

  • one more I just found - http://fitnesscook.wordpress.com
  • http://www.youtube.com/user/leanbodylifestyle http://www.proteinpow.com
  • http://www.rippedrecipes.com/
  • I have been thinking that maybe I cant build big muscle with a vegetation diet, but when you see guys like this - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZv0milS6hE&feature=plcp It can be done I guess.
  • sounds like a great idea :) are you planning on doing one each day ?
  • I started this got to week 3 but stopped, i want to start it back up again though, really need to work on my push ups
  • from what I understand, you will get very toned legs lol, but you wont gain a lot of upper body muscle compared with p90x, its basically very intense bodyweight exercises, i was going to do it but i want to continue focusing on my strength training rather than cardio, but it will certainly boost your fitness levels.
  • wow great progress Meg :) and you have some great muscle tone, how heavy are you lifting with P90x?, I have 4 weeks left now but i stuck with singles, and will probably be doing another round after this one :)
  • I think I am going to do a P90X/insanity hybrid, looks ideal after completing p90x
  • Hey I am 30 days down into my first round of p90x, i Havant posted a lot but I have been reading all your progress posts and it is really motivating. I am starting to notice gradule changes, my profile pic is one i had taken yesterday after my kenpo workout. I'm actually starting to enjoy kenpo now im getting a lot better…
  • oh cool thanks, I am currently 30 days in to the p90x workout, using to help improve my strength mostly as its a big weakness of mine at the moment. so maybe I will try a Insanity/p90x hybrid.
  • ahh yes good point i should have stated i am in phase 2, well not strictly following there suggested meal plans but i am eating 40% carbs 40% protein and 20% fat but still sticking to eating good foods mostly.
  • Is there alternatives to peanut butter other than peanut butter? as i don't like the taste of it
  • do you wear a HRM? if not then you kinda have to guess, it depends on your height, weight etc and how much you put into it.
  • I just noticed this post, i tried to cut out bread before, but i found it difficult to replace it with other things, plus gluten free stuff seems to be expensive.
  • Just did my first day of week 3, chest, back and ab ripper, I'm seeing a slight increase in the amount of pull ups, even if they are still assisted ones at the moment, I am still only able to do 4-5 push ups of my legs, so am thinking of doing the 100 pushups routine to improve on them more along side p90x, I also don't…
  • well we also might not see the NBA start the season at this rate lol
  • i like euro basketball too, but i cant see a lot of games because they dont get televised in the UK like ever, a lot of wnba players go over to europe in the winter season as well
  • nah i no that its rare that a female dunk i was just proving a point that at least one can lol i wa sonly messing i love Lindsay best point guard in womens basketball
  • I dont think this is the Seattle storm i dont see Lauren Jackson or Sue bird in it, and the storm dont wear Nike they were addidas
  • lol wtf who are they
  • i agree NBA players are more greedy and play less like a team, i prefer to watch college basketball than NBA
  • you mean like this - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpMIO8FkA8Y oh and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xjMFRfX4MY
  • lol oh man, if your saw the target center at Minnesota on wed night it was a whole different story it was pretty much full.
  • well it depends what games you been watching, as i have seen some slow games but at the same time some very fast intense games, i dont think the wnba gets the support it deserves though
  • lol i love that episode, gotta love Futurama
  • I've been watching the lynx in the wnba finals and they have just been playing the best team basketball i have ever seen, good luck to them against Atlanta tonight, if they win they are wnba champions
  • why because they dont dunk every 2 min? honestly i find the NBA boring these days compared to how it was back in the 90's, i find the wnba players to be a lot more passionate about the game than the nba players.
  • i assure you if you ever watched the wnba you would see how amazing those women athletes are
  • If anyone wants to add me for p90x motivation feel free :)