My first post...

I have been using Myfitnesspal off and on for about a year or so and have logged in for 125 days in a row so far. I have had some positive strides, I have been overweight most of my life,from grade school until now. The heaviest I have been was 403 lbs, about 1 1/2 years ago.... I am now 343lbs,so I have lost some weight,but I have set a goal to be UNDER 300 lbs by my 40th Birthday....So, I have 90 days to lose 43 lbs.... I am quite focused and am trying to stay positive about my progress so far. I thought I would use this opportunity to post my first post in hopes that I could get a little positive reinforcement to keep me motivated the next 3 months!!!!

So, I'd like to say thanks to this site and all of the people who have had posted their success stories for motivation!!! I hope that in 90 days I will be writing my own success story!!!

Thanks in advance!!!
Scotty B


  • smileyk003
    smileyk003 Posts: 33 Member
    Good Luck Scotty!

    Best of luck, you have done such an amazing job so far, looking forward to the post where you tell us what a fantastic birthday you had at your goal weight :)

  • You've done amazing so far, and with determination you can keep on going! Keep it up!! :D
  • WOW Scotty...that is FANTASTIC !!! I have no doubt that you will reach that goal and I will definately be rooting for you !!! You must be so excited , I know I would be ! Can't wait for your birthday ..... GOOD LUCK !!
  • I'm under the gun too as I'm facing "the big 4-0", maybe we can inspire each other?
  • Rock on Scotty! You've already made great progress. Your goal is certainly achievable if you adhere closely to a good diet and exercise plan, which it sounds like you're doing.

    Whatever you do, don't discount the progress you're actively making. Sixty pounds in a year and a half is still sixty pounds - even if you kept just this pace, losing 120 pounds in three years is monumental - that's another human being's worth of weight. I think we sometimes become impatient, because there's such an imbalance between the daily challenges we face in diet and exercise to achieve the fitness that only comes with months and years of doing so. There's a disconnect there, and it takes a lot of mental strength to stay positive, motivated, and committed.

    You're completely on the right track. Keep on rockin' it!
  • Welcome Back!

    We're all here to provide assistance and support. Just let me know how I can be of personal assistance.

  • Sumijain
    Sumijain Posts: 309 Member
    You've made really significant progress, Scotty. Way to go!
  • Thank you for the kind words!! I am a pretty stubborn person when it comes to certain things and I am usually the last person to ask for help..... I always felt that I could deal with anything,and didn't need to bother other people with my issues. Well, I thought what the Hell what could it hurt?? So here I am. I think I am in the right frame of mind right now to get back on track and come as close to this goal as I can!! I know 43lbs is a LOT in 90 days, but I'll do my best!! If I fall short of the goal at least I know I gave it my all!!!

    I have a great job,a ton of friends, and all in all things are going pretty well!! I think that may be part of the problem!! I feel like I get complacent and fall into that RUT....So, I am going to change some stuff for me personally, I am going to quit drinking (alcohol) for the first 30 days to see if that helps me drop some pounds....I will be spending more time outdoors for exercise before winter gets here and I have to go back to the gym,and continue to drink plenty of water (usually a gallon a day)!!!

    I hope that I can keep my motivation this strong for the next 90 days and beyond!! I feel if I can accomplish this goal, I will have the motivation to continue even further!!!

    Thanks again,
    Scotty B