, some days I do great, and then my kids say we want mcdonalds and I just give in and get something too:( Today I had the filet o fish sandwich and prob the eqivalent of a small fries..I for some reason can not say no to the fast food monster when the time comes up!! anyone else with this issue??? It tastes good at the time, but the guilt doesn't swallow so well:( Now I feel like I need to exercise my butt off to get rid of some of it..Any ideas?? I want my stomach to get a little smaller, and this isn't helping..I just don't know what to eat for lunches..


  • dshiemke
    dshiemke Posts: 24 Member
    My kids love McDonald's too. I usually get the asian chicken salad. It's a pretty healthy choice.
  • tararocks
    tararocks Posts: 287 Member
    i agree about fast food, especially mcdonalds and especially after a night of a couple too many drinks, i order off the kids menu. is it the best thing for me, no way, but is a cheeseburger and kids fry better for me than a big mac and large fry, sure it is. After doing this multiple times it became easier to eat the smaller portion and harder to eat the larger ones.
  • jimenez0312
    Fast Food is my addiction. Just awhile ago I was eating it at least twice a day. Now I have it twice a day and smaller portions. I also make sure I workout. The other day I had wendys and ordered a baked patatoe with chicken nuggets and light lemonade. Fast food isnt good but if we do have it we should make smarter choices.
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    Increasing your exercise on days like that will help, so go for it. It will help burn some of that off and make you feel a little better at the same time :)

    Also remember that no one is perfect, this is a long journey (hopefully the rest of your life) and as such, there will be days like that. No way around it. It's best to focus on the things you are doing well and to simply try remember how it made you feel when you gave in the next time you are tempted, but not to beat yourself up over it.

    I know that from personal experience, the less and less I ate fast food, the less and less I wanted it and now the greasy smells that those places emit kind of turn my stomach. I also find that with certain types of foods as well.

    Ironically, because I will no longer eat at a fast food place, my kids don't even like it anymore, they actually prefer my healthier home cooked food (my daughter actually ASKED me to make ground turkey and quinoa stuffed cabbage rolls for dinner!). Now that was a totally unexpected but WONDERFUL side effect to my healthier world! :)
  • AudgePaudge
    AudgePaudge Posts: 537 Member
    That's the hardest part for me too! I started getting a mighty kids meal with the 6 piece nuggets, and apple dippers. I also get unsweetened tea. The grilled chicken wraps are yummy too :)
  • otgrouch
    otgrouch Posts: 21
    Everyone gives in to there weaknesses sometimes..For me I would like you excercise the extra calories off or I plan for them that day..And eliminate somewhere else..If I'm going to Mcdonalds for dinner i might skip having a regular lunch and maybe have an earlier dinner... I find when I eat fast food I can go for quite awhile before feeling hungry again..
  • weeziews
    weeziews Posts: 162 Member
    Yes, I have a hard time saying no too! I started looking up the calories before I decide if I am getting anything. After I realize how many calories there is and how it is so not worth it, I don't usually get it, or I make healthier choices.

    It is okay to have a treat once in awhile, but you have to start saying no too! I would allow the treat too often and I was only sabatoging all my hard work. It really wasn't worth it. Start making some yummy things at home that are healtier. You will be glad you did.