
So upset and discouraged. My wedding dress BARELY fits. Its a little snug at the waist. I was 3 pounds from my goal weight 14 months ago, now I have gained 1/2 of the weight back. I was doing so well, now my dress may not fit on the big day and it cant be altered............. Im back to working out and eating better, but its feeling like a lost cause.

I dont know what else to do anymore........................


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,112 Member
    How long until your wedding?
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,112 Member
    I looked at your profile. You have over six months to lose 15 pounds. Assuming you haven't set yourself up for failure by choosing an unrealistically low weight, you should have no problem.
  • KriscoOil
    KriscoOil Posts: 305 Member
    you can do it! stay on track!
  • jadenfox
    jadenfox Posts: 43 Member
    the wedding is 6/16/12. I hate that I cant fit into a dress that fit perfectly (seriously) like 8 months ago. I know logically that to get to my goal its 3 pounds a month, but it really feels impossible.
  • Signia
    Signia Posts: 21
    Maybe this is taboo here, but I've tried those pills in the Diet section of the drugstores... they do help! (Break glass in case of wedding!)
    Combine with eight glasses of water a day.
    Exercise every day.
    Eggs for breakfast and a salad for lunch. Meat and veggies for dinner.
    Stay away from carbs, sugar, and, sadly, dairy.

    I lost thirty pounds doing that.

    Good Luck!!
  • rsullivan
    rsullivan Posts: 13 Member
    That is one huge motivation.....Hang that dress up where you can see it everyday and put that thing on once a week to see how you are progressing. Slow and steady. Watch your carbs and lots of core exercises. You can do it!
  • Wendysworld13
    Wendysworld13 Posts: 225 Member
    First of all - do your crying - get rid of the emotions, and then put on your thnking cap. Losing weight is simply the using of more energy than you are consuming. Eating exactly what you are eating now you can lose 1 pound a week by moving 3500 extra calories - thats 500 a day!
    You have done this before. Make sure you are eating enough calories, make sure you are moving - and most importantly, use your MFP team for support- less about the scale and more about the tone. You have a goal and a deadline - I say again, cry, get your emotions out of the way, then go to work. YOU CAN DO IT!
  • Fit_Mama84
    Fit_Mama84 Posts: 234 Member
    I had a similar problem close to my wedding. If you get desperate, atkins is a way to lose alot of weight fast. I don't recommend it unless absolutely necessary though because you will likely put the weight back on once you start eating carbs again. But it can be helpful in an emergency
  • pmcd430
    pmcd430 Posts: 18 Member
    You have plenty of time and lots of support here. I had no idea if my dress would fit the day of my wedding (I was pregnant, so a little different senario) and I know the stress and grief that comes along with last minute impossible alterations and the fear of not knowing if your dress will fit. I am positive you will be able to get into it, hun. It may even be too big!! You have the drive and ambition and support -- now put it to use!
  • beckie630
    Take all the stress and frustration and channel it into a really intense work-out. You have a while until your wedding and plenty of time to make that dress fit perfectly again.
    A couple set-backs don't destroy the whole movement, you've just got to keep going and not stop until you've reached your goal. It's never hopeless, and you don't want to become a self-fufilling prophecy.
    So, work it. <3
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Three pounds a month is more than doable. Don't defeat yourself before you've even started the battle. Get the negative thoughts out and away and KNOW you can do this. When you believe you will fail you will, when you believe you will succeed you will. The mental part of this is the HARDEST part. Once you get your mind in line with your will, there is nothing you can't accomplish!
  • jgondor
    jgondor Posts: 145 Member
    take the time to cry about it, then work through it. its frustrating, but you have lost the weight before and there is no reason that you cannot lose it again. especially in six months. try to stay focused and determined. you can do it!!
  • pigwidgeon82
    pigwidgeon82 Posts: 79 Member
    the wedding is 6/16/12. I hate that I cant fit into a dress that fit perfectly (seriously) like 8 months ago. I know logically that to get to my goal its 3 pounds a month, but it really feels impossible.

    i was supposed to be in a friends wedding and ordered the size that fit in the store, not realizing you were supposed to go a size up from the sample size bc the samples get stretched out.

    my dress did not fit, i couldn't zip it, it couldn't be let out, and i couldn't return it. i thought i was going to have to fake an illness and pretend to be in the hospital to get out of the wedding. i buckled down. i got my dress in april, the wedding was in september, and i lost 30 lbs and ended up having the dress falling off me.

    you CAN do this! i know it's frustrating but it can be done. just make healthy choices, continue to work towards your goal, and know it will happen. also, if all else fails, you can invest in a pair of spanx. not that you will need to, because i'm positive you can do this! you don't have a lofty goal, it will happen!