Hi everyone!

Today is day one using My Fitness Pal and i am excited about making a healthy start! I have been using Weight Watchers Online for a couple of months, and while i had success at the start, my motivation soon dropped, and i have been losing and regaining the same 2kg over and over for the last couple of months. I really feel that support is vital to weight loss success, and i was just not getting that as an online member of WW.

I am at uni full time, and also planning my wedding (i get married in 10 weeks!) so i blame the stress for my motivation collapse, but having an excuse still does not make up for the fact that i am letting myself down by not losing weight.

So, here i am today, hoping that MFP has just what i need (with the added bonus of being free!) and hoping that i can find supportive new online friends to share successes with.

Jannah :smile:


  • Welcome! You can add me if you like!!!
  • Linybean
    Linybean Posts: 25 Member
    Hi Jannah! I am practically new to this as well and would love to keep my momentum going. Feel free to add me as a friend and we can motivate and encourage each other!
  • Hello. I just started using myfitnesspal this week . I am looking for a group to join for extra motivation and support. Holla!
  • smileyk003
    smileyk003 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi Jannah,

    I am in a very similar boat.. I used WW online to lose the weight I was carrying in the lead up to my wedding earlier this year but went looking for some other resources and found MFP! Feel free to add me, I would love to have an extra friend to help motivate one another! And good luck with all the wedding plans, How exciting!

  • Today is Day one for me and I am very excited. I too was a past WW follower juggling 2 to 5 pounds up and down. This site is awesome. I did stay hungry most of the day. I am not used to counting calories. With WW you had "free" items, etc. So, I will adjust. Good luck to all!
  • Hi again! If this welcome is anything to go by, then i have def made the right choice! I have been checking out the website and it really does have sooo much! I love that you can customise settings etc.

    Thanks to those who have added me as a friend already, and i will def be adding you guys in here... once i figure out how! :tongue: