Newbie inquiring whether to join a program or just do this o

Hello! I am new here and very excited to be here. I wanted to know if anyone recommends a particular program, such as Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig for support or if it is cheaper to obtain support through an online website such as this. I think I need some support and accountability to make this work this time, but I also would rather not waist money if this works just as well.


    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    I have had good results just doing this. I can't believe it is free. I would actually pay for all of this information. I have dieted for 40 years and to be honest, this is the first time ever that I actually know what I am doing. That's just my opinion about me.
  • I've been counting cals and moderately exercising for around three weeks, and I've already lost about 12-14 lbs. Log what you eat....everything you eat. If you don't log honestly, you are only hurting yourself. I eat 4-6 times a day, small amounts. I weigh and measure my food and log as I gomduring the day. Knowing where I stand with my calorie count helps me make appropriate choices to stay within my counts. Feel free to add me as a friend if you feel you need more support.
  • FreshStart89
    FreshStart89 Posts: 297 Member
    i joined last sunday and lost 5lbs already. i love this site and theres a huge support group. look at all the success stories!! in my PERSONAL opinion i think this will work fine for you if you stay within your calories and do your workouts :) you still get to eat what you want unlike jenny craig and weight watchers is essentially the same thing but your counting points instead of calories. if you dont have the mobile app already i suggest you get it. its super easy and convienient!
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    Try this for a while, it IS free, if you find it doesn't "work' then look into a program, but I've only been losing using MFP, the logging is convenient, most of the foods I eat are already here, and it allows me to enter recipes for the meals I eat regularly making a custom food possible....
    price can't be beat.
  • MarieNevada
    MarieNevada Posts: 395 Member
    ive done jenny craig and it's ridiculously expensive for not very good, processed food and the "support" you get from the "councillors" is useless. you get better information and more support here. Jenny Craig doesn't teach you how to eat properly without their prepackaged crap so how can you ever hope to maintain the weight loss once you stop eating their food? they say they will but they don't. cuase then they'd lose you and your money.

    Here you learn how to eat for a lifetime, how to judge proper portions, how to eat out, how to judge what you can and can't eat. you get great support and best of all it's free. people say that diets don't work. that's not true. any diet will work. it's what you do after that doesn't work. here, you learn what to do after.
  • Marig0ld
    Marig0ld Posts: 671 Member
    I used to do WW before MFP. I lost 20 pounds on WW back in February, but I've lost 22 pounds since joining here in July! I think it's because there's a lot more support and interaction here than at the WW meetings I was going to. Plus I like to know the actual calorie count of what I'm eating, as well as more precise figure for exercise calories burned. The WW Points just seemed kinda wacky to me.

    But I know a LOT of people who have had great success on WW and Jenny Craig. Try this for a while and see if you like it. Some folks like other programs for extra motivation and that's ok!!! I really think MFP is all you need, though. The people here are awesome :-)
  • Brooke1542
    Brooke1542 Posts: 115 Member
    I've done weight watchers online and have found this website to be more supportive and easier to use. After finding this site I dont think I'll ever go back to weight watchers.
  • kappyd
    kappyd Posts: 199 Member
    This has been working great for me, I joined in July and have lost 40 pounds so far. If you log everything you put in your mouth you really think about it before you eat it. I couldn't count the number of times I picked up a candy bar waiting to check out at the store and then read the calories and then put it back because I didn't want to put it on my log.
  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    I can assure you this site works! While I didn't have any weight to lose, I was looking for a site for my sister-in-law. She started logging everything she ate and did not miss a day. She walks maybe 3 times a week. She has lost 10lbs in the 55 or so days that we have been on the site.
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    My family introduced me to MFP and I instantly fewll in love. I have failed many diets because I flake out. I started June 28, 2011 and i have lost 35lbs to date. My hubby has lost 47. This is NOT a diet. This is creating awareness to prepare you for a lifelong road to success. Once you figure this out, there is no turning back. Choose MFP. We will hold you accountable and expect you to do the same for us.
  • Jean410
    Jean410 Posts: 104
    I've tried other programs and personally I don't feel they're worth the money. I would recommend spending your money on a gym membership or personal trainer. It is SO easy to track your food intake on this site. I wish I had found this a long time ago.
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    No matter what you do, whether you join a program or do it on your own, it's all about your own level of commitment to it. That being said, this site is really great. You can add friends, like you do on Facebook, and you can encourage each other. There are also the message boards. It's only going to help, though, if you use it. If you log your food everyday (and make your diary public), it gives you a level of accountability. But if you don't log in anything, that accountability is out the window. I use the mobile app and log EVERYTHING I put in my mouth. I log my exercise. I read posts on the message boards (you can't read them all, but you can read what interests you). I have friended several people that offer words of encouragement. If you don't do those things, it won't help. Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig are going to be similar, plus Jenny Craig is going to try to sell you their food. You can eat healthier on your own without the expense of buying their food. Lots of folks on here will give you tips and information.

    I guess it boils down to how committed you are to changing your lifestyle and how much accountability you want and how much you are willing to pay for it.
  • smileyk003
    smileyk003 Posts: 33 Member

    The hardest part is the motivations!!! So while you have all that fresh motivation for a healthy kickstart just throw yourself headlong into MFP!

    If you stick at it for a month and see how you go you can re-evaluate what you still need ie: A meeting with a group to make you feel accountable, a meal plan because you sturggle with balancing your meals etc etc. You might just find that you find everything you need right here and it will save you loads of money!!

    Feel free to add me as a friend, I am finding the messages from my online buddies a great incentive to do a workout I can post or avoid that extra piece of cake at a birthday because I want to be able to record a good day for everyone to see!

    Best of luck, would love to hear what you decide.

  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Welcome, this is a fantastic site, lots of great folks and lots of support. I would day try this for a bit and see what happens. We are learning how to eat properly and have changed our habits and lifestyle because of the information you get here. It won't happen overnight, but if you honestly log, and commit to change in time you'll see how your eating affects you and you begin to try new things that help you. Try to pick one thing a week to change and before you know it a whole lot has changed. Good luck If you need support feel free to friend us.