Hiding veggies

I am on a huge smoothie kick lately and I am looking for good recipes that hide veggies in them. My hubby will just do a straight brocolli, carrot, tomato smoothie and that is just not gonna work for me.

I am not really big on veggies to begin with so I thought this might be a good way to sneak them in. Any ideas?


  • cupcakecarnivore
    Definitely try a green monster smoothie. My husband thought it looked at me like I was crazy when making it, but though it tasted great!

    1/2 cup soy milk
    1/2 cup vanilla greek yogurt
    1 banana
    handul of spinach
    some ice

    ---blend it all and enjoy;)
  • PandaFlight
    If you like pasta, cook a whole load of veggies into a tomato sauce and blend it. I use bell peppers, courgette, mushrooms and add a hell of a lot of spice. I throw beans or lentils into the sauce to add more protein and fibre.