for members fasting ramadan -start august 1 st



  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    Any1 heard abt British Slimming Clinic???:bigsmile:
    Hey hayaa tell us about your experience as gym instructor
    How did u start and what did u learn and how it affected your weight loss journey?

    Too many questions, sounds like an interview, I think u must be feeling like a celebrity
    Any1 heard abt British Slimming Clinic???:bigsmile:
    Hey hayaa tell us about your experience as gym instructor
    How did u start and what did u learn and how it affected your weight loss journey?

    Too many questions, sounds like an interview, I think u must be feeling like a celebrity

    Thanx for askin Dexter
    & Sis Bosanka I have already Mentioned that i was a gym instructor :)
    OK my Journey started I mean I got connected with the gym In my Intermediate (2nd Year) when my weight went to an alarming point hehe
    then I got interested in the GYM thing & stayed in touch with it on & off but I did some training courses in Dubai from Dubai Ladies Club & Shapes Gym :) which included Aerobics, Aqua Aerobics, Belly Dance etc.

    Of them all, Belly Dance was the most interesting, Last year I came back to Pak for a long vacations so I thought to focus on my Health as I have got 3 Slip Discs cz of my busy life plus sitting mostly inspite of the fact that I did all these courses. Plus I realised am experiencing PCOs & my insulin level is high :(

    As I didnt have to do much in my vacations, I thought to set up a gym for my own self & I got some members they liked my Aerobics but fell in love with the Belly Dance class :D
    It was Fun though but then I had to relocate to another city Wind up the GYM thing so again am on my own but INSHAÁLLAH will open the GYM again but i feel I need to lose at least 10 more KGs to be eligible (in my opinion) for a GYM Trainer.
    But since I have come I lost 10 Kgs almost & my Insulin is in control my back ache is better feeling good.

    So this is the whole story :bigsmile:
  • hunny73
    hunny73 Posts: 112 Member
    hope your feeling better sis boskana.

    with all this professional personal training assistance (boskana and hayaa) i'm sure we'll manage to reach our goals.

    i managed 40 minutes on the treadmill today. but unfortunately made a lot of bad food choices today. hopefully , tomoro i'll try and stay focused.

    by the way, how do i create a ticker?
  • fit_healthy
    fit_healthy Posts: 89 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Been alittle busy, plus tired the last few days.

    Im still exercising, but today i woke up late, i was unable to exercise. So instead as dedicated as i am, i did the shred in the afternoon, and the kids joined in too. Oh my, i completed it and was still standing at the end of it.
  • fit_healthy
    fit_healthy Posts: 89 Member
    can anybody believe tht when all my family members were eating pizza, subway made with fried hotdogs and white bread sandwiches with steaks leftovers, i was eating brown bread sandwich with eggplant slices and lettuce with 1/2 tsp of feta :)

    3 dates
    2 eggplant brown bread sandwiches
    1 samosa
    3/4 cup of fruit cocktail
    1 cup of tea

    Thats dedication, you have alot of will power.
  • calimari
    calimari Posts: 202 Member
    Hi - I'm not muslim, but I live walking distance from an Islamic Community Center in my neighborhood. I just have to say that it's gotta be rough for Ramadan to fall when the days are so long as opposed to, say, January. I wish you a peaceful Ramadan & don't go too crazy at the food at the end! ha ha!
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    Hi - I'm not muslim, but I live walking distance from an Islamic Community Center in my neighborhood. I just have to say that it's gotta be rough for Ramadan to fall when the days are so long as opposed to, say, January. I wish you a peaceful Ramadan & don't go too crazy at the food at the end! ha ha!

    Hi Calimari :)

    Yes you are right- it's harder now than when the ramadan falls in winter months.. but that's why the reward is also higher : ) the bigger the sacrifice- the better reward you can hope for, right ?
    and about the food- well that's easier said than done.. but we are doing the best we can :))
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    We have a monthly goal - some of us are trying to reach it and focusing on it.. but a lot of you guys are kind of all over the place and i don't see any set goals. Not much specific.
    How about we break this month down- to weekly goals ? Make it a little bit less overwhelming- .. ?

    Maybe let's say - i don't care " what you do " but burn 3,500 kcls in one week ? - that is equal to one lbs.
    This one goes for the ones that have a heart rate monitor.
    You have a jump rope ? - how about 3-5 minutes of jumping- daily ? ( with as little breaks as possible in between )
    How about we say let's do 50 jumping jacks daily - for the next 7 days ? ( if you can do more go for it )
    Or 100 crunches a day - for next 7 days ?

    Starting monday - pick one of the 4 listed options -and update us daily on your progress. And you can keep on walking :) this is just somethng additional to keep you going . It's only for one week ok :) Look .. i 'm not a fan of jumping jacks..but it's all about pushing beyond our comfort zone .. ok ?

    Hope you guys are up for it.. , honestly i don't see very much done - it's always the few same people with reports, but the rest is kind of slow.. and for this challanges you don't need equipment ( juming jacks, crunches, - do one of them or both for a whole week ) . Keep focused. It doesn't have to be any of my listed suggestions. I'm just trying to come up with ways to get us through this month with a possible weight-loss :) Ramadan comes every year - we need to find ways not to stop during that month. Find something to get you focused- for a week. Set a goal. SOmething you think will get you going . Like you see this challanges are not " long " it will take you 5-7 minutes daily to accomplish it- so you can't say you didn't have time to do it . ( Except of the " burn 3500 kcls in one week challange - for this one you need longer than 5-7 minutes :)

    - you have all sunday to think about it- by Monday morning- would be nice to see your goals :) Week one is almost finished.. let's get a fresh start for week two ( ps . don't forget your walking challange for the ones that are still in )
  • concealedpearl
    July 31st-30DS L1 DAY1
    Aug 1-30DS L1 DAY2
    Aug 2-30DS L1 DAY3
    Aug 3-30DS L1 DAY4
    Aug 4-30DS L1 DAY5
    Aug 5-30DS L1 DAY 6
    Aug 6-30DS L1 DAY 7

    Alhamdulilah just three days away from completing level 1.

    Bosanka I agree with you below. For those who have not decided on a goal yet, they should try to at least commit to something that they can do.
  • oliveoil87
    oliveoil87 Posts: 141 Member
    asalamu alikum Ramadan Mubarik!
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    we alayu mussalam oliveoil- amin to you too.

    welcome , join us if you like .


    get your heads out of those samusas or whatever they are spelled.. pita's and pizzas.. i know it's tough.. but remember there will be food next day.. it' won't get away ..

    i was so happy last night thay after having my soup- i ate only half of my turkey sandwich .. i stopped .. took a breath and realized i was full.. i don't have to finish it.. it will still be there later.. even tomorrow, whenever.. but i don't HAVE to finish it !

    pay attention to your body. breath. eat slowly. have soup first to fill you up. take a break. go pray, go walk.. come back andeat some more if you need to ..
    have some tea, coffee .. whatever.. fill up a big bottle of water have it next to you during the terawih prayer or during your qur'an reciting if you stay up during the n ight- keep water next to you -it's really important to ' flush "... and not get constipated.
    If you get constipated- get some fiber - powdered or in fruits / peaches and plums usually do the trick..

    why am i allone here ??? :((((

    Last night was the first time i could workout before iftar.. i started about 30 min before .. and actually tried jogging- and did it really well- i wasn't hungry or that much thirsty.. i think it's getting easier now.. the body is getting used to all this - and i think in week two we can increase our exercise.. if you don't have more time- than increase the intensity.. walk faster, jog, lift heavier , do more reps, jump higher .. the 30 day shredders are almost starting level two so they are increasing as well.. let's get this thing rolling .. WE CAN DO THIS>> it's only 30 days.. and 7 are done !

    Proud of you all to stick to it this first week.. now keep going
  • ehte_h
    ehte_h Posts: 295 Member
    Just checking in on you guys, mashalla you're all doing extremely well. Keep it up
  • chrisc31
    chrisc31 Posts: 137 Member
    we alayu mussalam oliveoil- amin to you too.

    welcome , join us if you like .


    get your heads out of those samusas or whatever they are spelled.. pita's and pizzas.. i know it's tough.. but remember there will be food next day.. it' won't get away ..

    i was so happy last night thay after having my soup- i ate only half of my turkey sandwich .. i stopped .. took a breath and realized i was full.. i don't have to finish it.. it will still be there later.. even tomorrow, whenever.. but i don't HAVE to finish it !

    pay attention to your body. breath. eat slowly. have soup first to fill you up. take a break. go pray, go walk.. come back andeat some more if you need to ..
    have some tea, coffee .. whatever.. fill up a big bottle of water have it next to you during the terawih prayer or during your qur'an reciting if you stay up during the n ight- keep water next to you -it's really important to ' flush "... and not get constipated.
    If you get constipated- get some fiber - powdered or in fruits / peaches and plums usually do the trick..

    why am i allone here ??? :((((

    Last night was the first time i could workout before iftar.. i started about 30 min before .. and actually tried jogging- and did it really well- i wasn't hungry or that much thirsty.. i think it's getting easier now.. the body is getting used to all this - and i think in week two we can increase our exercise.. if you don't have more time- than increase the intensity.. walk faster, jog, lift heavier , do more reps, jump higher .. the 30 day shredders are almost starting level two so they are increasing as well.. let's get this thing rolling .. WE CAN DO THIS>> it's only 30 days.. and 7 are done !

    Proud of you all to stick to it this first week.. now keep going

    You aren't alone! :) My whole thing with exercise is that even before Ramadan I wasn't doing it everyday.....I'm pretty good at keeping below my calories without it and still losing weight since MFP already builds that deficit that you need to lose weight. Maybe as I keep losing and have less calories, I'll have to incorporate it in more.

    Today certainly won't be a problem staying under my calories since I slept through my alarms to get up for suhoor. :( I didn't wake up till the fajr adhan was going off on my phone. My first thought was, "Oh that really sucks!" So today will really be a long fast for me. But alhamdulillah!
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    today i have indulged in at fried stuff in iftar, but with dinner ill compensate, still under calorie goal, just added ticker for excercise
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    nice ticker -dexter :)
  • hunny73
    hunny73 Posts: 112 Member
    i'm still here...your not alone sis boskana.

    woke up this morning and thought i'd forget the whole exercise thing for today (especially as I don't normally exercise on sundays) and then I read your post sis boskana! and started wondering if i could manage to burn 3500 calories this week. Before Ramadan i only exercised 3 x a week (Mondays - Cardio kick box, Friday-Aqua Aerobics and Saturday-Spin) To burn 3500 cals i'd have to burn 500 every day for 7 days! definately outside my comfort zone!! Could i manage as i'm also fasting? Well i won't know if i don't try. So, i packed my bag and went to the gym and surprisingly managed;

    35 mins treadmill - 250 cals
    16 mins stepper - 250 cals
    lunges, squats and weights and stretches!!!!

    I was amazed i managed it. i am feeling rather tired and thirsty, but who said this was going to be easy.

    so my goal for this week is to burn 3500 cals and make better food choices. (thanks again sis Boskana!) WE CAN DO THIS. Come On Everyone!!
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    wow sister - you did great !!! now i'm embarassed- i didn't plan to workout today :( .. you know ramadan also means more ibadah.. but inshaAllah i will get it done - will start tomorrow /monday -insha Allah.

    Well done- proud of you - and please - be carefull don't get dehydrated to much .. do what you can' if you can't do 500 kcls in the gym all at once.. to maybe 300 - and the other 200 do at home little later - i know it's not convinient but .. do what you can :)
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    nice ticker -dexter :)
    Thanks I have incorporated very less intensity workout as my physician has told me not to do exhaustive one but after sept I'll not hold back for anything
  • concealedpearl
    July 31st-30DS L1 DAY1
    Aug 1-30DS L1 DAY2
    Aug 2-30DS L1 DAY3
    Aug 3-30DS L1 DAY4
    Aug 4-30DS L1 DAY5
    Aug 5-30DS L1 DAY 6
    Aug 6-30DS L1 DAY 7
    Aug 7-30DS L1 DAY 8

    i'm soo glad two more days of L1, but I am soo not looking forward to L2...I prefer L3.

    I did 20mins of Bob Harpers, Pure Burn Super Strength...He kills me....I guess I built a lot of muscles today.

    Dexters nice ticker
  • chrisc31
    chrisc31 Posts: 137 Member
    Trying to eat a whole day's worth of calories at almost 9:00 pm at night is not fun or easy (I missed suhoor this morning so I'd been fasting for almost 24 hours...yikes!). I was lightheaded and dizzy most of the the point I had to do my prayers from a chair because whenever I would stand up I would see black spots and stars. :( I'm making sure I set an extra alarm so as not to have a repeat of this day tomorrow. It would have been so much worse if I had had to work!
  • 16saira
    16saira Posts: 9 Member
    asalam o alikum, happy ramadan! what is the 30 day shred program. I am having such a hard time following my goal, which was to lose 8 pounds before September. I am eating too much! Thanks.