I took my measurements this morning. I know i shouldn't be this upset about it. but i am. i am really not happy about them. it also put things in place for me. I have work to do. i can either get depressed about it, or look at it as motivation to finally get fit and healthy.
so i am 184, and here are my measurements. this is embarrassing. but maybe by me showing you all it will give me the motivation i need.

breast 36 1/2"
waist above belly button 33"
waist at belly button 41"
hips 45"
thighs 25"
arms 13"
calves 13"
I am so not proud of my weight or my measurements.
I can't dwell on it or it will make me depressed. so i have to move forward. there are choices to make. I am choicing life changes. ones that I will be proud of. no more going backwards.
what are somethings you do to keep yourself going strong?
have a wonderful day everyone!!!!


  • JaycrazyRose
    JaycrazyRose Posts: 104 Member
    I think that it will help you move forward. I do not measure myself at all I go by how loose my clothes are getting on me.
  • chellekoren
    chellekoren Posts: 273 Member
    Save those measurements!! It will give you something to compare it to and keep you motivated. I wish I had measurements at my highest weight.
  • loveisme
    loveisme Posts: 17 Member
    I agree with chellekoren.....keep them!!! You'll look back after reaching your goal and say both lbs/inches gone!!
    I prefer my measurements to my weight sometimes,the weigh might not move and then you measure and see you've lost inches,which is a great thing!!!
    I measure once a month,weigh once a week....I've lost a total of 16 inches and 10 lbs since June 6th.
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    Those measurements are quite similar to mine! We can do it! :smile:
  • jimenez0312
    I havent taken my measurements but I can say they are far worse than yours. But I do understand that everyone feels diffrent with their own body and how well they are comfortable with it. One motivation i have is i bought i pair of V.S jean earlier this year and they never fit. So instead of returning them I have there for motivation.
  • hcn74
    hcn74 Posts: 214
    Great job! Thanks for the inspiration - I will take mine this weekend!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I finally took measurements this past weekend and wasn't too happy about the inches for my belly at the biggest part (for me, it's above the belly button), especially since the difference between that number and my hip measurement isn't as much as I'd thought!

    Think about it this way - you probably weren't too happy about your beginning weight when you first saw that either, right? These measurements are just another stating point that you can compare to as you keep going on this fitness/weight loss journey. Use it as a tool of motivation!!
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    When I moved my new room had a wall of mirrors (talk about motivation to get fit!) and I wrote my start weight and measurements on the mirror and I post my new weight on Monday's and I take new measurements once a month and I'll post them as well. I want to know. I am def the girl with the "I'm a fat girl" mindset and I can't see that I've lost weight looking in the mirror, so I set it up that when I look in the mirror BAM there is hard proof that I'm losing weight.
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    I took some of my measurements when I started, but not all of them - I wish I had now of course! And I remember thinking I couldn't wait until my wait measurement started with the number 3 instead of a 4. Well, it does now - and you will get there too!