

  • I did P90X at it was hard as nails but I loved it. Just started P90X2 day 1 today. add me and I have progress pics. I'm sure it's different for guys. They seem to get ripped faster....so hatin' on yall for that, lol. I say rock it. You'll get results, I did.
    in P90x Comment by Tazz71 January 2012
  • 16.5 inches is AWESOME!!! congratulations. You're NOT stupid. You were just misinformed or uneducated about the reality of the foods your were eating. BUT...you've taken the right steps to get informed and make better choices. That deserves a kudos. Mz Gurl!! Keep up the fantastic work. Take it one meal at a time, one…
  • I'm not experiencing what you are but if you haven't already, have a heart to heart. Communication is key to any relationship and it's apparent he's uncomfortable with your decision to make such a positive change. You mentioned he's lost weight too. Have you tried working on this healthy lifestyle change together, i.e.…
  • Eating under your calories isn't always a good thing. Your body needs fuel especially since you're working out. If your body doesn't get enough, it goes into starvation mode and you won't lose. How's your diet? Are you taking in good calories or empty ones. 500 calories at McD's isn't the same as 500 calories of lean…
  • You've definitely come to the right place. I'll add you too. Congrats on getting rid of 11lbs. That's awesome. You must be doing something right already. Keep it up.
  • LOVE....LOVE....LOVE IT!!! My all time two favs are chocolate and peanut butter. Printing this off when I get to work tomorrow. I'm definitely making this over the weekend especially since IRENE is supposed to come through here.. for those chocolate lovers out there, sub in Peanut Butter & Co Dark Chocolate Dream PB AND…
  • It could be a combination of the reasons posted here. Google "tired during my workout" there are several medical sites that guide you through possible resolutions. Most of the time, if I'm tired it was either because I didn't have enough sleep the night before or it had been more than four hours since I ate. You could try…
  • One of the best parts of this journey is going shopping in the "I can't fit this anymore" section of my closet. I'm loving it!!!
  • Hats off to you. I'm aspiring to real pushups myself. doing P90 too and still on my knees (phase 2 wk 3 round 1). I did notice that I can just about kiss the floor though. It's time to graduate to half real half knee. How are you doing with pull ups?? Keep Bringin' It. BTW....love your signature.
  • I start phase 2 week 3 tomorrow. This is my first round but the more motivation the better. After the 1st round I've lost 7lbs of FAT!!! and 7 inches overall. I'm also down one pants size. I feel awesome. I'm definitely in.
  • I'm not sure what ingredients you used but I make my turkey burgers with the following ingredients and they turn out pretty tasty: 1. lean ground turkey 2. portabella mushrooms 3. green & yellow green peppers 4. garlic (fresh or powder, which ever is convenient) 5. shallot or vadalia onion 6. sea salt & pepper (either…
  • Welcome Jay. you've definitely come to the right place for support and motivation.
  • Congratulations on your progress, dedication and focus. May God keep you well as you have your health checked tomorrow.
  • I've been using Amplify found at GNC. It comes in all sorts of flavors but I've stuck to vanilla and chocolate and they taste great, low carb too. It took a long time for me to find a shake that actually taste good but this one is great. I think they're only available at certain franchise GNC's. I did just order shakeology…
  • That is awesome. Way to Bring It!!! I'm on day 4 of phase 2 1st round. Just curious, how did you log the workouts in your diary? I'm having some challenges trying to put it comparable info.
    in P90X Day 90! Comment by Tazz71 July 2011