I REALLY Messed Up Today

I really messed up today and I feel angry that I didn't use my brain. I ate a Reuben at Applebee's mistakenly thinking that I was doing fine. I had had a Reuben before and was able to stay within my parameters, but my phone had a low battery and couldn't look up my lunch choices. When I found out that it was over 1000 calories and terribly high in carbs, I about had a heart attack!!!!!

Fortunately, I have a friend on MFP who gave me good support.

In the last week or so, I have been having felt lazy about making good choices, so today about sent me over the edge (not literally).

Is anyone else having this challenge?


  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Well it happens . . rest assured tomorrow is a new day!:flowerforyou:
  • OSUloulou
    OSUloulou Posts: 74 Member
    Forgive yourself and move on..... We all have days like that.
  • smileyk003
    smileyk003 Posts: 33 Member

    I go through these phases where I just lack the motivation to do the right thing and really stick at it. At times like that I try to just force myself to do the right thing - I always stuff it up, but the good thing I have found it that I am motivated more than I am stuffing it up so overall I am still losing weight and getting healthier.

    My tip would be to schedule in a couple of days food and exercise and just force yourself to stick to it, just keep telling youself its only a few days, then at the end of those days you'll hopefully feel proud of yourself for getting back on track and hopefully that will kick your motivation back into gear!!

    Good Luck.

  • Try to keep it in perspective. Even if you didn't burn a single calorie today and that entire sandwich was stored on your body it is still even less than a third of a pound (3500 calories). All is not lost. Dust yourself off and keep moving forward. :)
  • trini14
    trini14 Posts: 110 Member
    I use to get upset when I made a decision about something I ate, but I decided that you know what if I enjoyed it that's all that mattered. I just make a different decision next time. I count calories, yes but I don't let it dictate everything that I put in my mouth. Don't let it get you down, look at all that you've accomplished 28 lbs that's awesome!!!! Think about positive things and this too shall pass :)
  • KetoKris
    KetoKris Posts: 78 Member
    I find that if I look at the week as a whole rather then day to day, then I see a better picture of how I'm eatting. Don't beat yourself up over one day. Just get back on track
  • hazelnut861
    hazelnut861 Posts: 390 Member
    I think everybody does it occasionally. It's not part of your daily diet so it's not going to cause a huge set back in your weight loss plan. Do your exercise! You'll feel better :)
  • nmerley
    nmerley Posts: 98 Member
    we all have those days that is y we are all here. Learn from this mistake and keep it in your mind so u dont repeat it. Yes tomorrow is a new and a new chance to recover but if we make these mistakes over and over again we will all b back where we started. Keep your chin up and move forward!!!
  • Tomorrow is a new day. I'm sure I have dome that also. You know next time.
  • I really messed up today and I feel angry that I didn't use my brain. I ate a Reuben at Applebee's mistakenly thinking that I was doing fine. I had had a Reuben before and was able to stay within my parameters, but my phone had a low battery and couldn't look up my lunch choices. When I found out that it was over 1000 calories and terribly high in carbs, I about had a heart attack!!!!!

    Fortunately, I have a friend on MFP who gave me good support.

    In the last week or so, I have been having felt lazy about making good choices, so today about sent me over the edge (not literally).

    Is anyone else having this challenge?

    I dissagree, you didn't "mess up" Its one day at a time and there will be days that don't go as well as others. *shrug* You get to start over right now. And tomorrow when you open MFP you will have a clean slate, a new day :happy: You can do it!
    No worries :smile:

    **for the record, you picked an awesome sandwich to eat!! Maybe next time you are in doubt about the calories, just cut it in half and save the rest for later
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    Don't stress and exercise it off. Tip: If i am going to a resy]taurant I always look up what I'm going to eat before I get there. There's not a lot of nder 500 calorie choices. Or you can burn 1,500-2,000 calories before you go and eat what you want.
  • suemar74
    suemar74 Posts: 447 Member
    I've had an Applebee's Reuben. I'd say it was worth every calorie :)

    The good news is when you wake up, your calorie count will have already re-set and you will be ready to try again. Don't let food fill you with guilt. It was a meal. That's all. Don't give it more power over you than it needs to have.
  • Don't feel bad about the sandwich. Once a while I even order..shhh...real desert!! Today I ordered pistachio cake and ice cream I just don't make a habit of it ; maybe once every few weeks/or months
  • foxsr295
    foxsr295 Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you so much! I do know that today I did really well. :smile: I was so overwhelmed that I freaked out! I have lost 28 lbs. but the most important thing is that my blood sugar has really gone down and I am much more healthy. I appreciate all of the encouragement. We are all in this together and I love my MFP friends and acquaintances. Thank you again and again.

  • I messed up very badly yesterday. I just decided that sometimes, "KFC happens", and moved on. Every day is a chance to start fresh.
  • let today go. Tomorrow is a new day, pick yourself up and start again. EVERYONE messes up sometimes. And to be honest, I think we need to!!!!!!! Hang in there
    ANNAvsANNA Posts: 58 Member
    I use to get upset when I made a decision about something I ate, but I decided that you know what if I enjoyed it that's all that mattered. I just make a different decision next time. I count calories, yes but I don't let it dictate everything that I put in my mouth. Don't let it get you down, look at all that you've accomplished 28 lbs that's awesome!!!! Think about positive things and this too shall pass :)

    THIS. (^_^)b
  • webdiva1
    webdiva1 Posts: 326 Member
    I'm with others here. Forgive yourself for the slip-up ... it's not like you can change it now, right? Instead, learn from it. Next time you're tempted, remember how you feel right now. Might be just enough to make a different -- and better -- choice.

    Forward we go. :)
  • foxsr295
    foxsr295 Posts: 21 Member
    Don't stress and exercise it off. Tip: If i am going to a resy]taurant I always look up what I'm going to eat before I get there. There's not a lot of nder 500 calorie choices. Or you can burn 1,500-2,000 calories before you go and eat what you want.

    I usually decide what I will eat before I even walk into a restaurant, but with the workshop I was attending, the last minute decision to go to Applebees, and my phone battery dieing, I made a bad but delicious decision. I learned!
  • foxsr295
    foxsr295 Posts: 21 Member
    I use to get upset when I made a decision about something I ate, but I decided that you know what if I enjoyed it that's all that mattered. I just make a different decision next time. I count calories, yes but I don't let it dictate everything that I put in my mouth. Don't let it get you down, look at all that you've accomplished 28 lbs that's awesome!!!! Think about positive things and this too shall pass :)

    I definitely enjoyed it! 28 pounds will eventually be a memory. I need to lose so much more!