megjay18 Member


  • Hey everyone! I'm 5'8" pre-pregnancy weight: 182 10 days postpartum (starting weight): 208 current weight (8.5 months later): 166 goal weight: 150 - I plan to re-evaluate at this point. ultimate goal weight: 135 - This was my weight in high school, but I'm not sure if I want to go this low, hence looking at goals again at…
  • nice!
  • i'm new to the group as well! i had my second baby in may. i've lost 42 lbs since then and am now 20 lbs under my pre-pregnancy weight. i have another 16 to go until i get to the weight where i want to re-evaluate my goals. i'm just being super strict about hitting my calorie goals (not even really thinking about macros at…
  • just sent you a friend request - i'm getting in shape now after my second baby and would love more support. i'm about 20 lbs under my pre-pregnancy weight and still working at it. i'm definitely NOT an under eater :)
  • i get why you're asking, but i'm going to stand behind every other poster and say don't do it. i know it's hard to get started and it's slow progress. BUT put in the hard work for like a month and i promise you'll either SEE results or FEEL results. it'll be a lot easier to maintain if you do it the right way and you'll…
  • i agree with previous posters - start tracking everything you're eating and buy a digital food scale. i've tried to start MFP in the past, but it never really "clicked" until i bought a food scale and stopped estimating and eye-balling my intake. good luck on your weight loss journey - just remember to celebrate even small…
  • i'm 5'8". right now i'm at 166 with a plan to reassess my goals when i hit 150. i was 135 in high school, so that might be my next step, but we'll see how i feel at 150. i gained a bunch of weight after having two kids and now that i'm done with kids/pregnancies, i'm super focused on getting in shape and staying there. ps.…
  • buy a food scale and track every single thing you eat - makes a huge difference when you're accurate with your planning. feel free to add me as a friend on here - i love having active people to help with motivation!
  • Fitness Blender is awesome. On their website, you can schedule workouts for yourself on the calendar or you can save workouts as favorites. I usually do their strength training stuff at night and run during the day at the gym.
  • congrats! you guys look great!
  • you could start doing couch to 5k on the treadmills. or stronglifts 5x5 (i don't do this, but my husband does and he loves it). i sometimes pull workouts from this list too (when i don't feel like running):
  • i want to join in the convo! i don't have any pics to share, but i'm also 5'8". after my second baby, i hit my highest adult weight of 208 (10 days postpartum), my pre-pregnancy weight for the second baby was 182. i'm currently at 169 and still losing. I'm aiming to get to 150 and re-evaluate where i'm going at that point.
  • same for me. it's the first place i gain and the last place i lose. i feel like it's especially bad after two kids in the past 3 years. i'm just going to keep working though and hope that it shrinks!
  • anyone can feel free to add me as well - i'm 32 and trying to get in shape after 2 kids.
  • i agree with everyone else - give yourself an indulgence meal. not the entire day, but a meal. try to get some extra exercise in, if you can, but otherwise - have fun!
  • Venti dark roast or venti blonde - depending on my mood. usually just one splenda with a splash of half and half.
  • Food scale - weigh everything and log honestly.
  • try they have a great library of videos in varying lengths, difficulties, and targeting different body areas, toning, cardio, etc. you can also schedule workouts on a calendar so you can know what's coming up. i've been running a lot but wanted to try something new and did my first workout last night -…
  • i'm 5'8" - i started at about 175, then had two kids and now i'm at around 188 (after being 200+ after the second kid). I'm hoping to get back down to 175, then down to about 150 and then see what happens from there! anyone on this thread - feel free to add me! i could use all the motivation i can get!
  • feel free to add me too!
  • i usually try to pack leftovers from dinner as well. but when i don't want that (or don't have any leftovers), i usually try a sandwich or a frozen lunch. today i have: premade tuna packet, wheat bread, white american cheese, 12 cherry tomatoes, half an avocado and some cantaloupe. For breakfast (same thing everyday) i…
  • i don't understand why people are so angry, when the original poster was just looking for people committed to weight loss. it's difficult to watch someone eat chips, pizza, yummy things with no regard while you're trying to eat healthily. i think it's a fair point. it's much easier to stay on track when people are…
  • hey! feel free to add me! i have a 15 month old son and feel the same way about finding time to work out (i.e. taking away time from the kid and husband). it's definitely challenging, but still doable. :)
  • I'd like to join too! I've been really bad about working out and watching what I eat lately so I really need some motivation to get back on track. How do challenges work?
  • i'm not new so much, but i'm always looking to add people! feel free to add me :)
  • it motivates me for a few reasons. 1) my diary is open for my friends to view, so if i eat bad foods - they'll see it. 2) i enjoy logging in my exercise. it makes me feel good not only for exercising, but because i have an actual number to show for it. 3) i love looking through the success stories. i think it shows that if…
  • Feel free to add me as a friend as well! I know the more support and encouragement you get, the easier it can be.
  • i am not a morning person at all (in fact, i think some people avoid me in the mornings..) but i work out at 5:30 am. the first two weeks getting up that early really suck, but after that you start getting used to it and after that, you actually start to enjoy it!
  • good job! that takes a lot of will power!
  • i just walked to lunch and a homeless man whistled at me and yelled, "lookin' good girrrrrrrrl." does this count? haha