for members fasting ramadan -start august 1 st



  • salmanajmal
    salmanajmal Posts: 93 Member
    i am worried for the eid already. i know thousands of calories are coming my way during the eid. i have decided to reduce my intake to 1200 from 1400 in order to save extra 8x200=1600 calories for eid. let's hope for the best!
  • Sarah_uk
    Sarah_uk Posts: 209
    Assalaam alaikom everyone,

    Sorry for not being here much, just am quite low on energy. I am here quite a lot,but I always log and comment on my iPhone and I cannot read the forum on the app.

    I hope everyone is fine :)
  • chrisc31
    chrisc31 Posts: 137 Member
    Assalaam alaikom everyone,

    Sorry for not being here much, just am quite low on energy. I am here quite a lot,but I always log and comment on my iPhone and I cannot read the forum on the app.

    I hope everyone is fine :)

    You can see the forums through the Safari browser on the iPhone. I'm using it right now for this post! :)
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    Assalam o alaikum All

    sorry for being absent hehe

    got bz with ramadhan and had to go to anothr city for some days, i did do some miles walk but didnt enter in the ticker :D will do so soon

    hows every1 doing just wana kno if u r in ur thirties should u start using these multi vitamins like Calcium with Vitamin D then Cod LIver Oil & TABS like perfectil ??? any suggestions?
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    Not so happy with my performance this ramadan :( didn't stick to almost anyof my goals ! what's wrong with me !

    Sis Hayaa- to your question : - my trainer when i hired her- her first request was to get following -asap into the daily intake
    1 multivitamin
    1-2 omega 3 ( i use the liquid ones they don't have gelatin- and i bought some at a natural store that have lemon flavor taste like lemon yogurt really tasty - no fishy smell and no oil consistency - easy to take ! )
    calcium/ magnesium

    i'm slacking now - but will get serious again after ramadan.

    Now i'm faced with another unexpected change in my life.

    My goal was after ramadan to basicaly - live in the gym !

    Without any expectations- a kind of " dream job " came a long this past few days- i even tried to turn it down but she/ the employee was persistent and the more i thought about it the more i realized i would be kind of stupid to turn it down.
    Usually i was always able to negotiate the hours and make it work so that i can fit the gym in the am - and than go to work. Well this time i'm needed in the morning - so i can't make it to the gym in am.. i would have to do it after work.
    The job- and the gym are about 22 miles apart.. and my home is another 10-12 miles away from the gym.. it's a " triangle " drive.. not even in the same direction :(

    Like i said it's not just " any " job .. it is really something that is reaaally hard to turn down.. i tried ! i even went the first day in yesteraday just to keep my word/cause i said i would come- but my intention was to tell her- i'm not going to take it.. but the longer i stayed i liked it more and more .. grrr

    I had no other distructions in my life before ramadan- it was take the kids to school and go work out as long as i feel like- and than go home , and do what i felt like.
    Now i'm faced with basically a full time job.. which i have not been for more than 2 years- first not my choice but later i choose not to work.. that was until now..

    So i'm trying to figure out how i will make this work - I'm not giving up on my goal of losing this weight and getting my personal training certification ..

    let's stay connected please- and help each other out even after ramadan is over- i hope we will come up with challanges and group activities to keep us focused and together :) i see us as a very good team !
  • babychoose
    babychoose Posts: 45 Member
    Salam to all.

    I hope everyone is doing well. I myself am not doing well for exercise :cry: (since I'm having classes after iftar for my finals after Eid) but trying to at least walk a bit during fasting period. I don't think I can reach my 114miles goal that was initiated by sister Bosanka if I'm not mistaken. I tried my best. :smile:

    I'm dreading for Eid because I know there would be tons of calories coming on the way and it would be hard to say no as people would force feed you. I just hope no one would notice if I didn't eat much. I guess everyone is busy with their ibadah but I do hope that no one would forget their health as health is wealth.:wink:
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    JAZAKILLAH sis Bosanka

    But do these tabs make u fat??? I just heard :) any particular company's medicine?

    Do ISTEKHARAH for ur Job :D
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    what tabs. ? the vitamin stuff ? if you mean that than NOOOO

    they help your body function better and more efficient don't listen to hearsay- research it.
    esp. us women we need so much more stuff. .. our hormones are usually a mess.. we might be low on iron- and esp the ones wearing hijab- could be low on vitamin d .. i live in a desert- where it is sunny all the time- but i was super low on vitamin d - so i had to get a prescription kind to increase it.

    don't kid yourself- supplements are important

    i'm planing insha Allah to order books about prophet's a.s. medicine and a seperate book about his a.s. food/diet it's about 300 pages book just on the way he used to eat . i guess it will talk about the way he combined food- what type of food- what time of the day .. so i think i will check that more detail out and since we do believe that following sunnah is the best way in our life- in every aspect of life.. i'm convinced that following sunnah in the diet- will be the best way to do it.

    Insha Allah i'm ordering that book soon and will see what i can do to follow it or what i can pick up as a new better habit :)

    sis Hayaa- don't listen to " people " esp not the ones that were not fat.. or are ok with their weight.. people from my country usually say all this things to a " fat " person- such as myself.

    " all you have to do to lose weight :
    - just eat less ???
    - eat half of your portion
    - all you need to do - wallahi- just skip breakfsat- never eat breakfast !!!
    - al you need too do is never eat after 5.. um.. 6.. or maybe 4 ? yes.. it was 4 don'[t eat anything after 4.
    - drink coffee.. lots of it.. just have coffee you'l lose weight
    - have you tried eating cabbage ?

    i'm soooo tired of listening to " people " with all their expert advices on weight loss..

    i have stopped talking to people about weight loss/ diet/ food - unless i'm specificly asked - but i'm sooo avoiding that topic bc i usually just get annoyed and upset with " sensles comments "

    my advice when you are in a gathering etc.. don't you ever tell people that you " can't have something " or that you are trying to lose weight or watching your kcls - NEVER EVER DO THAT>.
    as soon as you say that - you become the target . ." but just this one piece.. here .. please.. it's eid.. ah one piece will not make you fat ( ter ) .. .. today eat- tomorrow diet ! .. i will get upset i made this cake specially for you !
    so - rule number one - never say " i can't ! "
    instead say ..
    " oh.. i'll get to it .. later.. talk yourself out of it- change the topic.. anything .. just let them know you will " get to it -.. later " well that later can be t omorrow.. maybe even next eid ? you didn't specify .. did you ? :)

    how about getting a piece of cake and walking arround with it .. feeding it to your kid/s .. without really drowing attention to it ?

    there are ways to get out of the ' cake 'kcls situations without getting into to much talking about it- that is not my big problem

    my big problem is talking MYSELF out of having it ! it's not easy beeing a drug addict sitting next to your fav. drugs and having them served in your face.. and everyone else is having it .. just you are looking , smelling .. but not tasting

    anyways.. it's late
    need sleep

    soon it's back to real business

    i think i have made my plan - with the job .

    most probably accepting it- and planing to workout super early in the day- bef. the job . not after it i will just hav eto wake up earlier and get more organized that's all
  • Sarah_uk
    Sarah_uk Posts: 209
    I agree with eating like is mentioned in the sunnah. Not just portion wise,but also the foods mentioned.

    Raw honey (=not heated,so it still has its anti bacterial properties) for example is really healthy. Not just normal supermarket honey, but for example manuka honey. But any raw honey is great.

    I always give that to my children. Especially my eldest son,because his immune system doesn't seem to be that good and he has a hearing problem (caused by fluid behind his ears,so it's not a real problem with his ears alhamdulellah). I definitely see improvement with him. The downside is that it's a bit expensive. There are different strengths of it aswell. I always buy the 15+ one or higher.

    Also black seed is really good,(habbet el sawda/habbet el baraqa/nigella sativa). The oil is just really really bitter,so I don't like it. And my children throw up from it :P But what you can also do is make tea of the seeds, that doesn't taste bitter at all. Or just add them to your food, it's really good in bread for example. A solution to have the oil is to take them in capsule form, that way it won't taste so bad.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
  • concealedpearl
    Sis Bosanka, you can also try working out at home and go to the gym on the weekends.

    The past couple of days I haven't done my 30DS, I stoped because my knees were aching me and just decided to concentrate on the last 10 nights.
    I don't about you guys but I feel more body ache with qiyaam then working out. Our masjid prays from 1:30-4:00am and sometimes were standing up for an hour straight, I sleep after fajr for two hours before starting work, so I'm a bit sleep deprived. Alhamdulilah I wouldn't trade this feeling for anything else.

    Hope you guys are enjoying the remaining days, it's sadly coming to an end. It's time for us to set after ramadan goals. If Ramadan doesn't change us, then it just shows we are Ramadan Muslims.
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    JAZAKILLAH Sis Bosanka for the advice - I will start with cod liver oil & Perfectil I think

    Any other suggestions??? I think Calcium with Vitamin D would do too

    & thank U sis Sarah :)

    Oh & MABROOK HABIBTI Bosanka for the Job & GOOD LUCK ;)
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    JAZAKILLAH Sis Bosanka for the advice - I will start with cod liver oil & Perfectil I think

    Any other suggestions??? I think Calcium with Vitamin D would do too

    & thank U sis Sarah :)

    Oh & MABROOK HABIBTI Bosanka for the Job & GOOD LUCK ;)

    i think its good to add supplements to diet
    1) we dont eat tht balanced as we should be
    2) body absorbs the needed vitamins and excrete the excess--just talking at water soluble vitamins like C n E

    i have used centrum and GNC womens and later when i compared the RDA(recommended daily allowance) stuff at the back and compared it wih actual RDA on site i found GNC is crap.
    e.g RDA for ABC is 200mg and GNC contains 200% tht is double the amount recommended
    RDA for XYZ is 250mg and GNC contains 33% tht far less than amount recommended

    and i found centrum very appropriate in tht aspect mostly 100%RDA

    i havnt heard abt perfectil so wht u can do is check out its label.
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    what tabs. ? the vitamin stuff ? if you mean that than NOOOO

    they help your body function better and more efficient don't listen to hearsay- research it.
    esp. us women we need so much more stuff. .. our hormones are usually a mess.. we might be low on iron- and esp the ones wearing hijab- could be low on vitamin d .. i live in a desert- where it is sunny all the time- but i was super low on vitamin d - so i had to get a prescription kind to increase it.

    don't kid yourself- supplements are important

    i'm planing insha Allah to order books about prophet's a.s. medicine and a seperate book about his a.s. food/diet it's about 300 pages book just on the way he used to eat . i guess it will talk about the way he combined food- what type of food- what time of the day .. so i think i will check that more detail out and since we do believe that following sunnah is the best way in our life- in every aspect of life.. i'm convinced that following sunnah in the diet- will be the best way to do it.

    Insha Allah i'm ordering that book soon and will see what i can do to follow it or what i can pick up as a new better habit :)

    sis Hayaa- don't listen to " people " esp not the ones that were not fat.. or are ok with their weight.. people from my country usually say all this things to a " fat " person- such as myself.

    " all you have to do to lose weight :
    - just eat less ???
    - eat half of your portion
    - all you need to do - wallahi- just skip breakfsat- never eat breakfast !!!
    - al you need too do is never eat after 5.. um.. 6.. or maybe 4 ? yes.. it was 4 don'[t eat anything after 4.
    - drink coffee.. lots of it.. just have coffee you'l lose weight
    - have you tried eating cabbage ?

    i'm soooo tired of listening to " people " with all their expert advices on weight loss..

    i have stopped talking to people about weight loss/ diet/ food - unless i'm specificly asked - but i'm sooo avoiding that topic bc i usually just get annoyed and upset with " sensles comments "

    my advice when you are in a gathering etc.. don't you ever tell people that you " can't have something " or that you are trying to lose weight or watching your kcls - NEVER EVER DO THAT>.
    as soon as you say that - you become the target . ." but just this one piece.. here .. please.. it's eid.. ah one piece will not make you fat ( ter ) .. .. today eat- tomorrow diet ! .. i will get upset i made this cake specially for you !
    so - rule number one - never say " i can't ! "
    instead say ..
    " oh.. i'll get to it .. later.. talk yourself out of it- change the topic.. anything .. just let them know you will " get to it -.. later " well that later can be t omorrow.. maybe even next eid ? you didn't specify .. did you ? :)

    how about getting a piece of cake and walking arround with it .. feeding it to your kid/s .. without really drowing attention to it ?

    there are ways to get out of the ' cake 'kcls situations without getting into to much talking about it- that is not my big problem

    my big problem is talking MYSELF out of having it ! it's not easy beeing a drug addict sitting next to your fav. drugs and having them served in your face.. and everyone else is having it .. just you are looking , smelling .. but not tasting

    anyways.. it's late
    need sleep

    soon it's back to real business

    i think i have made my plan - with the job .

    most probably accepting it- and planing to workout super early in the day- bef. the job . not after it i will just hav eto wake up earlier and get more organized that's all

    congrats for landing the job and i would like to know the name of the book abt Sunnah way of eating
  • ehte_h
    ehte_h Posts: 295 Member
    Sis Bosanka,

    Congrats on the job offer, if it is something you have always wanted then go for it! I workout super early like 6am before work, it takes a few days to adjust and boy will your body try and resist, but it gets easier and you feel much better during the working day & even more energetic.

    Good luck inshalla, hope it goes well
  • complicatedmoves
    complicatedmoves Posts: 84 Member
    I haven't been working out or tracking food intake at all this Ramadan. When I was younger, I could workout before Iftar and then break fast...but now that I am older... I might just pass out.
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    sorry i was away for the past few days- you know how it is in the last 10 days/nights of ramadan and how busy it is with the prayers etc.. and on top of that i took that job. Went for two days- and will go for another day or two - but i have decided to turn it down.
    After i have thought about it .. and the longer i think about it the more i realize it is not what i want. It is standing in my way to achieve my " bigger goal " which is focus on weight loss , get it done once and for all and get my certification as personal trainer.
    This job would throw off all of that and put me in a different direction. My husband is not for it.. my friends are advising me not to take it.. i was surprised that my husband was not for it.. i mean it's good money etc.. and he wants me not to take it ? why ? His reason was " you won't have time to go to the gym.. i know you won't be happy and relaxed like you are now - the money is not all ..
    so the more i think about it - i'm more sure of it.. the money is not everything. Yes you will get xy amount of it .. but in trade for what ? I will be obligated to show up every day and take away time from my family , i won't be able to do the things want an like to do .. The reason why i stopped working 2 1/2 years ago was to be able to " live " .. yes i have scaled down my expenses so that i can afford to stay home- there is no " vacation " and mall shopping and what not- i have decided to spend less, have less and live more . I choose not to be a slave of the " materialistic " stuff. If i can pay my basic bills and have enough food for my familiy - i'm happy and content. i feel blessed. Because i can stay at home and do what i want when i want. Worked many years full time and felt like a slave to the pay check and my boss..

    Alhamdulilah - i'm free from all of that.. and i almost fall back into that.. but i'm glad i got reminded by husband and friends of what is more important to me. It's - my family, my free time, my health- getting into shape and doing what makes me happy i believe a personal training job would make me happy .

    so .. that's about it .. no job here - now i only have to deliver that to her .. ...
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    are you all going straight back into working out etc- or are you planing to fast the 6 extra days after eid ?

    of course ther's eid.. don't tell me you will diet during that time ! .. Let's enjoy eid - at least the first day - and than start getting serious..

    Insha Allah - we need to start another topic - soon.. but let's first celabrate eid.. and fast the 6 days who ever is planing to do it.. i think we all should do it- who ever fasts the month of ramadan and adds the six days after it- counts like he has fasted the whole year ! So if we have done 30 days i think we should be able to do 6 more ?
  • chrisc31
    chrisc31 Posts: 137 Member
    are you all going straight back into working out etc- or are you planing to fast the 6 extra days after eid ?

    of course ther's eid.. don't tell me you will diet during that time ! .. Let's enjoy eid - at least the first day - and than start getting serious..

    Insha Allah - we need to start another topic - soon.. but let's first celabrate eid.. and fast the 6 days who ever is planing to do it.. i think we all should do it- who ever fasts the month of ramadan and adds the six days after it- counts like he has fasted the whole year ! So if we have done 30 days i think we should be able to do 6 more ?

    I've started my exercise back up pretty regular since I've been excused from fasting this last week. I won't be fasting the six days after Eid though...we leave for vacation this Friday insha'allah!

    Ramadan has really done a number on my weight loss this month. I know that wasn't the goal this month but this is the first month since I've started with MFP that I haven't lost at least 10 pounds. It looked like I did at first, but as soon as I started eating and drinking regular hours, 6 pounds came back pretty much overnight! So really, I lost 5.6 pounds this month overall. Still a decent loss, alhamdulillah. Just not what I was used to even though I was mostly under calories every day.
  • concealedpearl
    are you all going straight back into working out etc- or are you planing to fast the 6 extra days after eid ?

    of course ther's eid.. don't tell me you will diet during that time ! .. Let's enjoy eid - at least the first day - and than start getting serious..

    Insha Allah - we need to start another topic - soon.. but let's first celabrate eid.. and fast the 6 days who ever is planing to do it.. i think we all should do it- who ever fasts the month of ramadan and adds the six days after it- counts like he has fasted the whole year ! So if we have done 30 days i think we should be able to do 6 more ?

    YES 6 days of Shawwal are definitely on my to do list. But I'll still work out then inshaAllah.

    I don't know you guys but I'm definitely gonna enjoy my eid, I was good the whole month so I can splurge a little.

    It's been announced tomorrow is Eid, so Eid Mubarak to you all. Taqabbal Allahu Minna Wa Minkum. May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon you & May Allah accept it from me and you.