rsullivan Member


  • I completely agree with everyone about the calories. 2000 is way too low for you. This is going to be slow and steady race but you can do it. Take a week and log all your food on MFP and see where you can improve. Do tiny improvements so you dont ovewhelm yourself. Also set tiny goals. One may be to drink 8 glasses of…
  • That is one huge motivation.....Hang that dress up where you can see it everyday and put that thing on once a week to see how you are progressing. Slow and steady. Watch your carbs and lots of core exercises. You can do it!
  • Why not invite the spouses to workout too?
  • I bought a Sportline from Walmart for $47 and I LOVE IT. It has the chest strap which isnt uncomfortable at all. Its very easy to use and set up. Wear it everyday!
  • Give her time. If you addressed the situation then at least you have already opened the door to the conversation. If the hours are not on the next check then again address the situation. Its nice that they offer to pay you for the holiday if you dont work, but you DID work. She may have had other stuff on her brain.
  • X Plan isnt as much as A Plan and the amount differs from each vehicle (the more the vehicle usually the more the discount). I got a 2012 Focus Titanium Hatchback in June and absolutely love it. My husband works for Ford and I think the A Plan was about $2000 off. A Plan is for immediate family members tho. Good luck!
  • I bought a Sportline from Walmart for $47 and I love it. It has a chest strap, but you can use it without it- as long as you take your own pulse readings. But I use the chest strap all the time, its comfy and gives me instant results. It shows calories burned, minutes below, in, and above your target zone. For the price of…
  • I think lumping everyone into one determination of BMI is so wrong. Some of us have hips and there are so many different body types. I know I need to lose weight, but I also know my body will never endure what it would need to get to the recommendations of BMI. Thanks for the link!
  • I have to do speed intervals at a low incline because anything over 1-1.5 incline tears my knee up. Today I did 42 minutes and burned 560 calories. Love my HRM for accurate calories burned!
  • So, you want to be 105 pounds? Can your body support that? If you step back, does that sound unrealistic for your body type? I doubt you will lose any weight with P90X (I am on week 11 right now) because you probably dont need to lose weight. You definately will replace fat with muscle and may even gain weight, but that is…
  • I got a Sportline HRM from Walmart for $47. It has the chest strap or you can use it without. I dont notice the chest strap at all while exercising. It's easy to use and the price was right for me.
  • I need suggestions that do NOT include lunges or squats. My knees are horrible and I cannot do either of those without extreme pain. I have been doing some isometric exercises everyday (sorta like dancer exercises) which have helped a little but I would like to find something that gives me better results.