

  • If you're already obese, you're going to lose weight a lot faster than someone who is marginally overweight. Know that 3lbs a week now is fine, as long as you're doing it healthily. Just know that you won't always lose 3lbs as the weight loss will slow and you will gain muscle from all the exercise you have been doing.
  • I don't cheat on purpose. But sometimes I'll have a bad day and pig out on some chocolate. As long as I don't go more than 300 calories over my limit then I don't beat myself up over it. Or it can happen when I'm drinking with friends. But it's not even a weekly occurance so I don't feel to bad in the grand scheme of…
  • If you like pasta, cook a whole load of veggies into a tomato sauce and blend it. I use bell peppers, courgette, mushrooms and add a hell of a lot of spice. I throw beans or lentils into the sauce to add more protein and fibre.
  • I'm not quite sure yet. I find out in three weeks if I've gotten a place in any of my colleges for next year. I'm hoping to study Biotech :) There is a gym on campus with a fairly low price to pay in. They have an amazing swimming pool so I'm hoping to use that. I also plan on cycling there daily as it's a 45 minute walk…
  • BMR is what's needed to keep your body warm and your organs functioning. Walking to the front door, or even getting up out of bed is counted as excess energy and more calories burned on top of the thirteen hundredish you burn through out the day.
    in BMR Comment by PandaFlight July 2011
  • Same here :( I got soaked during my walk and had to cut it short. And I made this yummy dinner but it turned out to be way higher in calories then I expected. I really want something sweet and we've no strawberries in the house either D:
  • Fizzy drinks/soda are the only things I can think of. Maybe non-natural trans fats and high fructose corn syrup. Soda is the worst. It has no nutritional value and people (literally) just throw it down their gullet and that's that. No savouring the taste or the texture, just goes straight in and onto your…
  • I have days where I fill up on fruit/veg and I'm stuffed but couldn't find the room to eat anything else.
  • I can't stand them. They taste like cardboard! I'd much rather eat a small amount of something I enjoy than a boring old rice cake.
  • I wouldn't mention calories in front of kids. I'd say stuff like "No, I've had enough to fill me today". If you are talking about diets, phrase it more in terms of healthy eating. If she needs to know, let her know that mommy wants to be healthy and so will eat lots of vegetables and wholegrains.
  • But how? I can't think of a vegetable I eat without the use of my hands or using a knife to chop it up. Take mangetout. It's too big to eat as one piece spearing it with a fork, biting half it off and eating it and then eating the other half is really rude in my book. That would just be bad mannered.
    in Forking Comment by PandaFlight July 2011
  • I can see pros and cons to both of them. Not having a set time means that you can just eat when you get hungry, which can be good or bad. Some people can eat way too much whereas others will find it suits them better. Eating at a set time means that your feel it's time to eat when you don't really need to. When I was in…
  • Surely the Portugese police would have taken DNA samples at the time of her disappearance. Was there something to do with her toy cat, the one her mum used to always hold during press conferences? I've always assumed she's dead. There aren't many missing children who were found alive after such a long period of time.
  • I just made it for lunch, it's quite nice. I replaced the eggs, didn't add sweetner and added a few raisins. I think it needs the sweetner, I had to have it with jam as I needed something to help hide the taste of flax. But it's a much better recipe for GF bread than I've ever seen before.
  • I just took a glance at your diary. Are you sure you're only eating 30g of Rice Crispies? I'm just saying it becuase I know how easy it is to go way over that amount when pouring. I have to put my bowl on the weighing scales and pour into it just to make sure I'm eating a certain amount.
    in :( Comment by PandaFlight July 2011
  • I've my left ear done three times, my right only once. I used to have my helix done but it started scarring so I took it out and it healed wonderfully. I've never gotten it redone. I used to have my eyebrow but I changed schools and was forced to take it out. I really want to get a scaffold/industrial piercing. Maybe when…
  • As far as I know, carbohydrates are broken down first to provide energy. Sugar (glucose) is the first to be used as energy, starch would be used later but is used before protein to provide energy. I don't know enough about going over carbohydrate limits though. I think they're meant to provide 50% of your daily energy…
  • I don't know. I know I've gone under it before (but not while eating three proper meals a day) and managed. I've heard 1000 as the cut off point before I came here. But that was told to someone who wouldn't admit that they were anorexic so maybe that wasn't the most accurate either.
  • Whenever I'm hungry to be honest. Some times it's 5pm, other times it's at 8. But when I'm in school, dinner goes on the minute I walk in the door as I'm so hungry.
  • Can I ask how replacing the egg turned out? I might make it tomorrow if I know it goes well.
  • I'm not familiar with Medifast but that's very low for an adult. Her hunger levels depend on what she's eating, not whether or not she's getting the right balance of nutrients. A nutrient deficiency will just screw with her weight loss and hinder her in the long term.
  • Colour? She's so much more tanned than I am. I'm almost envious of her colouring. I think it's the lighting that makes her look a little washed out. I wouldn't say her jaws are sunken. Defined, maybe, but not sunken. OP- I'm a lover of a can of beans (no salt or sugar added), some tomato and a handful of various spices on…