for members fasting ramadan -start august 1 st



  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    well today isnt really going to plan i thought id try a fast day see how i get on and im suffering im shaking, feeling queasy, my head is throbbing and i have spots infront of my eyes like when i get migraine not a great start me thinks but i have managed 30mins wlaking around so far any ideas on a good healthy food for fast opening time somthing light tho not sur emy tummy can handle anything big at the minute its churning
  • AakifahSiebert
    Asalaamu alaikum and Ramadan mubarak everyone! :D:D:D:D

    Shosh...feel free to follow along all you want! :)

    I came across an article on Ramadan and staying healthy (food and exercise)...I hope I'm allowed to post it:
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    Best wishes for everyone fasting this year. I am not Muslim, but my husband is so usually during Ramadan, I don't eat during the day so that I can enjoy my meals with my husband- If I ate during the day, I'd wind up eating again with him anyway and who needs to eat TWICE the food? certainly not me! I do drink water during the day though so I'm not really fasting.

    An excellent website with some traditional but healthy recipes is The food is mostly lebanese and so delicious!

    also, one recipe I saw posted here already was for the red lentil soup. It's one of our favorites and we eat it year round. One thing I do so that it does not get boring is add different vegetables, It tastes especially good with some frozen chopped spinach stirred in once the lentils are broken down. I also add three times the onion, a few finely chopped carrots and a few cloves of chopped garlic. YUMEEE

    Insha'Allah we will all stay strong and focused on our goals... and avoid all the tasty sweets and pakoras and samosas that tempt us!
  • Moonlight17
    Moonlight17 Posts: 173 Member
    Salaam all!! I'm in as well :) Feel free to add me x
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    good to know i'm not bugging you with all my writing and " talking " - but like you said it- i want to keep the thread going and active and since i have started it i kind of feel like a " host " here so i feel responsible to keep it active :)

    Great to see new members join, i'm really happy that this topic has stayed active and starts become popular - and ramadan isn't even officialy starting yet.. but tomorrow at this time.. we all will be in our first fasting day ..

    sister- monkeysmum- i don't know what it is about ramadan.. but i know for sure.. during the month we get a different type of strength and different endurence, i think it's the blessings during the month .. so fasting outside of it is not the same like fasting during the month of ramdan. I'm sure it will be better ... don't worry .

    I had a " nightmare " .. this morning..i was dreaming i woke up 2 minutes before sunrise.. grrrr nobody got to eat i had to scream to wake up the kids to at least get some water down.. .. this is my fear i guess.. since i'm really a hard-sleeper. i meanyou need an army to wake me up .. i hate to get up late and have the whole family go without food all day just because i didn't get up on time .
    The more i think about it .. it looks more efficient to me if i switch the nights for the days.. so after terawih.. prayer, get home .. maybe exercise- than clean up, make food.. read qur'an /pray- wake the family - eat.. take kids to school get home and sleep for a few hours ? That way i will not be late in waking them up .. .. i will see maybe that will be a good plan ..

    My mother in law used to call me by the phone to make sure i'm up- but now she is in Europe..

    About the ticker- yes i think it's a good idea whatever you want to track, miles, minutes, kcls burned.. who knows what.. some of you maybe want the " days count down ' on their ticker .. anything that makes you go.. is ok .

    Ok.. of to some preps.. it's a busy day today :)
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    Ps. do any of you know if it is ok to have a copy of the qur'an in hands while working out on the bike or treadmill ? Is it disrespectfull to do it like that ? For me it's really hard to sit and read.. i get very easy back pain etc.. but may God forgive me and make me stronger.. after few pages i get sleepy - i know this is my weakness i need to work on.
    But i thought if i have it with me while i'mon treadmill or bike .. i can do two things at once ?

    if anyone knows .. please let me know.. i don't want to be disrespecting the book .. but i don 't have a clear evidence that this is not ok.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    Ps. do any of you know if it is ok to have a copy of the qur'an in hands while working out on the bike or treadmill ? Is it disrespectfull to do it like that ? For me it's really hard to sit and read.. i get very easy back pain etc.. but may God forgive me and make me stronger.. after few pages i get sleepy - i know this is my weakness i need to work on.
    But i thought if i have it with me while i'mon treadmill or bike .. i can do two things at once ?

    if anyone knows .. please let me know.. i don't want to be disrespecting the book .. but i don 't have a clear evidence that this is not ok.

    Perhaps reading it online or on a kindle might be an option if you're worried about somehow damaging or sweating on the pages? Or what about listening to it on headphones?
  • chrisc31
    chrisc31 Posts: 137 Member
    Asalaamu alaikum and Ramadan mubarak everyone! :D:D:D:D

    Shosh...feel free to follow along all you want! :)

    I came across an article on Ramadan and staying healthy (food and exercise)...I hope I'm allowed to post it:

    That was a very informative read! I'm definitely going to add a spoon of honey to my suhoor meal. :) I love honey!
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    Best wishes for everyone fasting this year. I am not Muslim, but my husband is so usually during Ramadan, I don't eat during the day so that I can enjoy my meals with my husband- If I ate during the day, I'd wind up eating again with him anyway and who needs to eat TWICE the food? certainly not me! I do drink water during the day though so I'm not really fasting.

    An excellent website with some traditional but healthy recipes is The food is mostly lebanese and so delicious!

    also, one recipe I saw posted here already was for the red lentil soup. It's one of our favorites and we eat it year round. One thing I do so that it does not get boring is add different vegetables, It tastes especially good with some frozen chopped spinach stirred in once the lentils are broken down. I also add three times the onion, a few finely chopped carrots and a few cloves of chopped garlic. YUMEEE

    Insha'Allah we will all stay strong and focused on our goals... and avoid all the tasty sweets and pakoras and samosas that tempt us!

    Yeaaa DEDEMED is a wonderful site & I tried a lot of recipes :)
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    Ps. do any of you know if it is ok to have a copy of the qur'an in hands while working out on the bike or treadmill ? Is it disrespectfull to do it like that ? For me it's really hard to sit and read.. i get very easy back pain etc.. but may God forgive me and make me stronger.. after few pages i get sleepy - i know this is my weakness i need to work on.
    But i thought if i have it with me while i'mon treadmill or bike .. i can do two things at once ?
    if anyone knows .. please let me know.. i don't want to be disrespecting the book .. but i don 't have a clear evidence that this is not ok.

    U can recite any ayaat tht u have learnt by heart or even recite the names Allah (Asma ul Husna)
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    Ramadan Kareem
    It is sahoor time at my place after 4 hours. Im thinking to weigh in tomm just b4 iftar so ill post my SW tomm..
  • Ramitta
    Ramitta Posts: 37 Member
    So happy to find this post, will be fasting Ramadan starting Tomorrow Inshallah and my plan is as follows:

    Chicken / fish / beef for protein
    Some brown basmati for fiber and cards
    Salad / cooked vegetable

    Do an excercise DVD between Iftar and Sallat AlTarawih

    Wholemeal bread
    boiled eggs / beans for protein

    Will let you know how that works

    Ramadan Kareem
  • AakifahSiebert
    Insh'Allah, all of our fasts and prayers will be accepted this month and may our fasts be made easy for us.

    Bosanka...I'm not sure; I've not been able to find anything that says it is or is not permissible. What about listening to it on headphones though? I find it hard to read and exercise at the same time, but I do listen to my ipod...either lectures or recitations or nasheeds.

    chrisc...alhamdulilah, I'm glad you found the link beneficial. :)

    Ramitta...welcome to the thread. Let us know how your plan works, insh'Allah.

    MissJ...I think that is wonderful that you at least forgo food while your husband is fasting; that is very considerate of you and I'm sure he enjoys breaking the fast with you. :)
    Asalaamu alaikum to everyone. :)
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    Hey This is a very Motivating Thread - I am definitely IN hehehe
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    here are some links / recipes ..
    ( on a quick look this one seams to be best organized and explained )

    please share your favorite recipes- and idealy if you have kcls info for it :)

    if you try anything from above links /recipes- and figure the kcls out - let us know

    JAZAKILLAH for the Links :)
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    Asalaamu alaikum and Ramadan mubarak everyone! :D:D:D:D

    Shosh...feel free to follow along all you want! :)

    I came across an article on Ramadan and staying healthy (food and exercise)...I hope I'm allowed to post it:

    Nice Article :)
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    salam my trial fast wasnt too bad well when i opened it took migraine meds which are now kicking in i feel alot better i have a few more days left on my TOM but i will keep fast with hubby even tho they arent counted and see how i go

    i made jacket potatos for iftar plenty salad sweetcorn, lettuce, radishes, onions, tomato, mushroom, celery and cheese usually id have peppers, cucumber and carrots as well but i ran out still shopping tomorrow and i plan on getting beetroot to ad dinto it

    sehri time im not a big fan of eating when i wake so im staying up until late and planning something simple like a sandwhich with quorn for proteins and maybe some fruit and nuts coupled with alot of water

    ramadan mubarak everyone and may Allah make our fasting easy in this long hot month
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    I am IN I am IN - Let me read the whole Thread And will get back to U :wink:


    Welcome :)

    Thanx Buddy :wink:
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    Sis Bosanka! we are really Happy you started this Thread cz Ramadhaan though is intake of Less food but Iftar is really a challenging one hehe Pakoras, Samosas mostly Fried items... This thread will remind us that we are bound to eat less & make healthy choices as we all have a Target of 114 Miles - Yuppeee:bigsmile:

    Lets GEAR UP:drinker:
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    Asalaamu alaikum and Ramadan mubarak everyone! :D:D:D:D

    Shosh...feel free to follow along all you want! :)

    I came across an article on Ramadan and staying healthy (food and exercise)...I hope I'm allowed to post it:

    Nice Article :)

    i just finished reading this article i have printed it out. Sister thank you so much for sharing this- it's the best article on this topic i have read so far ! Very informative and straight to the point with very specific instructions- love it.

    Now- after i have read this- it seams like my idea to go walk in the morning for 3.8 miles - looks like is not very smart of me :).. i would be losing al of muscle tissue and not fat. So that is not beneficial .
    It looks like the best way to do this is after iftar/ before terawih or after terawih- or if you can wake up before suhur. Not during the day.
    The ladies that have picked the option to do a 30 day shred workout- seams to have taken the better choice.. it's an intense workout- it's 20 minutes.. it combines cardio and weights.. so it's a very good pick.

    Maybe we should think about the " walking " challange ? it doesn't seam to be very beneficial- it's time consuming and not the best option .

    How can you get a hard intense workout 20 min session if you don't have a gym as an option ?

    Get the dvd- 30 day sherd ( order it from your local library they can put it on hold for you ) buy it from e bay or go to target and get it there it's about 10-12 $ and it's worth it .

    Jump rope- you can jump for 30 -45 seconds.. than go on the floor do some push ups .. back to the jumping- back to the floor do some crunches.. do some jumping- than lift some weights.. - back to jumping - do some squats.. etc. you don't need much space, or equipment- .
    Hula Hoop :) if you have it do that i think it's a good cardio option of course you can't do that for 30 minutes but why not implement it in your " jumping rope " workouts ? I like the hoola hoop workout on the Wii .. it's really breaking some sweat ! do that for few minutes its fun and burns good amount of kcls.
    Do you have some stairs in your house ? You can do a lot of diff. type of exercises on the stairs.. they are not just for going up and down.
    look at these : ( in the middle of this clip this guy is carring a rock as " weights " - uhm.. sisters - grab one of your kids and run up and down the stair , who says you don't have time - you stuck with the kids :))

    so maybe i need to re-think my goal of exercise.. not to the" amount " of miles i walk.. but how intense i work -
    i'm sorry for the inconvinience i may have caused to any of you- but i 'm still figuring this out myself .. like i have said in the beginnign the walking was " just an idea " but after reading this article i dont' think it was the smartest one ..