for members fasting ramadan -start august 1 st



  • hunny73
    hunny73 Posts: 112 Member
    Thanks Boskana!! Managed to go to the gym last night before iftaar...but had a huge headache and dizziness afterwards (i think i maybe over did the exercises - 15 min stepper, 20min treadmill and 12 min bike. Although, felt much better after iftaar but extremely exhausted. I think i'll give today a miss and try again on friday.
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    I made two good meals tonight !! :)

    one was that recipe i posted, it was so good and filing i added 1 cup of brown rice, and 1 cup of the santa fe chicken , and i couldn't eat it all!!!

    santa fe chicken

    I also made a desert,

    mine wasnt as pretty as hers, but it was soooooooooo good, and i used half of what the recipe says, also i used Kroger vanilla Greek yogurt.... i tried the blue agave nectar, as sweetener its pretty good u cant taste no difference, but it has more calories, so next time i will try it with Stevie-a cuz that has 0 calories.

    Skinny Strawberry Fool (with Truwhip)
    Gina's Weight Watcher Recipes
    Servings: 6 • Serving Size: 3/4 cup • Old Points: 5 pts • Points+: 6 pts
    Calories: 222.8 • Fat: 7.2 g • Protein: 5.9 g • Carb: 35.1 g • Fiber: 2.1 g
    Sodium: 52 mg

    Skinny Strawberry Fool (with Cool Whip Free)
    Servings: 6 • Serving Size: 3/4 cup • Old Points: 3 pts • Points+: 5 pts
    Calories: 182 • Fat: 0.4 g • Protein: 5.9 g • Carb: 37.4 g • Fiber: 2.1 g
    Sodium: 73 mg


    For the strawberries:

    1 1/2 lbs (3 1/2 cups) strawberries, washed, hulled, cut in half
    1/3 cup agave nectar (sugar or Splenda would work)
    pinch of salt
    1/2 tsp grated lemon zest
    1 1/2 tsp fresh lemon juice

    16 oz truwhip (or Cool Whip Free)
    12 oz fat free Vanilla Chobani



    & hey I like ur Ticker "U r Beautiful" ;)
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    i did so well food choice wise.. and than - since yesterday i had cravings for a " banana split " i didn't have an ice cream in who knows how long can't remember.. but it just wouldn't go away.. so i gave in and had it .. with 1/4 banana and blue bell ice cream ( 3 diff kind - a spoon of each .. i mean a " mini ball " - than whip cream and choc syrup on top.. i'm not proud of it- but it's done and now i have to move one.. and the bad part is - it's weigh in day with my trainer today- and my weigh in for mfp is tomorrow :( .. expecting to be up .

    how's every one else
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    Wow Yummy - Doesnt matter we cant be cruel need to listen to our bodies too ;)
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    yeah .. i know.. but you don't know my trainer.. she is a mean chick.. really.. !!! No i can't tell her what i ate last night.. i mean she will have a fit.. she will be so angry and disapp. she might actually quit on me.. nope this is my lil secret..
    ... nope.. don't know why i gained.. not sure .. .. "..

    but here - take it from my experience.. it was nice while i ate it... but when i was done- i just felt loaded and heavy.. had to go straight to sleep ! woke up with a weired feeling of bloated and hungry at the same time- the ice cream completely confused me - wasn't a nice experience really.
    Not going back to it..
  • concealedpearl
    That Chicken Santa Fe looks delish!!!!
    Yumm Banana Split, can't remember if I've ever had a banana split. My desert is three pieces of two bite macaroons.

    I can't keep water fills me up that I can't even eat properly. I try to get in about five 500ml bottles(3 at iftaar and 2 at Suhoor) but because of the short period of time I end up drinking it quickly and thus causing me to get bloated.

    I need to eat more greens!!! So far I've only had a salad and 4 broccoli pieces in the past three days...Aaargh
    TOM is coming it seems which is earlier than normal...I was actually hoping to have it while on the second level of 30 day shred as that level is intense and I wanted to be not fasting all day when I do that level...oh well I guess no choice.
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    I"m noticing a lot of members that have joined this thread- are missing now !

    Where is everyone ???

    How is your working out going ? Who is actually doing anything ? Where are your reports ? How are your food diaries ?

    We agreed no matter how much we mess up still to log here and stay focused , mess up one meal- f ine don't need to mess up the whole month -

    So.. what's up everyone ?

    I'm off to the gym.. by the time i come back today ( probably in about 6 hours heheh .. will be on the go all day )

    so by the time i come back i would like to see :

    who is still IN ?
    where is everyone ?
    please post your workouts .. if you are doing shred write down

    aug 1- shred lev 1 -
    aug 2 hred lev 1
    aug 3 - missed

    etc- please so we all can see where everyone is. If you are walking/ using bike/ eliptical - please post it as well..

    It's only day 4 ! I know you are tired , sleep deprived, etc- but - so is everyone here - no excuse to excuse yourself :)

    don't let me send private messages to each one of you - and trust me i will do it if you don' t respond !

  • hunny73
    hunny73 Posts: 112 Member
    I'm still in!! Thanks for the motivation everyone.

    Aug 1 - Missed
    Aug 2 - 2 x 20 mins walk (to and from station to work)
    Aug 3- 2 x 20 mins walk, stepper 15mins, treadmill, 20 mins and bike 12 mins
    Aug 4- 2 x 20 mins walk

    As far as food is concerned, i had a really wobbly start, and still have a wobble here and there but aiming to eat fruits to break my fast and then my regular evening meal instead of over doing the snacks. Problem is i really feel like something sweet after my meal and ended up eating a whole Bounty bar last might (aaaarrrrgh!!)

    Could do with a few more friends. Please feel free to add me.
  • edinat
    edinat Posts: 159 Member

    I can't keep water fills me up that I can't even eat properly. I try to get in about five 500ml bottles(3 at iftaar and 2 at Suhoor) but because of the short period of time I end up drinking it quickly and thus causing me to get bloated.

    same feels me up so quickly that my stomach hurts after, and i have trouble praying, so what i did last night, i was drinking less at iftaar and more at suhoor...i guess we just have to be ok with the less water this month, you cant make ur self sick from water!! I am not going to, i am just going to listen to my body and give it water as much as my body feels like having and not force myself.
  • edinat
    edinat Posts: 159 Member
    Oh i am still in.....i haven't gotten to exercise, i keep saying i will after terawih but i am so tired that i give in and go to sleep, i cant wake up early i am not a early person for that is out, but i will try tonight to go for a walk finish preparing food earlier, and go for a i am going to make my calendar on the bottom and just update it periodical...

    Aug. 1- missed
    Aug. 2- missed
    Aug.3- missed
  • concealedpearl
    I actually started the 39 shred on the evening of July 31 since that was the first night of ramadan, I don't wanna exercise on eid day that is why.

    July 31st-30DS L1 DAY1
    Aug 1-30DS L1 DAY2
    Aug 2-30DS L1 DAY3
    Aug 3-30DS L1 DAY4

    With regards to eating so far soo good...I only had one bite of a samosa yesterday. My mom makes the best ones, sooooo hard to resist...she yells at me for not eating it.
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    Had a cup of Kidney beans, 3/4 cup of fruit cocktail, 1 samosa, 1 brown slice sandwich, now having a cuppa tea b4 taraweh

    for dinner,my mom-in-law has made steaks and i know ill not eat tht--- thank to my new Vegetarian Funda!
    and i have made coffee cake with chocolate icecream, i dont know how I'll resist tht so may be ill end up a cup of chickpeas or oats, lets see
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member

    I can't keep water fills me up that I can't even eat properly. I try to get in about five 500ml bottles(3 at iftaar and 2 at Suhoor) but because of the short period of time I end up drinking it quickly and thus causing me to get bloated.

    same feels me up so quickly that my stomach hurts after, and i have trouble praying, so what i did last night, i was drinking less at iftaar and more at suhoor...i guess we just have to be ok with the less water this month, you cant make ur self sick from water!! I am not going to, i am just going to listen to my body and give it water as much as my body feels like having and not force myself.

    heard it from a nutritionist not to take any fluid with meals and scientifically it right it dilutes the digestive enzymes and i heard its sunnah to not to take more 2-3 little sip btw meals (not very sure correct if im wrong)

    so i take my water btw my meals so far i havent feel bloated coz of water atleast during this ramadan, but yes i havnt gone above 4 cups of water yet
  • romzana
    romzana Posts: 86 Member
    hiyaaaa i am finding it extremelly hard
  • ehte_h
    ehte_h Posts: 295 Member
    Sleep deprevation is killing me, hence the lack of participation. I've been walking as I have no energy to exercise, i'm feeling down cause i'm losing muscle definition and I feel soft.. And walking is too boring!

    Therefore I try and eat 'healthy'
  • AakifahSiebert
    I'm still here. My food choices are poor right now, but that is largely due to the fact I'm waiting to get paid (insh'Allah, tomorrow) so I can buy healthier foods. I live with my parents and they do NOT eat healthy at all. So, it's hard when all there is to eat here is unhealthy stuff to begin with . However, alhamdulilah, I've been keeping under my calorie intake most days. (I missed it by about 50 calories or so yesterday 'cuz my family ordered Chinese food).

    Exercise, on the other hand, I've been doing okay on. Been doing calisthenics mostly. Since it's TOM, I've been doing my exercise in the evening before bed. But, once TOM is over, I'll be doing it again before suhoor, insh'Allah. I love doing calisthenics. Yesterday I also did some walking in addition to my calisthenics (was trying to compensate for the Chinese food).
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    im here little hectic busy today i had to furniture shop and school uniform shop i managed 1hr slow walking and spent a good portion of time 4hrs intotal moving furniture dismantlimng furniture fixing up new furniture and the moving it all into place

    day 1 i managed 1mile
    day 2 2 miles
    day 3 2 miles
    day 4 2 miles
    its all slow like 2mph walking and mostly just around my house but at least i am being motivated this ramadan

    food today is just quick and simple low fat oven chips and baked beans sehri i will have my meal replacement shake made with skimmed milk it kept me full and i didnt feel thirsty but mainly it has all the vitamins i was worried about missing with fasting

    everyone seems to be doing great ma`shallah
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member

    I can't keep water fills me up that I can't even eat properly. I try to get in about five 500ml bottles(3 at iftaar and 2 at Suhoor) but because of the short period of time I end up drinking it quickly and thus causing me to get bloated.

    same feels me up so quickly that my stomach hurts after, and i have trouble praying, so what i did last night, i was drinking less at iftaar and more at suhoor...i guess we just have to be ok with the less water this month, you cant make ur self sick from water!! I am not going to, i am just going to listen to my body and give it water as much as my body feels like having and not force myself.

    heard it from a nutritionist not to take any fluid with meals and scientifically it right it dilutes the digestive enzymes and i heard its sunnah to not to take more 2-3 little sip btw meals (not very sure correct if im wrong)

    so i take my water btw my meals so far i havent feel bloated coz of water atleast during this ramadan, but yes i havnt gone above 4 cups of water yet

    OMG its so hard to resist sometimes anyways i havnt sit with family on dining table had a cup of milk with halp cup of red kidney beans now ill just drink water till sahoor, ill try to drink more than 4 today
  • concealedpearl

    heard it from a nutritionist not to take any fluid with meals and scientifically it right it dilutes the digestive enzymes and i heard its sunnah to not to take more 2-3 little sip btw meals (not very sure correct if im wrong)

    so i take my water btw my meals so far i havent feel bloated coz of water atleast during this ramadan, but yes i havnt gone above 4 cups of water yet

    Yes I heard also you should never drink water with your meals, you should drink it before and after at least 30mins. Because it creates slush in your body(food+water)...but because I have a small amount of time to eat and drink it's hard to follow this. But I'll get more watermelon maybe :)
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    I actually started the 39 shred on the evening of July 31 since that was the first night of ramadan, I don't wanna exercise on eid day that is why.

    July 31st-30DS L1 DAY1
    Aug 1-30DS L1 DAY2
    Aug 2-30DS L1 DAY3
    Aug 3-30DS L1 DAY4

    With regards to eating so far soo good...I only had one bite of a samosa yesterday. My mom makes the best ones, sooooo hard to resist...she yells at me for not eating it.

    Hey May we have the Honour of having ur Mom's recipe of Samosas plzzz