Need support

Hi every body!

I have joined this program a while ago, but I have never had the motivation to stick to my diet plan. I went through a bad break up a couple of months ago, and ever since then I have been gaining a lot of weight. I am a 23yr old student, studying in a very intensive program. Pretty much all I do with my time is eat, sleep and study!
This time I want to love the weight for real! And I could use as much support as you guys are willing to give me!
I have a good 35lbs to lose

Thank you for reading this


  • sambo155
    Sounds like you have a really tough schedule! But you can do it! Getting involved with the boards and community here makes a big difference. What are you studying?
  • Ericgunner
    More than happy to offer you support and encouragement we all need it so if you would like to add me please do.
  • LosingLatina
    LosingLatina Posts: 5 Member
    Hi MaryG9,

    I completely understand and would love a weightloss buddy. I am a 29 yr old teacher who is also enrolled in a masters program. I am doing my best to lose 36lbs by next June. Please feel free to contact me :)

  • megjay18
    megjay18 Posts: 78 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend as well! I know the more support and encouragement you get, the easier it can be.
  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    You should take all that emotion and channel it into dieting and working out. Working out will curb your eating big time too.

    Add me if you want.
  • deejaroo
    deejaroo Posts: 12 Member
    Hi. I'm a 40 year old wife, mother of three and accountant. I've been yoyo dieting for years, and am ready to get serious about being healthy. I need to get back on track, learn to exercise consistently, and stop putting others' needs before my health. I have trouble saying "no", and put myself and my needs last. The time to change that is NOW!
  • EuphonyChloeH
    EuphonyChloeH Posts: 107 Member
    Hey there, I just turned twenty four and although I'm not a current student, I know what it's like to feel like you do not have the time to take care of yourself. Feel free to friend me for support :).

    Also, I recently read a book called Secrets of a Former Fat Girl, and the woman who wrote it started her major weight loss journey while she was in college, crammed with late night studying and junk food. It's a good, quick read and has some great inspiration points (and I promise I'm not advertising LOL.)