smileyk003 Member


  • Congratulations on finding the motivation and doing so much for yourself with it! Your fitness is certainly inspirational for those of us starting out back at square 1 - You look healthy and sound much happier. Keep up the good work, I look forward to hearing how you are going in another 6 months, no doubt you will be in…
  • Hi Guys, What an excellent group of Shredders!!! Im going to jump on in with you all. Today was my second day so I am a couple of days early but would love to jump in on all the group support. I have 3 events (Racing Carnival, Dance Recital and Black Tie Gala ball) All within the next 30 days. Whilst I won't be finished…
  • Im so stoked for your! That is such am amzing differance. Hearing how much better you feel is so motivating. Keep up the good work, but take the time to keep appreciating how far you have come. Kylie.
  • Hey choconuts! My hubby is a bit of a fitness guru and was always fit and toned but when I became more health conscious and diet savvy he has found that he has been sleeping better, had more energy at the gym, and just felt better all round as I am preparing healthier meals. Ontop of that, I socialise differantly and lucky…
  • Hi EMH, Its a great question, and whilst I haven't been on MFP long I have noticed it comem up alot - look through the posts at the top of the "General diet and weight loss help" category - There are some that refer to great links for newbies etc that have links regarding this very topic. I read through these after I…
  • Hi MStorm! I actually have my copy in the mail on its way, but if you are looking for some support and someone to chat to about 30DS - search 30DS/Jillian Michaels/30day shred in the community as I have noticed that there are regularly threads starting for people so that you can all check out your progress together. Best…
  • Hi Sue, I really recommend seeing a physio. I have ongoing injuries with my knees (And feet, and hips etc etc) And sometimes it is as simple as doing some regular prescribed exercises to clear things up :) Kylie.
  • Hi MV, Atleast you know your weakspot, now you are just stuck trying to work around it! I go through phases of being motivated enoguh to decline most things, to being unable to say no - when I find I am slipping into "Yes" mode to everything I mkae myself log it in my tracker while I am/right after I have eaten it - Seeing…
  • Welcome!!! The hardest part is the motivations!!! So while you have all that fresh motivation for a healthy kickstart just throw yourself headlong into MFP! If you stick at it for a month and see how you go you can re-evaluate what you still need ie: A meeting with a group to make you feel accountable, a meal plan because…
  • Congratulations!! As you collect these little victories along thwe way you will start to feel better and better and your mind will start noticing all the positive phycial changes... it just takes its time to drop the negative image!! Awesome work. Kylie
  • Hi, I am also an Ex-WW member who has started using MFP. I would suggest looking into everything that interests you with a clear mind. You will find mixed reviews on everything because everyone needs differant things from their weight/diet/health management tools. WW worked great for me, and I have not found myself…
  • Hi Judyann, This is from my personal experience only and has no scientific backing whatsoever: I really crave sweets alot of the time - I have found that the first 5-7 days that I cut excess sugar out (I still have sugar in my diet but take out chocolate bars, cakes, soft drinks etc) That I have alot of trouble, but after…
  • Hi! I struggled with this for a little while, but found some things that worked for me, I hope some of them help you: *I am pretty open with all my friends and family that I am trying to eat "Healthy" I find most people are pretty supportive and tend to make an effort to serve foods that they clearly put some thought into…
  • Hi, I have used a mix of both Stength and Cardio. I found it worked really well for me, and I seem to be getting more and more out of exercise the stronger I get. I have previously lost weight only using cardo - It worked to drop the weight but I found I wasn't overly happy with my body shape as I had pretty minimal tone -…
  • Hi, How frustrating - I completely sympathise with how annoying it is when it feels like we are doing everything right and getting nowhere :( I know you mentioned that eating more put the weight back on, but that is a normal reaction from your body when you first try it. I am not qualified in any way in this field but my…
  • There is a product called "Rescue remedy" which is herbal and available at most chemists here in Aus. I have had anxiety and panic attacks for many years and don't like to take prescription medicine so I use this to help me keep it under control. K
  • Absolutely inspiring, You look so amazingly fit and healthy. Congratulations and thank you so much for sharing it with everyone, It is so motivating! SmileyK
  • Hi, I was recently a member of WW Australia - There was no requirement to have a goal weight that is very differant to your current weight, it will however I believe only allow you to enter a weight which would put you in your "Healthy Weight Range" Based on BMI. Might be worth double checking before you sign up, but WW is…
  • I loved "Kite Runner" and "A Thousand Splendid Suns" By Khaled Hussein - Not exactly wamr fuzzy books but really good reads. I have heard that "The Help" By Kathryn Stockett is good but have no yet read myself "The Bronze Horseman" (Author forgotton sorry) is a gorgeous book, but quite a big read. Kylie.
  • Hello! I go through these phases where I just lack the motivation to do the right thing and really stick at it. At times like that I try to just force myself to do the right thing - I always stuff it up, but the good thing I have found it that I am motivated more than I am stuffing it up so overall I am still losing weight…
  • Hi Everyone.. Another Aussie here! Im a Melbourne-ite. Everyone is most welcome to add me, I love having peoples info pop up on my page, its so motivating when you see how well someone else is doing, and so nice to give some encouraging words to those who need them (and to give me some when I fall off the wagon!) I love…
  • When we are unwell our bodies are often expending a stack of energy to fight off whatever is makign us ill. The healthiest thing is to try eat whatever you can and if it is only a dry biscuit or piece of toast you will still get better faster. Hope you feel better soon, don't stress about the calories you are eating, just…
  • Hi Jannah, I am in a very similar boat.. I used WW online to lose the weight I was carrying in the lead up to my wedding earlier this year but went looking for some other resources and found MFP! Feel free to add me, I would love to have an extra friend to help motivate one another! And good luck with all the wedding…
  • Happy Birthday! What I fabulous idea!! I usually spend my birthday using it as an excuse to let myself off the hook with watchign what I eat so I am in awe of your excellent motivation!! Good Luck, feel free to friend me. Kylie.
  • Well done! I have a very similar experience everytime I walk into a bakery on the weekend to buy bread :S
  • I have a massive blow out everytime it rolls around! For about 4 days before hand I can eat EVERTYHING in sight that has excess sugar in it. I have tried differant combinations of things to curb it but found it just hits without fail. Now I have given up being obsessed by it, and have a little bit of whatever I feel like -…
  • Good Luck Scotty! Best of luck, you have done such an amazing job so far, looking forward to the post where you tell us what a fantastic birthday you had at your goal weight :) Kylie.
  • Hi Jen, I found that I was trying to lose wieght and exercising and thought I was eating well but just didn't have the understanding of the value of certain foods so I was constanly getting nowhere! Personally I joined a weightloss program that taught me the value of foods based on not just calories but fats/carbs/fibre…
  • Best of luck Miraalaj! I am relatively new too.. I have lost the weight I was trying to shed but am trying to learn how to maintain it now!! I hope you find the support and tools you need on here. Smileyk
    in new Comment by smileyk003 September 2011
  • I completed my first 5kms in May this year - This is the advice from my personal experience, hope its helpful: I found there was so many people and so much to look at (Not to mention an amazing atmosphere) that I was glad I didn't take my headphones - I wasn't bored like I normally am when I run on my own, I loved it! I…