for members fasting ramadan -start august 1 st

I wanted to see- if there are any members that are fasting in August .. ( the fasting month of Ramadan ) ..

if any respond here- i would like to see if we can start a " group - challange " during that month - to stay focused and not to fall of the vagon.

Last night i got an idea.. but don't know if i can do it- so maybe if there were few more members to support ( me) each other :)
maybe we could accomplish it..

since we can't do to much of exercise - i was thinking to just " walk " on the treadmill .. while fasting..

how about setting a goal of walking 114 miles during the month of the fast..

why 114 ? .. well the ones that do fast they could know the answer :)

who is interessted ? - and i'm open to any suggestion- just to stay on track but not to be too much busy with it.. bc. that month is also for " spiritual " part of us.. so i don't want to spend to much time but i want to be still logging my food here and try to stay active as much as possible..

Let's share recipes ..
type of exercise- to keep moving..
maybe a " group challange " goal .. etc..

anything - i would love to stay focused this year.. each year i fall of the wagon.. mess up , stop exercising.. and eat the wrong food.. it's sooo hard to go back after a whole month of beeing away from the regimen..

please - let's stick together.. and make it through to the end :) take care of our souls, ( iman ) .. and not forget our bodies :)


  • chrisc31
    chrisc31 Posts: 137 Member
    I love that you've started this! I'll be here and fasting, insha'Allah. I don't have a treadmill but I have a stationary bike that I could do my miles on. (114 is a nice # too!) Hopefully the other members will join up too!
  • theseagull
    theseagull Posts: 181 Member
    That's fantastic ... I'm with u in sha'a ALLAH ... happy Ramadhan.
  • theseagull
    theseagull Posts: 181 Member
    And 114 is the number of Suras in the Holy Quraan.
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    Great to see you join :)

    I have heared from other members that they tried to start a topic like this but that it got shut down without any explanation.

    I hope it doesn't happen here too. - and if any one see's a reason to shut it down- please contact me with a private message before you do so.

    I'm not planning or wanting to start a " religious ' topic- no need for that- there are plenty web sites and other places for that on the internet- and this one is NOT one of them .

    Reason for starting a topic like this is simply because i'm trying to get members with a-like situations together- to communicate and support each other - to stay on track and motivated. Since we all have to go through the same process of fasting- it's easier if we stick together in one topic- which is open for communication for every one it's not a " closed " group.

    I really hope there is no need to shut a topic like this because i don't think that any rules are beeing disrespected with trying to get similar members/situations in one place.

    that beeing said..

    yes a bike is good too and won't get you too sweaty you can try it light without exhausting yourself and getting dehydrated..
    but it's going to be much easier to get to 114 with a bike than a treadmill .. i know i did 20-30 miles in one workout with a bike- but that was about 90-110 min workouts :))
    either way .. see what works ..
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Great to see you join :)

    I have heared from other members that they tried to start a topic like this but that it got shut down without any explanation.

    I hope it doesn't happen here too. - and if any one see's a reason to shut it down- please contact me with a private message before you do so.

    I'm not planning or wanting to start a " religious ' topic- no need for that- there are plenty web sites and other places for that on the internet- and this one is NOT one of them .

    Reason for starting a topic like this is simply because i'm trying to get members with a-like situations together- to communicate and support each other - to stay on track and motivated. Since we all have to go through the same process of fasting- it's easier if we stick together in one topic- which is open for communication for every one it's not a " closed " group.

    I really hope there is no need to shut a topic like this because i don't think that any rules are beeing disrespected with trying to get similar members/situations in one place.

    that beeing said..

    yes a bike is good too and won't get you too sweaty you can try it light without exhausting yourself and getting dehydrated..
    but it's going to be much easier to get to 114 with a bike than a treadmill .. i know i did 20-30 miles in one workout with a bike- but that was about 90-110 min workouts :))
    either way .. see what works ..


    As long as the thread does not discuss religion, it will not be removed. For myself, I would rather 'clean up' a thread than delete the entire thing.

    I appreciate how you have worded your thread, and the need for help thru fasting as it is diet related.

    Thanks so much for keeping the rules!!

    MFP Moderator
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    Great .:) that's really good news..

    i'm sure all of the members will follow them :)

    Let's please stick to the main factor of this topic - which is

    1. support while fasting
    2. exchanging food ideas /questions etc
    3. come up with ways of exercising without getting too much dehidrated
    4. a group goal for the month that we can focus on.. like the " 114 miles of walking etc "

    please - DO NOT

    include any religious talks. .. /topics.. etc there are other places and times for that - every website has its rules and we need to follow and respect them.
    Religious topics/info/ related things- can be exchanged through private messages/ e mails.. facebook connections etc.. just not here

    Thank you all for respecting the rules - let's try to keep this topic open for this month ...
  • fit_healthy
    fit_healthy Posts: 89 Member
    Hi there i would love to join, i will be fasting too.

    Walking sounds good, i dont have a bike or treadmill at home.
  • chrisc31
    chrisc31 Posts: 137 Member
    So cooking...I hate cooking and Ramadan always highlights that! Do you have any recipes that are fairly quick that you turn to in Ramadan? I always make red lentil soup as a starter for each evening's meal. My husband (who is from Syria and the pickiest person on earth I think!) thinks it's delicious! Here's the recipe and calorie count per serving:

    NAME OF RECIPE: Red Lentil Soup (Shourba Ads in Arabic) from Middle Eastern Home Cooking by Tess Mallos

    Red Lentils - Dried, 1.5 cup;
    Chicken broth, 6 cups;
    Small Yellow Onion, grated;
    Ground Cumin, 1 tsp;
    Salt to taste
    Pepper to taste
    Lemon juice, 1 tbsp

    DIRECTIONS: Rinse lentils well in a sieve under cold running water. Bring broth to a boil in a large soup pot. Add lentils and onion. Reduce heat to low, cover, and simmer until lentils are tender (about 30 mins). Do not stir during cooking. The lentils should have collapsed into a puree; for a finer texture, pass through a siever or puree in a blender.

    Add cumin and salt and pepper to taste. Stir in lemon juice and heat gently. Then serve!

    CALORIES PER SERVING: 129 calories

  • edinat
    edinat Posts: 159 Member
    i will be joining plan is to stay on track i know its hard and i am not saying i will stay on track 100% of the time but i am hoping 95% will work.

    Its so hard to stay on track when we go for dinners (iftars) at the mosque or friends house, but i am sure there will be always good choices....

    last year i was fasting while i was trying to keep going , i did the 30 day shread i think after i would come home from the prayers.... and i did it once or twice a week however, i dont remember if i lost anything or not....but i know i didnt gain anything...and i was very aware of my choices....

    so this year i have come up with a plan...

    i am planing to have a protein shake in the morning, along with some other healthy choices, a fruit, and also add some fiber....i think this will keep me going because right now i have this protein shake that keeps me full for a long time, and i think combining it with something else will be great and it will keep me full until 8pm...for dinner i am planing to involve protein again, fish, chicken, some kind of soup, and a salad , and i will be eating a lot of vegetables, and fruit in the evenings to kill the sugar rush....i will try my best not to eat any type of cake.,,,however, for Eid (celebration after Ramadan) i will reward myself and eat cake :))) that will be my reward for sticking to a regime of not eating sweets doing ramadan, idont know how i will handle it because i know it will be hard, but i will give it a try i know if i want to i can do it...

    exercising i plan to use my dvds that i have, also my bike i could do the challenge of 114 miles for Ramadan, i will think about it..........
  • missolesky
    missolesky Posts: 40
    I am in :) It's so nice to have support during this month!
  • salmanajmal
    salmanajmal Posts: 93 Member
    count me in too!
  • ehte_h
    ehte_h Posts: 297 Member
    Glad this thread lasted longer than mine! Count me in to
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    ehte-h.. like you have seen the response from a moderator - it will stay open if we stick to the rules :)

    edinat- you have a good plan and since you allready have done it one year before- .. you have some experience and you know you can do it - if only YOU are serious about it. Your food plan is similar to what i was thinking of doing.. ..
    it's hard - but we can make it easier by having a group support. this is a place where we can find people that DO understand us.
    why ?

    well - first they are fasting just like you and i.
    second- they are trying to stay on a plan and not sabotage themself or others. ( unlike our friends and family that we are surrounded with )..

    we can come here and brag each day we suceed and stick to our plan .. we can come here and ask for support when we are not so strong.. or for encouragment when we think we can't keep going , it's hard etc. When we read posts from other members that HAVE succeeded - than we get new energy and pick up ourself and start over. That is the main reason we have started this topic. To not feel allone during this month.

    Most members at my gym have frozen their accounts during this month , saying " oh .. during Ramadan.. i'm not c oming.. i don't want to workout .. i don't need to.. " almost like it's forbidden to keep moving .. if you are planning to stay in your home and recite your prayers 24 hours.. than i do understand that you don't want to stay at the gym for a 45-60 min period at least 3-4 times a week. If you are worried about the music in the gym.. put on some headsets and listen to a lecture or qur'an recitation while you are walking on a treadmill. There are ways to make it work .
    At my gym there are few stretch classes, yoga , pilates- these classes are not " high intensity " and don't make me sweat and thirsty like some high- cardio classes - so these are some options i have planned to stick to.

    Weight-training is another thing we can do while fasting. Of course everyone knows their capabilities.. and don't overdo it to put you at the risk of dehydration.. but i think i can to a few repetitions of some weight training at least 1-2 a week.

    At home during the day .. take 15-20 min. and do some core training on the floor. It's not cardio ..but it does tone and strengthen the core. You can get some ideas on you tube about " core " exercises.. i got tips from pilates classes they have some nice moves that are really " burning " and require some muscle work that we usually neglect during weight lifting etc.

    One friend told me she had last ramadan started a " walking group " for sisters.. after iftar- until isha prayer.. instead of sitting arround and talking .. they got together and would start walking - nearby the mosque found a street.. set a goal and did it every night. That's nice ... 30-45 min walk after the dinner.

    If you have a bike/treadmill- plan and see what you can do to get some cardio in - if you are a super early person you can do it before suhur ( breakfast meal ) .. you can do it after night prayer / isha .. it doesn't have to be much .. if we stick to 20-30 min 3---5 x a week we will be doing " something " and not completely stop working out.
    You know how hard it is to get back to it once you had a longer break ? You don't feel like it.. it's hard .. you start working out and it feels like your first training ever.. you want to puke you don't have the energy you used to have etc.. i hate that feeling and it happens to me even after a 10 days break.. don't want to think how bad it would be after a 30-35 day break ( counting eid days and some extra :) ..
    Use your workout dvds.. .. whatever.. " think outside the box " .:)

    Women- you know you have about " one week " off.. during the month- you can use that week to kick off the cardio - not an excuse to sit down and relax- when i asked my trainers at the gym " what to do during this month " they came right with .. oh well.. you have about " one week " where you can workout harder .. bc.. you are not fasting- right ? .. i was surprised they knew about it.. but i was glad they did.. because they basically told me " there's no way out of it .. we know you have o ptions :) .. i was hoping for them to tell me .. " oh.. take it easy, don't come you are fasting .. :) .. nope.. they started giving me all the options i have shared here with you ..

    this would be my suggestions for the workout part.. will follow up with some food ideas later..

    please join - throw in your opinions, ideas, if you have some experience in this - give us your feedback..

    Girls- if you come across any good recipes that we can use .. don't hesitate to post them here
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    Ok.. i just thought about the 114 mil. goal

    well if we do.. walk all 30 days ( and i really doubt that any of us will be that dedicated ) .. we'd have to walk 3.8 miles each day to achieve this goal.
    That is if you do it in a slow pace ( which you should considering you can't get out of breath and thirsty if you do it during the day while fasting ) .. it would be about 60-70 min walk . If you do it after dinner till prayer - you can do it in a faster tempo and finish it maybe a little sooner .. but to get 3.8 mil under an hour you really need to pick up some speed..

    That's a lot of walking.. :)
  • km2830
    km2830 Posts: 9 Member
    I am so happy to find others who are trying to be smart about their food choices during Ramadan! I was worried ad not sure if I could keep up a fitness plan through the fast but seeing the various posts gives me hope and confidence.

    InshaAllah we will have a healthy and satisfying Ramadan!

    Ramadam Mubarak.
  • chrisc31
    chrisc31 Posts: 137 Member
    Question for those with younger children: do you decorate your home at all for your children? My daughter just turned 4 years old and since she is much more aware of the things going on around her than Ramadans past, I decided to get some simple decorations this year to get her interested in Ramadan and Eid. We decorated tonight (window clings, a rice paper lantern that lights up, a Ramadan tracker, and some stars/crescent cutouts). I think it adds a nice touch and shows her that there is something different/special about the upcoming month. She keeps asking me, "Mom, is Ramadan coming? Does he have shoes?" LOL We'll keep working on it! :)
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    my kids are bigger now .. so i don't do it .. but when they were younger they used to make things like that .. you set your own traditions that she can associate with this month.
    Other than " decorating " when they were younger .. we gave them each ( i have 3 of them ) .. $ 30.00 in one dollar bills .. so they could on there own take one dollar each day to donate.. it felt special to them because they were responsible to remember it and decide where they wanted to donate.
    there are many ways to get the kids excited, like i said you can come up with your own traditions. You can buy them /print .. some coloring books with that topic .. get them involved in the food preparation /table setting- wake them up even though they are little- it will feel special to them and they will feel as part of it.. " pretend " they are fasting too.. even if only " till breakfast " :) .. that's how my have started.. they have fasted since they could talk.. even if only for few hours a day - and they have fasted complete days- all month since they have been in the first grade - ( now they are 13, 13 and 11 - ( yes i have twins ) .. and they are not missing any days of fasting .

    hope this answers your question a little .. .. ps / lets not go to far from the diet- conversations ..

    Today i have made some pasta.. i think it's good enough to be prepared for dinner ( iftar too ) - with some chicken on the side.. maybe ?

    Whole wheat pasta.. ( 4 oz ) ..cook sepeartely

    in a pan - sautee some garlic, fresh spinach, few mushrooms - one tomato..

    in food blender/processor - blend a can of garbanzo beans with about 1/2 cup of chicken broth

    mix the beans-paste with the pasta - than mix all of that with the veggies..
    sprinkle some feta cheese on top

    this was enough for 2 big plates .. it came to about 450-480 kcls.. and 25 gm of fiber.. my daughter was impressed with it.. esp. because the garbanzo beans blended- made it look and taste almost like you had some " creamy sause " ..

    i'm thinking this can be done with other kind of beans too, maybe cannelini/white beans etc..
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    other ideas..

    get some whole wheat " ole mexican wrap tortillas " from wal mart .. they are only about 70 kcls a piece and have a lot of fiber - so they are very low in carbs . - keep them on hand.

    get some ground turkey / ( or chicken breast ) ..

    get a lot of diff. veggies.. and herbs..chop them up in small pieces.. sautee onions and turkey- add all the veggies.. put some jalapeno peppers ( mild.... or hot if you like ) .. add tomato paste.. - you can add black beans, corn..bell peppers, zucchini , shreded carrots.. etc.

    all that put away in a covered dish in the fridge- can last you for few meals - for the entire family
    that mixture - i wrap up in the above tortillas.. - for my family i wrap them in the " uncooked tortillas " i get them from costo.. heat them up in a pan - they have much more kcls so i can't use those for myself.. after i heat them up .. put the mixture in,
    ( before the mixture- layer the wrap with few leafes of lettuce /rommaine leaves or fresh spinach
    depending on your kcls budget top with following :

    chop an avocado- mix it with light sour cream / or greek yogurt. .add some garlic to taste..
    put on the mixture - sprinkle some cheese if you like..
    add some sliced black olives

    fold the tortilla like a burrito - enjoy

    kcls depend on what you put in and how much of it.. but lik eyou see you can make it " healthy " for yourself and you can add more things for the rest of the family

    slow cooker is also good to get some nice /healthy meals without too much time spent in the kitchen

    i recommend browsing through weight watcher recipes - they really have good stuff that the whole family can enjoy

    I know that you all are looking for " traditional " foods for this month.. but traditional food has to be either avoided completely- or consumed with caution and limitations, or - we have to find healthier versions of preparing it..

    i recommend a book that i just recently got - " eat this now diet ! from rocco despirito .. why i like that book is - he has transformed the most famous foods/ the stuff that most people love- and found ways to make them much healthier and cut the kcls in a fraction from the original recipes..
    he was a cook on biggest looser for a while -

    if your family can't deal with any diff. food other than the traditional .. than it's coming down to you - " how bad do you want it " ?
    traditional food and the regular stuff we used to eat - brought us here where we are .. it's not helping us. If the family is eating it- maybe they can " afford " to eat what ever they want- we can't. Don't blame it on the family . You are not the only one that has to prepare a yummi dinner and not eat it. Think of this group.. come here and see what other members are doing.. ask for support , look for alternatives.. don't be to strickt- give yourself some room for the stuff you reaaaaly can't say no to.. but still have plenty healthy options on the side.

    this should be enough from me :)
  • ehte_h
    ehte_h Posts: 297 Member
    This thread is very inspirational :) Exercise wise, I had a chat with the gym instructor this morning, she said not to come in, in the daytime. She told me to go for a walk after iftar and do some light weight training once a week, this is just to remind the body that I need those muscles, and to send it the 'fat burning' signals.

    Food wise, plenty of fruits etc... In the UK the fasts are gonna be from around 4am -9pm, so i'm thinking of reversing the trend if I can somehow manage it. So in the morning I might for example eat grilled fish, veg, pasta etc.... and then have breakfast in the evening? (Cereal, toast & fruits etc...).

    What are your thoughts?
  • chrisc31
    chrisc31 Posts: 137 Member
    This thread is very inspirational :) Exercise wise, I had a chat with the gym instructor this morning, she said not to come in, in the daytime. She told me to go for a walk after iftar and do some light weight training once a week, this is just to remind the body that I need those muscles, and to send it the 'fat burning' signals.

    Food wise, plenty of fruits etc... In the UK the fasts are gonna be from around 4am -9pm, so i'm thinking of reversing the trend if I can somehow manage it. So in the morning I might for example eat grilled fish, veg, pasta etc.... and then have breakfast in the evening? (Cereal, toast & fruits etc...).

    What are your thoughts?

    Wow that's an early start! I wouldn't see why switching it up wouldn't work. It seems like it might even work better because you'd be giving your body lots of protein to last through the day. I know for me that I usually end up eating fairly light at Iftar so your light meals sound great!

    I remembered I had this recipe book called Secrets of Healthy Middle Eastern Cuisine by Sanaa Abourezk that I pulled out this morning. I plan on looking through it again tonight after work (it's been several years since I bought it) to see if she has any good and quick recipes that might be worth sharing. The book is billed as redoing middle eastern foods over from a nutritionist's point of view. It has calorie counts and other nutrition details for every recipe too so that should be helpful!

    Bosanka-this year I promised myself that I was going to use my crock pot! I still haven't figured out what exactly I want to make, but again...I've been looking through my cookbook collection! (As much as I dislike cooking I love cookbooks!)