for members fasting ramadan -start august 1 st



  • chrisc31
    chrisc31 Posts: 137 Member
    * duplicate post...they need a delete button! *
  • chrisc31
    chrisc31 Posts: 137 Member
    I'm really missing my water! I was used to drinking water all day long...anywhere from 12-18 cups! I'm not feeling so hungry, just thirsty and tired. I haven't exercised since the first day and I still haven't gotten on my laptop to update my ticker with that! I'm not really worried that I'll go over my cals....I have over 1500 left today after suhoor with no exercise. Unless I went to the Cheesecake Factory, I'm pretty sure there's no way I'm getting close! And I'm about to try to sleep now before Iftar. A friend is watching my daughter for me so momma can get some rest!
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    Well Ramadhaan has it's blessings am sure but I must say everything is upside down :(
    gaining Weight, Exerciser NIL almosttt, Thirst!!!
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    I am now exactly like the snail that's on my Ticker :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    I unerstand all of you since i'm in the same boat like everyone :)

    - i understand- walking is boring- i'm not a fan of it either- and usually never do it- i'm either running even if only for few minutes or jumping or what not but never " walking " unless it's like 10-15 % incline ( and now i can't do that either )

    - i have a super headache from beeing thirsty all day.. been at the gym for 2 hours- - than have cleaned a house for 4 hours - non stop. than had to go out get some gas and groceries at this 112 phoenix- heat.
    Tonight i don't even think about " food all i want is water, liquids, - i'm thinking about cold fresh fruits..bought a water melon and i think i will eat it all myself - don't need anything else.. don't care about proteins or carbs at the moment- just need water !!!
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    aug 1. - 22 min - 250 kcls - 1, 300 mil treadmill
    aug 2 60 min 288 kcls 2,775 mil treadmill
    aug 3 42 min 385 kcls 2, 500 mil eliptical
    aug 4 65 min 500 kcls 4,500 mil eliptical + treadmill ( 40 min extra of weights and pilates- total105 min- 550kcls )
  • AakifahSiebert
    Today was a good work out day....I did some stretching and then walked for about 10 minutes (to warm up) and then I did 30 min on the elliptical, followed by some weight training (mostly on my legs).

    Question...on the elliptical machine, it said I burned 246 cal....but when I logged 30 min of elliptical on my MFP diary, it said way more than that for calories burned, so I reduced the time on MFP to 15 minutes (which came out to about the 246 that the machine said) Which is more accurate...the machine or MFP? Thanks.
  • fit_healthy
    fit_healthy Posts: 89 Member
    Morning everyone,

    Ok so far my exercise

    1 August - Shred and 50 minutes walking
    2 August - Shred
    3 August - Shred and 15 minute ab burner
    4 August - Shred
    5 August - Shred

    Eating, well thats a hit and miss. Keep craving something sweet. Trying to make better choices but i have no will power when it comes to sweet things. But i really tried yesterday, instead i opted for a mango yogurt, but also had a chocolate biscuit, lol.

    Everyone, is doing so well
  • edinat
    edinat Posts: 159 Member
    Today was a good work out day....I did some stretching and then walked for about 10 minutes (to warm up) and then I did 30 min on the elliptical, followed by some weight training (mostly on my legs).

    Question...on the elliptical machine, it said I burned 246 cal....but when I logged 30 min of elliptical on my MFP diary, it said way more than that for calories burned, so I reduced the time on MFP to 15 minutes (which came out to about the 246 that the machine said) Which is more accurate...the machine or MFP? Thanks.

    the only way you will truly know how many calories u burned is if u invest in a HR monitor...with a strap, the best ones are polar , i have a polar f7 and that is going to be ur most accurate calories burned, because it works based on some information that u enter, and then it measures ur heart rate and gives u the most accurate calories burned, anything else will be guessing.
  • edinat
    edinat Posts: 159 Member

    Aug. 1- missed
    Aug. 2- missed
    Aug.3- missed
    Aug.4- 24 minutes 1mile 120calories
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    sister- i have to agree with sister edinat..

    just an example from today- i was on the eliptical and the screen on it showed me i burned 350 kcls in 35 mintues ! i looked at my hrm - and it showed me about 190 kcls - that' s a huge difference ! not only 30-50 kcls difference that's a 160 kcls diff.. almost " double amount " .. and same goes for mfp - i never pay attention to the numbers mfp gives because they are way to high .. waaaaay to high.. i enter for example 60 min eliptical and it gives me something like 800-900 kcls burned.. ! and i do only about 500 .
    I know it's a tough economy - but this is one thing that will make your life easier, will give you more motivation - and more acuracy. I have also the polar ft 7 and it was worht every penny .. i had other brands that were about 30-50 $ cheaper all were garbage and so not user friendly, in the middle of the workout you have to put your fingers on it to check your pulse if you want to know your current heart beat/ or kcls status.. while on this one you get it all the time displayed .. it' s great.

    save up for it.. make it your " reward " .. ask for it for eid.. :) it's " only " about 99 $ .. see if you can somehow come up with the money , maybe parents /husband etc..all together- instead of giving you " whatever gifts " for eid , you can say openly this is what i truly need and want- can you guys get it together :) i know it's not nice to ask.. but hey.. if they are planing on spending money- might as well buy you want you really want. :) just my suggestion
  • chrisc31
    chrisc31 Posts: 137 Member
    sister- i have to agree with sister edinat..

    just an example from today- i was on the eliptical and the screen on it showed me i burned 350 kcls in 35 mintues ! i looked at my hrm - and it showed me about 190 kcls - that' s a huge difference ! not only 30-50 kcls difference that's a 160 kcls diff.. almost " double amount " .. and same goes for mfp - i never pay attention to the numbers mfp gives because they are way to high .. waaaaay to high.. i enter for example 60 min eliptical and it gives me something like 800-900 kcls burned.. ! and i do only about 500 .
    I know it's a tough economy - but this is one thing that will make your life easier, will give you more motivation - and more acuracy. I have also the polar ft 7 and it was worht every penny .. i had other brands that were about 30-50 $ cheaper all were garbage and so not user friendly, in the middle of the workout you have to put your fingers on it to check your pulse if you want to know your current heart beat/ or kcls status.. while on this one you get it all the time displayed .. it' s great.

    save up for it.. make it your " reward " .. ask for it for eid.. :) it's " only " about 99 $ .. see if you can somehow come up with the money , maybe parents /husband etc..all together- instead of giving you " whatever gifts " for eid , you can say openly this is what i truly need and want- can you guys get it together :) i know it's not nice to ask.. but hey.. if they are planing on spending money- might as well buy you want you really want. :) just my suggestion

    I also agree and have the Polar can get them on for under $100 depending on color (of all things!) Mine is the black and gold women's model and I think I paid $80 something. You can get that one for $79.54 now (I just looked it up).
  • Sarah_uk
    Sarah_uk Posts: 209
    I agree that My Fitness Pal gives us too much calories for exercise,maybe except for walking. That seems reasonable.

    But anyway, even if you don't have a heart rate monitor it doesn't matter. You don't have to eat all your exercise calories do you? If you eat about half it should be about right.

    Sorry for not responding to this thread for a few days. I've been getting used to the fasting. It's going well so far and today I've even cleaned the house for a few hours! And in the last few days I've only done some walking and 30min on my exercise bike.

    It won't be my best month exercise wise,but no problem. I still want to do something every day,because I start to feel like I have no energy when I don't.
  • concealedpearl
    Haha this morning I woke up ate suhoor and as I was about to pray fajr my monthly friend arrived...waaay earlier than I expected, I am usually late so not sure why this time it was early...
    Well in a way it is good, I can exercise more until I start fasting again. I also will get pray the last 10 nights inshAllah.

    July 31st-30DS L1 DAY1
    Aug 1-30DS L1 DAY2
    Aug 2-30DS L1 DAY3
    Aug 3-30DS L1 DAY4
    Aug 4-30DS L1 DAY5

    I am hoping to lose 10lbs this month, anyone else have a specific lbs they want to lose this month?
  • edinat
    edinat Posts: 159 Member
    I agree that My Fitness Pal gives us too much calories for exercise,maybe except for walking. That seems reasonable.

    But anyway, even if you don't have a heart rate monitor it doesn't matter. You don't have to eat all your exercise calories do you? If you eat about half it should be about right.

    Sorry for not responding to this thread for a few days. I've been getting used to the fasting. It's going well so far and today I've even cleaned the house for a few hours! And in the last few days I've only done some walking and 30min on my exercise bike.

    It won't be my best month exercise wise,but no problem. I still want to do something every day,because I start to feel like I have no energy when I don't.

    sarah, when you set up u r profile on MFP it automatically puts you in a X amount of calorie deficit, according to the profile information that you put if u say that you are a active person you are on ur feet most of the day (like a nurse, or a salesman) or if you say most of the day u are sitting (like desk job) and u select example u want to loose 2 lbs per week, it will calculate how many calories you have to eat, to achieve that goal, so if it gives you 1200 calories thats with you deficit of X amount. keep ur body from starvation mode,yes you would have to eat your calories back that you earn from exercising....... BUT.......everyone's body works different, so you have to figure out what works best for you..people who have mor fat to loose , can go without eating the calories, but again it all depends on how your body works we are all different a lot of people dont really understand how MFP works because its different form the traditional that we have been used to , so people get confused...but here is a link with good explanation,
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    So you think that Heart Rate Monitor is a good idea???
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    can anybody believe tht when all my family members were eating pizza, subway made with fried hotdogs and white bread sandwiches with steaks leftovers, i was eating brown bread sandwich with eggplant slices and lettuce with 1/2 tsp of feta :)

    3 dates
    2 eggplant brown bread sandwiches
    1 samosa
    3/4 cup of fruit cocktail
    1 cup of tea
  • concealedpearl
    So you think that Heart Rate Monitor is a good idea???

    YES !!!!! Best purchase I've made
  • concealedpearl
    can anybody believe tht when all my family members were eating pizza, subway made with fried hotdogs and white bread sandwiches with steaks leftovers, i was eating brown bread sandwich with eggplant slices and lettuce with 1/2 tsp of feta :)

    3 dates
    2 eggplant brown bread sandwiches
    1 samosa
    3/4 cup of fruit cocktail
    1 cup of tea

    That's what I call dedication. Good for you. The sunnah is to eat healthy and small
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member

    today didnt quite go according to plan i caught a bug from my kids and all i want to do is sleep now i had planned jacket potatos for iftar but i will see how i feel
    hope everyones having an easy time in this heat