GingerBroad Member


  • I will say everyone is different based on how much you need to lose, your activity rate, what you eat ect. MFP is a great guide, but its not exactly customized to YOU. The best thing you can do for yourself if you really want to figure out what you need to eat for YOU, you should find out your RMR (resting metabolic rate).…
  • A lot of veggies! Also, if you are not too worried about carbs, most pastas have low calorie counts. I typically try to stay to do 200 for b-fast, between 3-400 for lunch, and then around 400 for dinner. That leaves room for snacks in order to not get hungry. Keep 100 cal packs around if you're not good at controlling…
  • Mine is on, but still not fit for public! Soccer just started up again and hopefully that will really work on the inches. Weight wise i am actually only 3 lbs from my goal, but I feel like it doesn't look like it, so this challenge is perfect!
  • Welcome! and congrats on your three marathons! that takes some serious commitment. I with you on the wine - its definitely a boo :( but it helps!
  • Love the idea for this group. I could use some good tips!
  • I am trying mine on this upcoming Wed - week three, I believe. I don't feel like there is too much of a difference, but hopefully next week i'll notice some.
  • Can i hang mine on my refrigerator?! hahaha. I am the same way though, i hand them on my bathroom rack where I get ready. Serious motivation. Honestly, i feel like my first week hasn't been great. I've had a hard time getting off my couch lately. BUT I am still super excited and plan to start doing some interval running…
  • [/quote] Ditto, did the doctor say less? Don't eat less like Gingerbroad says unless you are very petite i.e <5'3 or so. [/quote] I am 5'3. Its a good point about height though, heathersmilez. I weigh 128 currently and want to get between 120-125, which isn't even that small for my height, but its what works for my body…
  • Listen to your Dr. Eating 1200/day helps me maintain my weight, but it definitely does not help me lose weight. To lose i have to eat around 1000 per day with high protein, low carbs. I was doing the 1200 for a long time without any progress. When I dropped it to 1000 I started seeing the pounds come off every week to 2…
  • OK! Week 1 day 1 - I am pumped. My skirt is a size 4 and i normally am between a 6-8 and carry my weight and size in my lower half. So excited to see everyone's results, especially come week 3 and 4!
  • I am really excited too! I think this is the perfect challenge to get me back in shape - just in time for bikinis!
  • I love this challenge b/c the focus is so much on the workout :) I might switch it up a little and make it a "thermometer skirt." I am not really much of a jeans wearer in general but i have this white skirt I've wanted to get back into since college. I absolutely love it and can never wear it b/c it always seems "just"…
  • Welcome! Love that you don't own a scale - i think how you feel is the best way to gauge success. Feel free to add me!
  • There are a lot of Greek yogurts with high carbs, but Fage has only about 7-9 grams of carbs and is super high in protein!
  • Welcome! That is amazing post pregnancy weight loss!
  • Great tips! and very helpful reminders for this week. Can't say i was great over the weekend, but I figure 2 days can't set me back, it just can't really help me move forward. So back to my best behavior!
  • @kvreeken OMG I cannot image running in Michigan right now. You are one brave lady. I had to join a gym b/c I won't run when its 45 degrees outside :)
  • You will look fab! Its all about how you feel in the end. You are probably feeling intimidated b/c those women have had such recent dramatic changes. I am sure they look great, but they are probably thinking the same thing about how great you will look too. Just remember to work that room :)
  • Thanks everyone! I also weigh in the mornings and i actually do 2 days in a row. My weight fluctuates so much based on water that if i get 2 days in a row at the same number, I consider it lbs lost!
  • Thanks! I do typically weigh in the morning, but it feels like I am cheating b/c I haven't eaten or anything :).
  • I was just thinking the same things, i need some more friends on here! I'll friend you in a sec.
  • Beeps- you just got me to throw away my glass of wine I was going to have or dinner. No empty calories for me! Day 4 of the challenge and my food is going ok. I am on task but need to step it up on workouts. I jet joined a gym and am doing my first spin class tomorrow. Wish me luck!
  • Any sort of interval training is going to help you burn more calories. Plus, if you're running, its sort of makes the workout go by faster b/c you feel like you are really pushing in little increments. Its like, "well I can really push myself for three minutes. I can do anything for three minutes" sort of makes it easier…
  • I am a little behind in joining so today Was my day 1. iwanted to focusing my eating and I am starting a new gym trial tomorrow. I am super pumped about the gym b/c with my recent promotion I will have west coat hours (even though I live on the east coat) so I am looking forward to early 9am. I can't do 7 or…
  • Hi! I am within about 5-10lbs of what I like to weigh and need some holiday accountability! I was doing well before turkey day bit got all off schedule and am having a hard time getting back in the groove. What does the 2 wk challenge entail exactly???
  • I am in! I really need so e accountability. I was doing so well before thanksgiving then....put it back on.
  • I think it depends on your needs for working out. Crossfit can be great if you are motivated by others, like having some accountability, etc. Most Crossfit places have a beginners or essentials class. So if you are not in that good of shape, you can ramp up before joining the general class. I would say try it! They usually…
  • Three things: 1. you are supposed to be hungry around 3. its a great time for a snack, especially if you work out after work. You should be eating much smaller meals, so snacks are needed to get through to meal time and not be STARVING and face an entire pizza :) for dinner or skip the workout b/c you are too hungry. 2. if…
  • Have you been tracking your measurements? Sometimes you are still getting smaller even if you're not losing weight. Especially if you are increasing your exercise routine.
  • This is my kinda post! I always thought it was really hard to cook healthy too, its SO boring. Esp chicken! Which i find boring anyway. Have you ever checked out its my favorite for many reasons. 1. All the comments the other "cooks" leave, they really help you round out recipes you are trying for the first…