Weight Watchers Question

I currently weigh 156 which does put me me at the very top of my weight range. I am contemplating joining weight watchers to help get to my ULTIMATE goal 145. If I join WW I would want to set my goal at the higher end of my weight range. Is there a requirment that you can not be within like 5lbs of your goal weight?


  • smileyk003
    smileyk003 Posts: 33 Member

    I was recently a member of WW Australia - There was no requirement to have a goal weight that is very differant to your current weight, it will however I believe only allow you to enter a weight which would put you in your "Healthy Weight Range" Based on BMI.

    Might be worth double checking before you sign up, but WW is also aimed at people to maintain weight after it is lost so I do not see why it would be a problem.

    I also found that MFP and WW were quite complementary, Whilst they use differant systems (Calories -v- ProPoints based on various factors) They both are based on encouraging losing/mainting weight the healthy natural way.

    Sorry Im rambling!! Good Luck.

    Smiley K
  • hi, im doing ww in the UK, i only have 10lbs to lose and it works fine for me. im doing it to spur on my sister who recently had a baby and could do with a buddy but it also works for me....slowly!
    give it a go, i also use it alongside MFP as i like to see the calorie content of what im actually eating in the day.
    good luck
  • :grumble:
  • :grumble:
  • sorry about the multiple replys! MFP has gone crazy!!
  • brianward81
    brianward81 Posts: 217 Member
    Weight Watchers want your money, they'll let you join if you have nothing to lose.

    My wife has been doing Weight Watchers and it really works for her. I prefer MFP but she is always looking at what I am doing and vice versa.