babychoose Member


  • Stretching in my workout is the last session. I start yawning within 5 mins or so. I workout around 7pm and I always workout at this time as it's quite convenient where no commitments comes during this time. I'm pretty sure it's not that late. Surprisingly I yawn even during cardio. I sleep maximum 8 hours. and I eat at…
  • I'm not on any medication and I don't have any blood pressure issue. I had in total 3 times low blood pressure in my life caused by food poisoning. That's it. My routine is actually quite challenging. I'm doing jillian michael's BFBM which is a pain in my a**. There are burpees, jumping jacks, mount climbers, walking…
  • thanks guys for the motivation. Now I'm done with my exams and the exercise is on! Going to remove those unwanted guests!!!
  • The reason why I'm doing 2 workouts is because I'm a bad eater when it comes to fasting. It's so hard to force myself to eat during fasting and the only way to make myself eat is to exercise. After exercise I swear, I can eat the whole meal, hence increase my calorie intakes. and I drink almost 2 litres when I exercise. If…
  • oh thank you...thank you so much. this is what I wanted.
  • thankssss. please do let me know. I really really want to use that....
  • no, you know the animation version? that one.
  • I doubt I will workout alone for the rest of my life. I read that too. Hhmm, maybe it's best if I wait for a while. To those who replied, thanks for the help!!! =0D
  • There's not much review. So I can't just depend on 1 or 2 reviews for this product. On the other hand Polar has countless reviews...
  • The offer is only valid in Malaysia and it only delivers in Malaysia. It's RM249 instead of RM390. It's on
  • Unfortunately my stupid genetic decided to store all fat at my butt and hips area. =0( That's the thing. I'm losing inches from other areas except from my butt and hips. Not a bloody centimetre is gone from that area. URGHHHHH
  • Salam to all. I hope everyone is doing well. I myself am not doing well for exercise :cry: (since I'm having classes after iftar for my finals after Eid) but trying to at least walk a bit during fasting period. I don't think I can reach my 114miles goal that was initiated by sister Bosanka if I'm not mistaken. I tried my…
  • yup, it did happen to me. Before I got to know I have this, I was eating lesser than my 11 year old brother who has normal appetite. I gained more weight than him. Now I'm on meds but sometimes I do face difficulty in eating my daily basic calorie intake.
  • okay, I'll do the same. I only eat 1200cals without eating my calories back.
  • I saw the newer version but I want to try the old one first. When I feel bored with the old one, then I'll buy the new one to entertain myself. I have a bad history of breaking things. so wine bottle won't work, I can even break the hardest glass easily. I think I'll just stick with plain old water bottles. Thanks for the…
  • WOW!!! Such prompt replies!!! Thanks everyone! Yes, I got a free yoga mat with my treadmill and I think I can use my younger brother's 2 pounds dumbbells if I want to. Gonna 'borrow' it from him. ;) And those vegetable cans and water bottles are definitely genius. It really cleared my doubt. I know it's like $10, that's…
  • I know how it feels too. I only told my mom about this and no one else because every single person don't ever support me in anything. But I can guarantee you that you will get tremendous support here. :D
  • Bosanka, the idea of burning 500 cal per day is great! I implemented it today itself.:wink: Took a bit effort but I think it's worth it. I'm just hoping I could complete the 114 miles. I know later days in Ramadhan I would be super duper busy and may not exercise.:brokenheart:
  • Assalamualaikum everyone! I volunteered myself before August that I'll do the 114miles challenge. I am currently doing it but I didn't provide any update on it.:tongue: So until now alhamdulillah, I have managed to finish 22 miles.:happy: (I think you can see my ticker down there). And about food, well, my food is mostly…
  • WOW! THAT'S JUST AMAZING! I hope I could get the same result after 10 months. I want to gain better health and live better than now. Thank you for posting such inspiring story. :flowerforyou:
  • Hi Everyone!!!!! Count me in! I am also going to fast this August, insyallah. It is a big challenge for me during fasting month because all those yummy foods are so tempting and basically after breaking fast, you get occupied with other things and that caused me being lazy in exercising. I hope everyone here will support…
  • Yup, maximum would be 6lbs, but I really want at least 1 lbs per week. That's my goal for sure. but anything extra is a bonus for me. :tongue: thanks for the support. :smile:
  • and to the rest of you, thank you so much for lovely suggestions. :flowerforyou: I would try to do light walking just before breaking my fast so that I won't feel burdened to do it after breaking fast (you tend to be lazy after eating, hehe):laugh: and maybe after breaking fast, a brisk walk would do. I'm going to abandon…
  • Same situation here. Sometimes I don't exercise but now I would love to change now. I do have problem going over my calories during ramadhan but still I can't lose any weight at all.:cry: Hhmm, maybe I'll try house work and 1 litre bottle lifting for a change.:wink: thanks for the suggestions! :flowerforyou:
  • Thank you for the links!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Hhhm, I'll try the suggestions given. And regarding the starvation mode, it's written on my calorie count whenever I complete my food diary. The sentence below came out. I don't get hungry in ramadhan for some weird reason, so naturally I'll consume lesser. I tried calculating once and I was surprised I only consumed 700…
  • I do hope both of us will achieve our targets. :smile:
  • thank you so much for your lovely support. I really appreciate it. :flowerforyou: